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1573 Selby Avenue, Suite 234

St. Paul, MN 55104

(651) 647-9009 • Fax (651) 647-9131 •


What is hepatitis B? • were adopted from Asia, Africa, the Hepatitis B virus IS NOT spread by
Hepatitis B is a serious public health Amazon River Basin in South America, • casual contact, like holding hands
problem that affects people of all ages in the Pacific Islands, Eastern Europe, or
the Middle East • eating food prepared by an infected
the U.S. and around the world. In 2006,
an estimated 46,000 people contracted • have hemophilia
hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in the • kissing or hugging
• are a patient or worker in an institution
U.S. Hepatitis B is caused by a highly for developmentally challenged people • sharing silverware, plates, or cups
infectious virus that attacks the liver and • visiting an infected person’s home
can lead to severe illness, liver damage, • are an inmate of a correctional facility
• travel internationally to areas with mod- • sneezing or coughing
and in some cases, death.
erate or high rates of HBV infection • breastfeeding
The best way to be protected from hepa-
titis B is to be vaccinated with hepatitis B
vaccine, a vaccine used in the U.S. for How is HBV spread? What are the symptoms of
more than two decades and proved safe HBV is found in the blood of people hepatitis B?
and effective. infected with the virus and certain of their Most babies and young children who get
body fluids, such as serum, semen, and HBV infection don’t look or feel sick at
vaginal secretions. HBV is not found in all. About half of adults who get infected
Who is at risk for HBV
sweat, tears, urine, or respiratory secre- don’t have any symptoms or signs of the
tions. Contact with microscopic amounts disease. If people do have signs or symp-
About 5% of people in the U.S. will get
of infected blood can cause infection. toms, they might experience any or all of
infected with HBV sometime during their
lives if they are not vaccinated. You might the following:
Hepatitis B virus can be spread by
be infected with HBV and not even know • loss of appetite
• unprotected sex
it. If you engage in certain activities, your • nausea, vomiting
risk might be much higher. You might be • injection drug use
• fever
at risk if you • an HBV-infected mother to her child
during birth • weakness, fatigue, inability to work for
• have a job that exposes you to human weeks or months
blood • contact with blood or open sores of an
HBV-infected person • abdominal pain
• share a household with someone who
has chronic (lifelong) HBV infection • human bites from an HBV-infected • yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice)
• inject drugs person • joint pain
• have sex with a person infected with • sharing a household with a person with • cola-colored urine
HBV chronic (lifelong) HBV infection • clay-colored stools
• are sexually active but not in a long- • sharing items such as razors, tooth-
term, mutually monogamous relation- brushes, or washcloths I’m not in a risk group. How did
ship • pre-chewing food for babies or sharing I get HBV infection?
• are a man who has sex with men chewing gum Many people don’t know when or how
• using unsterilized needles in ear- or they got the infection. When they get the
• received a blood transfusion before
body-piercing, tattooing, or acupuncture results of a blood test indicating they’ve
1975, when excellent blood testing
• using the same immunization needle on been infected with HBV, they are taken
became available
more than one person by surprise. Studies have demonstrated
• are a person who was born, or who that about 15% of people who acquire
has a parent born, in Asia, Africa, the hepatitis B are unable to identify a risk
Amazon River Basin in South America, factor that explains why they have the
the Pacific Islands, Eastern Europe, or disease.
the Middle East
(continued on next page )

Technical content reviewed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Aug. 2007. • Item #P4090 (8/07)

Do people usually recover from Interpretation of the hepatitis B is important that you understand the full
HBV infection? blood test results meaning of your test results. If you are
About 95% of adults recover after several not sure how to interpret these
months. They clear the infection from

