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General Knowledge GK Question for RRB NTPC 2019

Mission RRB NTPC 2019 – GK Question PDF : Part - 11

S.No. Question Answer
1. Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome? Father

2. Who is authorised to decide over a dispute regarding disqualification of a member President

of Parliament?

3. Who firstly demonstrated experimentally the existence of electromagnetic wave? Hertz

4. Which is not essentially a species of the Himalayan vegetation? Mahogany

5. What are the main channels of our knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization? Archaeological

6. When is International Human Solidarity Day observed? December 20

7. The United Nations declared 2001 as which International Year? International Year of

8. What is the effect of overseretion of harmone from pituitary gland? Increase growth in

9. Which type of forest covers the maximum area in India? Tropical moist
deciduous forest

10. What was the rate of land revenue as ‘given in the dharma shastras? 1/6

11. The Lok Sabha is called in session for at least how many times in a year’? Thrice

12. Heating pyrites in air to remove sulphur is known as which name? Roasting

13. If the cash-reserve ratio is lowered by the Central bank, what will be its effect on Increase
credit creation?

14. The Matatila multipurpose project is located in which state? Uttar Pradesh

15. What did the name ‘Ratnakara’ denoted In ancient Indian historical geography? The Indian Ocean

16. ‘Queen’s berry Rules’ is the name. give to the rules in which game? Boxing

17. By whom the concept of survival of the fittest as advanced? Herbert Spencer

18. When can the salaries of High Court judges be reduced? During a Financial

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19. Which shipyard is known for the manufacture of bargets, coasters and dredgers? Garden Reach Shipyard

20. In which country was Buddhism first propogated outside India? Srilanka

21. There is no net transfer of energy by the particles of the medium in which waves? Stationary waves

22. Jaspal Rana is a distinguished athlete in which game? Shooting

23. Which provides the largest part of the demand for loanable funds in India? Corporate businesses

24. Moho discontinuity lies at the depth of approximately howmany kilometers? 400 km

25. Who was well-known patron of the Mahayana of Buddhism? Kanishka

26. From the evolutionary point of view, which is the most primitive animal? Turtle

27. By whom are the Chief Justice and other Judges of the High Court are appointed? President

28. What is reduction of oxide with carbon at high temperature called? Smelting

29. Which is the higest plateau in the world? Pamir Plateau

30. Who authored the Tamil epic ‘Silappadikaram’? Ilango

RRB NTPC General Knowledge (GK-GS) Question E-Book in Hindi language –

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