Healing With R, RM, and Light: Energy

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100 Healing with R,rm, Energy and light

chakra, situated behind lhe navel ln lhe center of lhe body, is the seat of lhe
flre-llke prana.
Inhale and hold lhe air ln lhe belly, concentraling ln lhe nave! chakra,
whlle doing the kumbalca or ·vase retention • exercise. This entalls lightly
tenslng the muscles of lhe perlneum and anus, pulllng up the pelvlc floor.
At lhe sarne time, lhe diaphragm, the sheet of muscle placed like a floor
under lhe bottom of lhe rlb cage, tightens and pushes down. The brealh is
held between lhe pelvic floor and lhe diaphragm as if being compressed ln
lhe nave( chakra. Don 't allow lhe lhroat to feel closed. Re-inhale and, main-
talnlng the focus and kumbaka, let the vital alr spread intemally, as if fllllng
and nunuring lhe whole middle of lhe body.
Holding the breath, rotate lhe belly flve limes ln one dlrectlon and lhen
flve limes ln lhe other. The rotalion Is horizontal, parallel to the ground, like
lhe turning of a record on a record player. Move lhe entire lower torso five
limes ln a big circle, counter-clockwlse, maintaining lhe concentration of lhe
held brealh. Then repeat ln lhe opposite direction. Focus on moving lhe helly
to one side, lhen back to touch lhe spine, to lhe next side, lhen far forward.
Exhale when you have finished lhe rotations. Abide ln pure presence. Feel
lhe openness ln lhe nave! area and lhe increased heat. Relax ln the experlence
untll li loses lts vlbrancy, lhen repeat or move on to lhe next exercise.

Pen-aslve prana
Thls practice Is related to lhe alr element. The pervaslve prana Is every-
where in the body. The breath is held ln thls exercise but is not focused in a
particular place. Don't lock lhe lhroat or lhe pelvic muscles-keep lhe body
open. Feel the prana pervading each cell, reaching to lhe tlps of lhe fingers
and toes and to lhe end of each hair on your head.
lnhale and place your hands ln front of your chest, palm to palm ln lhe
gesture of prayer. Re-lnhale and, keeplng the elbows dose to lhe body, let
lhe lower pari of the arms drop down so lhat lhey extend horlzontally from
ellher slde of the body. The palms are faclng up. Holding the breath, clap
lhe hands above your head, rub lhem agalnst each olher briskly to generate
warmth, and lhen massage your whole body, particularly any areas lhat feel
blocked. Quickly massage lhe head, arms, chest, back, and legs, as if ask-
ing every cell in lhe body to wake.
Still holding the brealh, extend lhe right arm fully from lhe right side of
your body as if holding a large bow. Use lhe left hand to draw the strong,
lmaglnary string of lhe bow back across the body to lhe left, expandlng lhe
upper torso and openlng lhe chest. Then brlng lhe hands toward each olher,
untll they almost meet in front of the chest. Do lhls rapldly flve tlmes, fully

Three: The Flve Elements ln Tantra 101

Pen-aslve prana

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