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Reflection on the School and Community Linkages

How will I develop my interpersonal skills so that I continue dealing

with and getting support from the PTA?
As one of the teacher who was absorbed in the field of teaching amidst
this pandemic, I find this TIP very timely, informative and essential to us
especially that we are now in the transition period from Distance learning to
the face to face learning in this new normal, it’s really helpful and we’re so
grateful for this opportunity.
The PTA organization is an internal stakeholder that plays a vital role
in the learning of the students. They are our immediate partners, always on
tap when we needed them that affects or impact the effective learning of the
learners. And in order to get their continued support, maintain a
harmonious relationship with them by manifesting and doing proper
communication skills. Interact, communicate and collaborate with them
showing the attitude of empathy, respect and be emotional intelligent, we
should consider their opinion, we should listen actively, recognize their
supports by presenting the outcomes like for example projects and
sometimes we may also build team building by conducting varied activities
for a Family Day involving parents and students. In here, they will feel their
importance as a major partner of the school in the success of their children
and appreciate their value as parents.
With all the challenges brought about by the pandemic, there are
these initiatives such this program wherein we can learn, gain and be
updated with the essential knowledge, process and procedures, techniques
and others in order to deliver the best education to our learners when we go
back to our respective station.

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