Tests Results Interpretation Vaccination
test results, call your blood
their bodies and become immune. This bank for an explanation or
HBsAg negative Yes, for all
means they won’t get infected with HBV susceptible
have the blood bank send the
anti‑HBc negative people who
again. They are no longer contagious and anti‑HBs negative want protection
test results to your healthcare
cannot pass HBV to others. provider. You may need to
HBsAg negative immune provide written permission for
Unfortunately, about 5% of adults and anti‑HBc negative due to no
the blood bank to release these
up to 90% of children under age 5 years anti‑HBs positive with vaccination
>10mIU/mL* results to your healthcare pro-
are unable to clear the infection from
vider. Your healthcare provider
their bodies and develop chronic HBV HBsAg negative immune due may want to repeat the blood
infection. anti‑HBc positive to natural no
tests or perform additional tests
anti‑HBs positive infection
such as an “anti-HBs.” Bring
How do I know if I have or have this information sheet along
HBsAg positive
had HBV infection? anti‑HBc positive newly no with you on your visit to your
The only way to know if you are current- IgM anti‑HBc positive infected healthcare provider. The blood
ly infected with HBV, have recovered, are anti‑HBs negative
bank does not usually test for
chronically infected, or could become in- HBsAg positive anti-HBs or IgM anti-HBc.
fected, is by having blood tests. The three anti‑HBc positive chronically
standard blood tests are the following: IgM anti‑HBc negative (may need And remember, you cannot
infected treatment)
anti‑HBs negative get HBV from donating blood
HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen): because the equipment used
when this is “positive” or “reactive,” it HBsAg negative four during blood donation is sterile.
means the person is currently infected anti‑HBc positive interpretations possibly†
anti‑HBs negative possible†
with HBV and is able to pass the infec-
tion on to others. *Postvaccination blood testing, when it is CHRONIC HEPATITIS B
Anti-HBs [sometimes written as recommended, should be done 1–2 months
after the final vaccine dose.
HBs-Ab] (antibody to hepatitis B sur-
face antigen): when this is “positive” or †1. May be recovering from acute HBV
“reactive,” it means the person is immune infection.
What does it mean to be
to HBV infection, either from vaccination 2. May be distantly immune, and the test chronically infected with HBV?
or from past infection. (This test is not is not sensitive enough to detect a very People who do not recover from HBV
done routinely by most blood banks on low level of anti‑HBs in serum. infection are chronically infected, usually
3. May be susceptible with a “false posi- for life. There are over one million chron-
donated blood.)
tive” anti‑HBc. ically infected people in the U.S. today.
Anti-HBc [sometimes written as 4. May be chronically infected and have A chronically infected person is someone
HBc-Ab] (antibody to hepatitis B core an undetectable level of HBsAg present
who has had HBV in her/his blood for
antigen): when this is “positive” or “re- in the serum.
more than 6 months. While approxi-
active,” it might mean the person has had mately 5% of adults who acquire HBV
contact with HBV. This is a very compli- infection become chronically infected,
cated test to explain because the “anti- What does it mean if my blood children younger than age 5 years have
HBc” can possibly be a “false-positive” bank said I tested positive for a greater risk (up to 90%). The younger
test result. Blood banks routinely run an hepatitis B and can no longer the child is at the time of infection, the
“anti-HBc” on donated blood. The inter- donate blood? greater the risk that the child will develop
pretation of this test result, if it is posi- If the blood bank told you your test was chronic infection. Many babies born to
tive, depends on the results of the other “positive,” it is important to find out chronically infected mothers will also
two blood tests previously described. which test was positive. If the “HBsAg” become chronically infected with HBV
A fourth blood test that is sometimes was positive, this means that you are unless the babies are given two shots in
done is IgM anti-HBc (IgM class anti- either chronically infected with HBV the hospital immediately after birth—the
body to hepatitis B core antigen). When or were recently infected. If only the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine and a
this is positive or “reactive,” it means that “anti-HBc” was positive, it is most likely dose of hepatitis B immune globulin
the person has had HBV infection in the that you either had a “false-positive” test [HBIG])—and at least two doses of hepa-
past six months, indicating acute (recent- or are immune to HBV infection (had titis B vaccine during the 6 months after
ly acquired) HBV infection. HBV infection sometime in the past). It
(continued on next page )

