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3.1 Site Location, Limits and Description

The project site, comprising an extent of 152 068 m2 of land under sugarcane
cultivation, is located at L’Avenir in the district of Moka in the central part of the Mauritius
as shown Figure 3-1.

The location plan of the project is given in in Appendix 3. The site is located in
agricultural field under sugarcane cultivation.

Site Location Site Limits

Figure 3-1 Site Location

The geographic coordinates (UTM 40S Reference) of the site limits are as given in
Table 3-1.

Table3-1 Geographical Coordinates of Site Limits

Location Easting (mE) Northing (mN)

M 558616.71 7764522.46
N 558460.48 7764281.08
O 558567.00 7764195.16
R 558565.52 7763936.19
S 558966.47 7764383.66
T 558912.08 7764452.87
U 558782.03 7764434.88

The site is generally bounded as follows:

• Towards the North by Feeder Baptiste

• Towards the West by an existing poultry and agricultural lands
• Towards the South by Feeder Charlot
• Towards East by Terre Rouge-Verdun -Trianon Link Road, M3 Motorway.

EIA L’Avenir 2 3-1 November 2023

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Commercial Development M251/6.2
Figure 3-2, overleaf provides an overview of the existing situation as per a walk over

3.1.1 Site Accessibility

The project site is accessed from Ripailles – Nicolière Road (B49) as shown in the
detailed location plan in Appendix 3.

In the near future, the site will also be accessible from l’Avenir Roundabout on M3.

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Commercial Development M251/6.2
Figure 3-2 Visual Description of Site

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3.1.2 Site Environs and Context

As a general guideline, a 1km radius from the site limits was taken into consideration
for this study.

The context map showing key features and landmarks at the project site as well as
within a 1km radius from site boundary, signed by the sworn land surveyor, is enclosed
in Appendix 4.

Existing settlements and other developments located to the east of Motorway M3 are
also shown on the context map.

These include key features such as:

• Existing watercourses
• Existing road network
• Residential morcellements and other settlements
• Social and public facilities such as schools, hospital, banks and post offices
• Traffic centre and market place
• Worship places.

The distances of water bodies and other features from the site boundary is provided in
Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Distance of Selected Features from Site Boundary

Distance Distance
Feature from Site Feature from Site
Boundary (m) Boundary (m)
Rivulet Cresson 1135 Water Treatment Plant 1600
Feeder Beau-Bois 589 Pumping Station 1660
River Moka 310 L’Avenir Sports Complex 380
Unnamed Watercourse 260 Council of L’Avenir Sub Hall 1000
Feeder l’Avenir On site Mohunlall Mohit Govt School 975
Feeder Baptiste On site Football Playground 1000
Feeder Charlot On site Poultry Farm 30
Feeder Maya 735 Poultry Farm 875
Feeder Laterre 1480 Grotto 1000
River Chaillet 460 L’Avenir Arya Mandir 925
Rivulet Ripailles 1500 Himayate Islam Masjid 830
Feeder Jacquot 700 Beau Bois Masjid 800
Beau Bois Spring Reservoir 800 Beau Bois Mariamen Kovil 795
Borehole B1 – Drinking Water 800 Circonstance Cemetry 1800
Borehole B2 – Drinking Water 540 Motorway M3 20

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Commercial Development M251/6.2
3.1.3 Existing Water Courses

As per the 1:25,000 maps, the following water courses was noted to be located withing
the site boundaries:

• an affluent to Feeder Charlot

• Feeder Avenir
• Feeder Baptiste
• Feeder Charlor

Feeder Baptiste and Feeder Charlot are located at the north-eastern and south wester
boundaries while Feeder Avenir and an affluent to Feeder Charlot cross the site as
shown in the context map given in Appendix 4.

These watercourses which are sensitive receptors, has been maintained and preserved
within the context of this development.

3.1.4 Existing Settlement

As per the Moka Development Management Map (Outline Planning Scheme, Moka-
Flacq, 2016), the project site was noted to be located at the edge of settlement
boundaries of existing localities. The existing settlements in the site environs and
respective settlement boundaries are shown in Error! Reference source not found..

The context map in Appendix 4 also shows the settlements within a 1km radius from
the site. These comprise mainly:

• Beau Bois village

• La Laura Malenga village
• Existing L’Avenir Village
• Morcellement Mount View.

Three boreholes have been noted within the 1km radius from the site, two for potable
water and one for agriculture. An existing poultry is located within the site limits to the

3.1.5 Social Facilities

Several social buildings and facilities have been identified within the neighbouring
settlements to the project site. These are detailed in the Context Map in Appendix 4.
These facilities include the government school, temples, mosque, church, village hall.

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Commercial Development M251/6.2

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