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When you do feel lhe sensation. be present wilh it.

Let lhe brealh be-

come natural. Stay focused in lhe crown chakra. but let lhe awareness be
completely open and free.
Exhale, directlng lhe prana upwards through lhe chakra.
Do this practlce any lime you wish, but particularly when feeling down.
depressed, or dull; when feeling that you don't have the strength lo handle
lhe tasks you need to do; when lacking clarity or wakefulness; and when
distracted or confused.

106 Healing with fürm. Energy and Light

Llfe-force prana
The life-force prana Is centered ln lhe heart chakra. Feel your heart beat.
pul your hand on your chest if needed. Take a deep breath, relax. Then
lnhale. Imagine that, wilh lhe lnhalalion, lighl and positive energy stream
toward your heart from ali dlreclions. enlerlng lhe heart chakra and re-vltal-
izing lhe life-force prana. While remalning relaxed, hold lhe brealh and
concentrate it in lhe heart chakra to cultivate lhe energy there. Use lhe sen-
sations of lhe expanded chest, lhe stretched skin and muscles, to brlng your
focus into lhe chest. Exhale slowly and gently, and relax completely. Re--
peat, keeping lhe focus on the heart chakra ln lhe central channel. When
flnlshed, rest ln the experlence as long as lt remalns fresh.
Do thls practlce ln silualions similar to lhose menlioned for the upward-
movlng prana as well as lhose that seem to be dralnlng your life-energy and
vltallty or causlng frustratlon or unhapplness. The exerclse supports cen-
tered awareness.

Fltt-llke prana
The flre-like prana is concentrated in lhe navel chakra. The melaphor used
ln lhls practlce is that lhe belly is an ocean, lhe splne Is the rock on lhe
shore. The ocean needs to flow up and around lhe rocks and lhen back.
lnhale, hold the brealh whlle pulllng the belly back agalnsl the splne, and
lhen smoothly release wllh lhe exhalatlon. Rest ln pure awareness. Repeat.
Thls practice is good to do when you are feellng scattered. Pay attention
to lhe sensation of lncreased heat ln the navel area. Use lmagination to
circulate lhe flre prana throughout lhe body.

Pervasive prana
The pervaslve prana pervades lhe body.
Lie down or sil ln medilatlon posture. Contract your body lnto the small-
est posslble space whlle exhaling. Make your body as small as posslble and
tense ali your muscles. Then, whlle lnhallng, slowly open lhe flngers, lhe
arms, lhe legs, lhe torso. Stretch oul and relax, taklng up as much space as
possible. As you stretch. feel lhe movement of lhe pervasive prana from lhe
center of lhe body out to ali parts, to lhe lips of lhe flngers and toes. Exhale
and relax in pure presence, feeling lhe prana pervade your enlire body and
lhe space around you.
li is very satlsfylng to do this practlce ln lhe moming upon awakening,
but you can do li whenever you wish.

Three: The Five Elements ln Tantra 107

Downward-movlng prana
ln lhis practice th lhe genitais. Con-

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