Questions Frequently Asked About Hepatitis B Page 

birth to protect them from the infection. • Don’t eat raw oysters. They may carry • Tell household members to see their
The final dose should not be given before the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus, which can healthcare providers for testing and
24 weeks of age. cause serious blood infections in people vaccination for hepatitis B.
A chronically infected person might with liver disease. Approximately 50% • Tell your healthcare providers that you
have no signs or symptoms of HBV of people with this blood infection die are chronically infected with HBV.
infection but usually remains infected from it.
• See your healthcare provider every
for years or for a lifetime and is capable 6–12 months to check the health of
of passing HBV on to others. Some- What can I do to protect others your liver with blood tests and liver
times chronically infected people will from HBV infection? scanning.
spontaneously clear the infection from People with HBV infection might feel • If you are pregnant, tell your healthcare
their bodies, but most will not. Although healthy but are still capable of passing the provider that you have HBV infection.
most chronically infected people have infection on to other people. To protect It is critical that your baby is started on
no serious problems with hepatitis B and others from getting HBV infection, it is the hepatitis B shots (both vaccine and
lead normal, healthy lives, some develop important to protect them from contact HBIG) within 12 hours of birth.
liver problems later. Chronically infected with your infected blood and other infec-
people are at significantly higher risk tious body fluids, including semen and DON’T:
than the general population for liver fail- vaginal secretions. Sweat, tears, urine, • Don’t share chewing gum, toothbrush-
ure or liver cancer. and respiratory secretions do not contain es, razors, washcloths, needles for ear
HBV. Transmission of HBV by saliva has or body piercing, or anything that might
How can I take care of myself only been documented through biting. have come in contact with your blood
if I am chronically infected or infectious body fluids
with HBV? Important DOs and DON’Ts • Don’t pre-chew food for babies.
A person with HBV infection should for people with chronic HBV
see a physician knowledgeable about the • Don’t share syringes and needles.
management of liver disease every 6–12 • Don’t donate blood, plasma, body
months. The physician will do blood tests
DO: organs, tissue, or sperm.
to check the health of the liver, as well as • Cover all cuts and open sores with a • Don’t take any medicines not pre-
test for evidence of liver cancer. It is best bandage. scribed by your doctor, even over-the-
for chronically infected people to avoid • Discard used items such as bandaids counter medicines.
alcohol because alcohol can injure the and menstrual pads carefully so no one
liver. Additionally, your physician should is accidentally exposed to your blood. What are the long-term effects
know about all the medicines you are tak- • Wash your hands well after touching of HBV infection?
ing, even over-the-counter drugs, because your blood or infectious body fluids. Each year, approximately 3,000–5,000
some medicines can hurt the liver. If the
• Clean up blood spills. Then reclean the people in the U.S. die of HBV-related
result of any liver test is abnormal, it’s
area with a bleach solution (one part chronic liver disease. HBV infection is
important that you consult a liver specialist.
household chlorine bleach to 10 parts the most common cause of liver cancer
If your liver disease has water). worldwide and ranks second only to
progressed... • Tell your sex partner(s) you have tobacco as the world’s leading cause of
hepatitis B so they can be tested and cancer.
If your physician tells you your liver dis-
ease has progressed, read the following for vaccinated (if not already infected).
some extra precautions you should take. Sex partners should be tested for anti- Is there a cure for hepatitis B?
HBs 1–2 months after the three doses As of this writing, there are several drugs
• Avoid alcohol and medicine that has not used for the treatment of people with
been prescribed by your doctor—even are completed to be sure the vaccine
worked. chronic hepatitis B. These drugs usually
over-the-counter medicines. don’t get rid of the virus completely, but
• Get vaccinated against hepatitis A. • Use condoms (rubbers) during sex un-
may reduce your risk for serious liver
Hepatitis A virus infection can further less your sex partner has had hepatitis
disease such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.
damage your liver. B or has been vaccinated and has had
Check with your doctor to find out if
the anti-HBs blood test demonstrating
• Get a yearly influenza (flu) vaccination. treatment with medication is the right
immunity. (Condoms may also protect
Patients with severe liver disease (cir- choice for you. Researchers continue to
you from other sexually transmitted
rhosis) should also receive pneumococ- find additional treatments and look for
cal vaccine. cures for hepatitis B.
(continued on next page )

