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Program Keahlian : Akomodasi Perhotelan & Usaha Perjalanan Wisata

Jl. Kesehatan No. 150 Waikomo – Kel. Lewoleba Barat 86682 Lembata - NTT
Website : Email :
NSS : 402241405002 NPSN : 90123-50304377


Mata Pelajaran : English Professi
Kelas : X Usaha Perjalanan Wisata
Guru Mata Pelajaran: Yosefina Ose Purek, S.Pd

Multiple Choice !
Read the text bellow for answer the questions number 1-5
Welcome to Bandung. Welcome to our first day tour. How was your trip to Bandung.
I hope it was a nice trip. How was your sleep last night.
Did you sleep well last night. I hope you could sleep well.
On behalf of sanctus travel Agent, I would like to thank you for cosen us to your guide . My
name is randy adiputra and you can call me putra . First of all I’d like to introduce myself, I
am your guide of today. Allow me to introduce myself, I am … Let’s get into the bus. Mind
your steps. Watch your head. Be careful, it’s a bit wet and slippery. Our programme for today
is to visit ...
Our driver is Mr. Widyanto, a very experienced driver. He is the best driver for our company.
His experience guarantees the safety of our trip. Ladies and gentlemen, (this is) Mr. Widyanto.
Our co-driver who keeps the cleanliness of our bus is Mr. Asep. Please help him to keep the
cleanliness of the bus Please do not litter but put the rubbish into the trashcan available, thank

1. Where text take the place ?

a. Jakarta b.Bali c.Bandung d.Lombok e.jogjakarta

2. What the kind of the text ?

a. Recount text b.Guiding text c.Descriptive text d.Narrative text

e. Report text

3. Who is randy adi putra ?

a. The driver b.The passanger c.The guest d.The guide e.Co driver

4. Who is Mr. Widiyanto ?

a. The driver b.The passanger c.The guest d.The guide e.Co driver

5. Who keeps the cleanliness of the bus ?

a. Mr. Widyanto b.Mr. Putra c.Mr. Asep d.Mr. Adi e.Mr. Randy
Read the dialog for question number 6-16

Made : Hello, good morning Sir.

Mr. Richard : Hello, good morning.

Made : My name is Made, What is your name Sir?

Mr. Richard : Hi Made, my name is Richard.

Made : Hi Mr. Richard, where are you from?

Mr. Richard : I am from London, England.

Made : So, how can I help you Mr. Richard?

Mr. Richard : This is my first time to visit this place Made. I want to go around and I think
I need a guide. Would you like to be my tour guide, Made?

Made : Yes, of course Mr. Richard. It’s my pleasure to be your tour guide. I knew
this place very well. I have been working as a tour guide in here since 2000. I will accompany
you to go around

Mr. Richard : Oh, thank you very much Made. How much should I pay for your assistance?

Made : You just have to spend 15 dollars Mr. Richard.

Mr. Richard : Okay no problem. Please give me your best Made.

Made : Okay Mr. Richard. So, Welcome to Besakih Temple.

Mr. Richard : Can you tell me more about this temple Made?

Made : Besakih Temple is one of the famous tourism objects in Bali and it is the
biggest Hindu temple in Bali. We can see the wide nature panorama from the top of the

Mr. Richard : Wow, It sounds awesome. Please take me there later on.

Made : Sure, Mr. Richard.

Mr. Richard : I see there are a lot of temples in here. Which one is the main temple?

Made : The main temple is called Penataran Agung Temple. It is the largest temple in

Mr. Richard : So, when do Balinese people come to pray? Because I see no one is praying

Made : Each temple has its own ceremony celebration. The Balinese people usually
come to pray on the full moon or “Sasih Kedasa”
Mr. Richard: Oh, I see. What a unique culture, Made. Okay, let’s move to another place.

Made : Okay Mr. Richard.

6. Who is the speakers on the diaog ?

a. Tourist and guide c.Tourist and co driver e.Tourist and his family
b. Tourist and driver d.Tourist and his friend

7. Where the dialog take place ?

a. Lombok b.London c.Jakarta d.Bali e.Labuan bajo

8. Where Mr. Richard come fom ?

a. Lombok b.London c.Jakarta d.Bali e.Labuan bajo

9. Who is Mr. Richard ?

a. The guide b.The guest c.Tourist d.Driver e.Co Driver

10. Who is Made ?

a. The guide b.The guest c.Tourist d.Driver e.Co Driver

11. Since when made have been the guide ?

a. Since 1995 b.Since 2000 c.Since 2020 d.Since 2019 e.Since 1887

12. when the Balinese people come to pray in Penataran Agung Temple ?

a. on Sunday c.on the full moon or “Sasih Kedasa”

b. on Friday d.on ceremony celebration

e.on custom ceremony

13. how much Mr. Richard pay to Mr. Made as his guide ?

a. 10$ b.5$ c.15$ d.20$ e.50$

14. What the main temple on that palce ?

a. Borbudur temple c.Prambanan temple e,Penataran agu.g temple

b. Besakih temple d.Jago temple

15. Made : Besakih Temple is one of the famous tourism objects in Bali
and it is the biggest Hindu temple in Bali.

What the meaning of the underline word ?

a. Paling besar b.Paling kecil c.Lebih besar d.Lebih kecil e.Paling lebar
16. The Antonym of the word biggest is ..................

a. Bigger b.Smaller c.Smallest d.Longer e.Longest

Read the following text for the question number 17-25 and Define the meaning of these underline
words !
Jacob and jenifer want to (17) Holiday, and they decided to book a (18) package holiday for a
They have tour (19) destinantion, start from kuta beach, pandawa beach , bedugul , betutu chiken
restaurant and (20) shopping dsitrick like joger bali to buy some(21) gift for their family.
On their trip, they found many (22) customand (23) art gallery in bali with the beautiful (24)scenery.
Jacob and jenifer very happy and (25) enjoy their holiday.
17. A .Perjalanan b. Liburan c. Kunjungan d.Berpergian e.Paket liburan

18. a. Paket liburan b.liburan berencana c. Berpergian d. Kunjungan e..Perjalanan

19. a. Arah b. Tujuan c.Belanja d.Berpergian e.Perjalanan
20. a. Pasar b. Swalayan c. Toko d.Pusat perbelanjaan e.Pusat
21. a.Oleh-oleh b. Barang c. Pesanan d.Makanan e. Minuman
22. a. Budaya b.Bangsa c.Negara d. Adat e.Kesenian
23. a. Kesenian daerah b. seni buya c. Galery seni d. Kesenian e.Galery music
24.a. Melihat b.Pemandangan c.Pegunungan d.perjalanan
25.a. Nikmati b. Bahagiakan d.Biarkan d.Liburan e.Perjalanan

..........................................................GOOD LUCK..........................................................................

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