Modern History Questions Answers English 14

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Modern History Questions Answers

1. Bahadur Shah-I gave a high mansab to which Sikh Guru?
Guru Govind Singh
2. Bahadur Shah-I ascended the throne after Aurangzeb at which age?
Sixty Five years
3. Which Mughal Emperor was accredited with the title of 'Shah-E-Bekhabar'?
Bahadur Shah I
4. Name the two Saiyid brothers.
Abdullah Khan and Hussain Ali Khan Barahow
5. Which revenue system was enacted by Zulfiqar Khan, the Wazir of Jahandar Shah?
Ijarah or Revenue-farming
6. Under which revenue system, the Mughal government contracted with revenue
farmers or middlemen to pay the Mughal Government a fixed amount of money while
they were left to collect whatever they could from the peasants?
Ijarah or Revenue-farming
7. Which offices were held by two Saiyid brothers viz. Abdullah Khan and Hussain Ali
Khan Barahow under Farukhsiyar's rule?
Wazir and Mir Bakshi, respectively
8. Saiyid Brothers were religiously tolerant, they abolished Jizyah tax in which year?
1713 (Farukhsiyar's reign)
9. Which brothers are known in Indian history as the 'kingmakers'?
Saiyid brothers: Abdullah Khan and Hussain Ali Khan Barahow
10. Which Mughal noble gave up his office and went down South to establish the state of
Hyderabad in the Deccan?
Nizam-Ul-Mulk Asaf Jah (October 1724)
11. Which Mughal King gave Ram Mohan Roy the title of 'Raja' and sent him to
Akbar II
12. In which year Nadir Shah, the ruler of Iran descended upon the plains of Northern
13. Which invader carried away the Koh-i-Noor diamond and the Peacock Throne of
Mughal emperor Shah Jahan?
Nadir Shah of Iran
14. Who defeated the Marathas in the Third Battle of Panipat?
Ahmad Shah Abdali
15. When was the Third Battle of Panipat fought?
14 January 1761
16. Which Mughal emperor became a part of a tri-confederate with Mir Qasim of Bengal
and Shuja-ud-Daula of Awadh against the British East India Company in the Battle of
Shah Alam II
17. Where was Shah Alam II pensioned off by the British East India Company after
facing defeat in the Battle of Buxar?
18. Who was the founder of the Awadh autonomous kingdom?
Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk


19. Which ruler of Mysore established a modern arms factory in Dindigul with the help of
French experts?
Haidar Ali in 1755
20. Haidar Ali died during which war?
Second Anglo Mysore war in 1782
21. Who planted the 'Tree of liberty' at Srirangpatnam and became a member of Jacobin
Tipu Sultan
22. Which Mughal King gave the title of 'Sawai' to Raja Jai Singh of Amber?
23. Which Rajput ruler founded the city of Jaipur and made it a great centre of arts and
Raja Sawai Jai Singh of Amber (in the year 1727)
24. Which Rajput ruler patronised the translation of Euclid's 'Elements of Geometry' in
the Sanskrit language?
Raja Sawai Jai Singh of Amber (in the year 1727)
25. In which cities of India, did Raja Sawai Jai Singh established astronomical
Delhi, Jaipur, Ujjain, Varanasi, Mathura
26. Who was the founder of the Jat state of Bharatpur?
Churaman and Badan Singh
27. Under whose rule the Jat state prospered at it's best?
Suraj Mal
28. Who is known as the 'Plato of the Jat Tribe'?
Suraj Mal
29. Under the leadership of which Guru, Sikhs became a political and military power?
Guru Govind Singh
30. Who established the Khalsa group/community amongst the Sikhs?
Guru Govind Singh in 1699
31. The Sikhs were organised into how many misls or confederacies?
32. Ranjit Singh was the head of which misl or confederacy?
Sukerchakia Misl
33. The conflict between the Shahu and his rival aunt Tarabai paved the way of which
new system of administration in the Maratha kingdom?
The period of Peshwa Domination under Balaji Vishwanath
34. Which Peshwa is described as 'the greatest exponent of guerilla tactics after Shivaji'?
Baji Rao I
35. Which Maratha system was similar to that of the Mughal system of Jagir?
Saranjami system
36. In which year was the sea route to India discovered by Vasco Da Gama?
37. Who captured Goa in 1510 AD?
Alfonso d' Albuquerque
38. Which three villages in Bengal later grew to form the city of Kolkata?
Sutanati, Kalikata, Govindpur
39. Which Mughal emperor extended the privileges of the British East India Company to
Gujarat and Deccan?
Farrukh Siyar