Questions Frequently Asked About Hepatitis B Page 

Why is hepatitis B so serious Where can I get hepatitis B vaccinated. Every day you delay getting
in pregnant women? vaccine? vaccinated increases your chances of
Pregnant women who are infected with Check with your healthcare provider’s being in contact with this highly conta-
HBV can transmit the disease to their office first. Children’s health insurance gious liver disease. The problems caused
babies. If babies aren’t protected with usually covers the cost of this vaccine by hepatitis B—liver cancer and liver
vaccinations, many of them develop life- since it is routinely recommended for all failure—are too great to take a chance.
long HBV infections, and up to 25% of children in the U.S. If your child is unin- See your healthcare provider or visit
those who become infected will develop sured, ask your local health department your health department.
liver failure or liver cancer later in life. for assistance. The federal Vaccines For
All pregnant women should be tested Children (VFC) program helps families How does hepatitis B differ
early in every pregnancy to determine by providing free vaccines to healthcare from hepatitis A and C?
if they are infected with HBV. If the providers who serve eligible children. Hepatitis A, B, and C are all different
blood test is positive, the baby should be VFC is administered at the national level viruses that attack and injure the liver,
vaccinated within 12 hours of birth with by the Centers for Disease Control and and all can cause similar symptoms.
two shots, one of HBIG and the other the Prevention (CDC), which contracts with Usually, people get hepatitis A virus
first dose of hepatitis B vaccine. The in- vaccine manufacturers to buy vaccines (HAV) infection from household or
fant will need at least two more doses of at reduced rates. For adults, contact sexual contact with a person who has the
hepatitis B vaccine by age 6 months. The your healthcare provider to find out if infection. Hepatitis C is caused by the
final dose should not be given before age the vaccine is available and how much it hepatitis C virus (HCV) and is spread
24 weeks. costs. If you are uninsured or don’t have through HCV-infected blood. Both
a healthcare provider, call your local HCV- and HBV- infections are spread by
How can hepatitis B be health department for advice. blood through some of the same activi-
prevented? ties (e.g., injection drug use). Both HBV-
Hepatitis B vaccine can provide pro- How many doses of vaccine and HCV- infections can cause lifelong
tection in 90%–95% of healthy young are needed? liver problems. HAV infection does
adults. The vaccine can safely be given Three doses are needed usually for the not. Vaccines to prevent HAV infection
to infants, children, and adults, including best protection against HBV infection, are also available. Hepatitis A vaccine
pregnant women. Usually, three doses of but protection is sometimes provided won’t protect you from HBV or HCV
vaccine are given over a 6-month period. from receiving as little as one dose. infection, nor will hepatitis B vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine is very safe, and side Hepatitis B vaccine is usually given on protect you from HAV or HCV infec-
effects are rare. Since 1982, more than a schedule of 0, 1, and 6 months, but tion. There is no vaccine yet for hepatitis
100 million children, teens, and adults in there is flexibility in the timing of these C. If you’ve been infected with HAV or
the U.S. have been vaccinated. Hepa- injections. As with all other vaccines, HCV in the past, it is still possible to get
titis B vaccine is our first vaccine that if you fall behind on the schedule, you infected with HBV.
prevents cancer—liver cancer. just continue from where you left off.
Hepatitis B vaccine will not help or cure Where can I receive more
At what age are hepatitis B a person who is already infected with information about hepatitis B?
vaccines given routinely? HBV. Contact your local and state health de-
The hepatitis B vaccine series can begin partments for more information. You can
at any age. For newborns, it’s recom- What should I do if I’m in a risk also contact the following organizations:
mended that the first dose be given in the group and am not infected with
Immunization Action Coalition
hospital at birth. Hepatitis B vaccine is HBV? Hepatitis B Coalition
recommended routinely for all children If you are in a risk group for hepatitis B, (651) 647-9009
age 0–18 years living in the U.S. Older be sure to get vaccinated! All people in
children and teens should be vaccinated risk groups (risk groups are listed in the
at the earliest opportunity. Any adult second question on this question-and-
who is at risk for HBV infection or who answer series) should protect themselves
simply wants to be protected from HBV from HBV infection. You don’t have to American Liver Foundation
infection should start the vaccine series “admit” that you have a risk factor to be (212) 668-1000
right away. vaccinated. You simply need to ask to be

(continued on next page )

Questions Frequently Asked About Hepatitis B Page 

Asian Liver Center Parents of Kids with Infectious IAC relies on financial support from the
(888) 311-3331 Diseases (PKIDS) CDC, corporations, foundations, health- (877) 557-5437 care providers, and individuals to maintain its activities. Financial contributions are
Centers for Disease Control always needed, greatly appreciated, and
and Prevention What is the Immunization tax-deductible. You can send your check to
(800) 232-4636 (800) CDC-INFO Action Coalition (IAC)? IAC at the address below or donate online The Immunization Action Coalition is a at
nonprofit organization that works to pre-
Immunization Action Coalition
Hepatitis B Foundation vent hepatitis B and all other vaccine-
1573 Selby Ave., Suite 234
(215) 489-4900 preventable diseases in people of all
St. Paul, MN 55104 ages. IAC promotes hepatitis B vaccina-
(651) 647-9009
tion, screening for all pregnant women,
Hepatitis Foundation International
testing and vaccination for risk groups,
(800) 891-0707
and education and treatment for people
with chronic HBV infection.

Questions Frequently Asked About Hepatitis B Page 

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