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fHomework: IELTS Online Tests

TEST #1 (listening part)

1. 3
2. breaks – (brakes)
3. going overseas
4. 15,000 dollars – ($1,500)
5. 6:30 p.m.
6. 88 Princess Street
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. 3 hours
12. grey whales
13. hot springs
14. playful and curious – (fast, playful, curious)
15. black and white
16. 14 meters
17. in the middle
18. bright orange
19. can’t swim
20. on the wrist – (at the wrist)
21. 200
22. 4 week
23. 8
24. 10 minute video
25. film-making
26. travel plans
27. C
28. B
29. April
30. Course, flights
31. A
32. C
33. C – (B)
34. home row – (keyboard/layout)
35. 70 %
36. 50 words
37. accuracy
38. speed
39. 12-20
40. B – (C)
TEST #1 (reading part)
1. iv
2. v
3. ii
4. x
5. vii
6. iii – (i)
7. viii
8. A
9. C
10. parents – (Parental Guidance)
11. compass
12. predators
13. visible
14. iii
15. v – (x)
16. viii
17. ix
18. xi – (vi)
19. i
20. iv
21. extra snacks
22. firewood
23. 85%
24. 50%
25. A
26. B – (C)
27. B
28. C – (A)
29. B – (D)
30. A – (C)
31. I – (J)
32. F
33. C – (K)
34. J – (K)
35. D
36. aisles
37. Stone – (experiments)
38. Loyalty card
39. cosmetics
40. group
TEST #1 (writing part)
The chart below show the number of magazines sold per person in five countries in 2003 and 2005, with
projected sales for 2007.
The bar chart provides information on the number of magazines sold per person in five countries, in 2003,
2005 and 2007.

Overall, it can be seen from the chart that country B consistently had the highest number of magazines sold per
person, while countries D and E had the lowest figures. However, there has been a general decrease in the
number of magazines sold per person in all five countries, with the figures for 2007 in country D showing a
positive trend.

In 2003, the highest number of magazines sold per person was in country B, at approximately 50 magazines
per person. This was followed by countries A and C, where each person bought around 49 and 36 magazines,
respectively. Country E, on the other hand, had the lowest number of magazines sold per person, selling
approximately 5 magazines each person.

Moving on to 2005, country B still had the highest number of magazines sold per person, with almost 47
magazines. In countries A and C, the number of magazines dropped, with each person buying approximately
44 and 33 magazines. However, there was a slight increase in the number of magazines sold per person in
country E, with about 7 magazines. In 2005, country D sold around 20 magazines per person.

Looking at the 2007 figures, there was an increase in the number of magazines sold per person in Country D.
Nevertheless, other countries did not experience any rise in the number of magazines. Countries A and C sold
only 38 and 32 magazines per person.


Some people think that too much money has been spent looking after and repairing old buildings, so we should
knock down old buildings and build modern ones instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days, there has been a debate about whether it is appropriate to spend too much money on maintaining
old buildings or not. Some people argue that old buildings should be destroyed to open the doors for modern
structures. I can't entirely agree with the statement that suggests demolishing old buildings and replacing them
with modern ones.

First, old buildings are part of a nation's cultural heritage and they serve as a declaration of the country's
history. These buildings tell stories of the past, and by knocking them down, we lose a valuable part of our
cultural identity. As an example, I can provide some buildings from Italy which are beautiful and are soon
going to be removed. The preservation of old buildings is essential, as they form an integral part of a country's
cultural heritage.

Furthermore, renovating old buildings is a sustainable way of preserving our environment. According to recent
research by BBC, by demolishing old buildings, we are not only destroying our cultural heritage but also
contributing to environmental degradation. Demolishing buildings leads to the release of harmful gases, which
pollute the environment. Instead of destroying old buildings, individuals should focus on renovating them to
ensure that they meet modern standards.

In conclusion, knocking down old buildings and replacing them with modern ones is not a viable solution to
the problem of maintaining old buildings. We should focus on renovating old buildings and taking care of our
environment to ensure that they meet modern standards, and nothing gets harmed.

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