40. When did the Black Hole Tragedy occur in Bengal?

20 June 1756 ( Siraj Ud Daula imprisoned 146 British prisoners in an airless room)
41. When was the Battle of Plassey fought?
23rd June 1757
42. Which Nawab of Bengal was defeated at the hands of British East India Company in
the Battle of Plassey?
Siraj Ud Daulah
43. How did Bengali poet Nabin Chandra Sen describe the Battle of Plassey?
'A night of eternal gloom for India'
44. When was the Battle of Buxar fought?
22 October 1764
45. Which Mughal Emperor gave the Diwani or the right to collect revenue to British in
Bengal, Bihar and Orissa?
Shah Alam II
46. When was the Treaty of Salbai concluded?
1782 AD (Established a 20-year long peace between The Marathas and the British)
47. Maratha Empire consisted of 5 confederacies in later times. Name those
Peshwa at Poona; Gaekwad at Baroda; Sindhia at Gwalior; Holkar at Indore; Bhonsle
at Nagpur
48. When was the treaty of Lahore signed between the Sikhs and the British?
8 March 1846 (after first Anglo-Sikh war)
49. Which policy was exercised by Lord Dalhousie to annex the Indian states?
Doctrine of Lapse
50. For how long, the 'Dual Rule' or 'Dual Government' lasted in Bengal?
1765 to 1772 ( Clive started it, Warren Hastings ended it)
51. Which was the first important parliamentary act that put the East India Company
under the supervision of the British Government?
Regulating Act of 1773
52. When was the Pitt's India act passed?
53. Which act clearly subordinated the Bombay Presidency and Madras Presidency under
the Bengal Presidency?
Pitt's India Act, 1784
54. Which Act ended the monopoly of the company in India and opened it to all British
Charter Act of 1813
55. Which Act ended the Company's monopoly of tea trade and the trade with China?
Charter Act of 1833
56. When was the first telegraph line opened in India?
1853, from Calcutta to Agra
57. Who introduced the Permanent Settlement system of land revenue and when?
Lord Cornwallis in the year 1793
58. In which areas of British India, was the Permanent Settlement system of land revenue
Bengal and Bihar
59. Who recommended the implementation of the Ryotwari system of land revenue?
Two officers viz. Reed and Munro
60. In which areas of British India, was the Ryotwari system of land revenue introduced?
In parts of Bombay and Madras Presidency


61. In which areas of British India, was the Mahalwari system of land revenue
The Ganga Valley, The North-West Provinces, Parts of central India, Punjab
62. The Civil service was introduced in India by?
Lord Cornwallis
63. Who established the College of Fort Williams at Calcutta for the education of young
recruits to the Civil Services?
Lord Wellesley
64. Who was appointed as the head of Law Commission in 1833 to codify the Indian
Lord Macaulay
65. When was the practice of Sati banned and made a crime?
In 1829 by William Bentinck
66. In which year, the Government of India passed an act which enabled Hindu widows to
67. Who started the 'Atmiya Sabha' in Calcutta?
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
68. 'Gift to Monotheists' is the famous creation of which Indian social reformer?
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
69. Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded the Brahma Samaj in the year ____?
70. Name the colleges established by David Hare and Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
David Hare - Hindu College; Raja Ram Mohan Roy - Vedanta College
71. Who was the first secretary of the Brahma Samaj?
Tarachand Chakravarty
72. Who founded the Tatvabodhini Sabha?
Debendranath Tagore in 1839
73. Who started a weekly namely 'Darpan'?
Bal Shastri Jambekar
74. When was the Paramhans Mandali founded in Maharashtra?
75. Who started 'Satya Prakash' in Gujarati to advocate widow remarriage?
Karsondas Mulji

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