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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Implementation of Baugh wooley multipliers by xilinx

ALIGNED WITH SDG NO: 9–Innovation and Infrastructure

The Baugh-Wooley algorithm is a well-known technique for
multiplying two binary numbers that can produce the result with
fewer partial products than other multiplication algorithms. Our
implementation takes advantage of this property by using a series
of adders to compute the final product.The design uses the addes
full adders,half adders, Ripple carry adder, Carry select
adder,Carry lookhead adder to perform the necessary binary
additions. The inputs to the multiplier are split into two parts, and
each part is processed independently using the Baugh-Wooley
algorithm. The resulting partial products are then combined using
the adders to produce the final product.We present simulation
results showing the efficiency of our implementation. We also
compare our implementation to other multiplication algorithms
and show that it performs well in terms of area, delay, and power
consumption. The proposed implementation is particularly useful
for applications that require fast and efficient multiplication, such
as digital signal processing, cryptography, and error-correcting
codes.The design has been implemented by Xilinx 14.7 software.


TEAMLEAD: Janarthanarajan S 412521106075

TEAMMEMBER2: Karthikeyan M 412521106088
TEAMMEMBER3: Bhuvanesh T 412521106301

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