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Customer Page

Submit a Ticket:

 Customer need to fill up above text fields & Submit ticket.
 Compulsory field marked with * : Name, Email, Port, Container No./BL No., Subject, Message
 Attachment size limit is 5MB per ticket.
 Customer will received an email & ticket tracking ID upon successful submission.

View existing ticket:

 Key-in Ticket tracking ID & click View ticket.

 Click [Forgot tracking ID] to retrace all ticket submitted by a particular email address.

Admin / User page


 Select own username.

 Key in password.
 Click to login.
 If forgot password, please send request to Admin to reset.


 Click on Tracking ID to view details of the ticket.

 [Show ticket] is the viewing filter on this page.
 [Find a ticket] is a search function for user to find ticket.
 Click [More options] see advance filtering option

Ticket details:

 User is able to change status, Port, Priority & assign ticket to self or other staff.
 Admin user can lock, tag, print, edit & delete ticket.
 Normal user is limited to tag & print features only.

 User response to a selected ticket here. It can be self-response message (reply) or select from
preset message (canned response).
 Upon reply, ticket status will automatically change to Replied.
 Check related option to define the reply / solution on a ticket

Manage User:

 Here Admin user able to manage users who can login to the admin panel and answer tickets.
Admin user can view/edit tickets in any category and have access to all functions of the admin
panel (manage users, manage categories, etc.) while other users may only view and reply to
tickets within their categories.
 To create a new user, fill up fields in Add new user form with necessaries details & options

Manage Categories:

Note: Categories in Transhipment Help Desk is define as Port.

 Add new category – admin user able to add new item under Port.
 Rename category – admin user able to rename any item under Port.

Canned response:

Here admin user can add and manage canned responses. These are commonly used replies which are
more or less the same for every customer. You should use canned responses to avoid typing the same
reply to different customers numerous times.


The reports section lets you user several reports and see ticket statistics in a chosen date range and
report type.

 Click [Display report] after set report range & date.

Export Tickets:

This tool allows you to export tickets into an XML spreadsheet that can be opened in Excel.

 Click [Export tickets] to go to export page

 Click to download & save the report (XML file)

 Open XML file in Microsoft Excel to view


 User able to manage own profile here.

 Change password
 Set signature,
 Modify Preferences and Notifications setting


User able to view, send & receive Private message from other user. For example, if one user is handling
over a case to a particular colleague, he can send a note as private message.


User need to logout after finish his session.

---------------------------- End of User Manual ------------------------


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