Ipc Mains Paper

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Important questions of Indian Penal Code, 1860 1.What do you understand about indian Penal Code ? How would you introduce Indian Penal Code to a new law student? Bring out the differences between IPC and CRPC. 2.What is crime and what are the essential elements of crime? Are there any differences between public wrongs and private wrongs? Via- TheoryofAbrogation 3.Place of trial in case of an offence ‘committed by a foreigner in India and ‘an Indian committed an offence in a foreign country? 4.State if any offence has been committed in the following cases: (DA intending to murder 8 buys a gun and loads it. (iA intending to murder B fires a gun at B. (WA intending to murder B by poison purchases poison and mixes the same with food, which remains in A's possession. (iv) A serves the poisoned food to B with the knowledge of its being poisoned. (v)A woman, with intention of commiting suicide runs towards a well, but there she was caught by a person was caught by a person. 5. Write short note on Difference between Knowledge, Intention and Mofi 6. 19 out difference between ‘preparation’ and ‘attempt to commit an offence’. 7.A pickpocket suspecting that B carried purse in his pocket put his hand in it but the pocket was empty. Please record your opinion if A is guilty of attempt to commit theft. (Rus 1974) 8. Explain and illustrate the distinction between the stage of ‘preparation’ and ‘attempt in criminal law. (4s 2014) 9.0n receiving consideration of Rs.10,000/- ‘A’ agrees to supply 'B’ with, tools so that he could derail a Calcutta bound train. "A supplied the tools to Has ‘A committed any offences? (uP1987) 10. Write short note on the following: + Application of IPC ‘Kinds of punishment under IPC + Extra-tertitorial offences * Servant of Government ‘= Public servant * Valuable security * local law + Offence + Dishonestly ‘+ Horbouring of offender ‘+ Criminal liability of corporation + Offences relating to marriage «+ Section 498A of IPC + Exceptions of defamation «Criminal intimidation ‘= Wrongful gain & loss 11. A intending to murder Z by poison, purchases poison and mixes the same with food which he delivers to the servant of Z for placing it on 7's table. Discuss the criminal liability of A. (UP 1986) 12. 'A’ a railway passenger gives a part of luggage to fellow passenger to evade the charge of over weight. What offence if any is made out against ‘A’ ? (Dus 1991) 13. A, an accused was arrested on 1-12- 1985 for the offence u/s 302, 307 1.P.C. Alter investigation the challan was submitted on 27-1-1986. The trial concluded on 1-12-1987.A was sentenced for life imprisonment u/s 302 IP.C. and for 7 years u/s 307 LP.C. Reply the following questions-For how many years the accused has to serve minimum sentence? (rus. 1986) 14, Whether a person convicted for an offence punishable with fine sentenced to imprisonment in default of payment offine? Period? (MP 1996) 15. What would be the limit to imprisonment for non-payment of fine if the offence is punishable with Imprisonment as well as fine or when the offence is punishable with fine only ? (mP 2001) 16, A smith ‘A’ is forced by a gang of dacoits by threat of instant death to force the door of a house for the dacoits to enter and plunder it. What offence, if any, is committed by ‘A’? (RIS 1984) 17. "A" genuinely suspecting '8' of having committed theft in his house, informs the police about his suspicion. Its later found that 8’ had nothing to do with the theft in the house of 'A’. What offence, if any, is committed by ‘A’? (RIS 1984) 18.'A’ and 'B' go for tiger hunting in a dense forest. While ‘A’ is siting on the ‘machan, '8’ goes behind bushes and makes noise leading ' 19 'A' to believe that itis a tiger. ‘A’ shoots as a result of which 'B dies. What offence, if any, is committed by 'A’? (RUS 1984) 19, Sample of til oil exposed for sale was taken by a Food Inspector from the business premises of A. The report of Public Analyst stated that the sample was slightly adulterated. Can A get benefit of Section 95 of Indian Penal Code? [RJS 1989). 20. When is an act considered as an "accident" so as to be covered under Section 80 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860? (Rus 1999) 21. A finding B attacked by C with knife shoots at C thereby intending fo save B, the shot misses C and kills (uP, 1984) 22, Explain the law relating to constructive criminality and bring out the distinction between "Common intention” and “common object”. (UP 2012) 23."A’ and 'B' go armed with knives to kill hey suddenly find ‘C’ coming from the opposite direction. 'B' stabs 'C’ as a result of which ‘C’ dies. ‘A’ also runs ‘away. What offence, if any, is committed by'A'? (RJS 1984) 24, Write the facts in brief of any one of the following case laws: a. Mahboob Shah v Emperor b. _ Barendra Kumar Ghosh v King Emperor 25, Five accused entered the house of the victim through the roof after dismantling portion of it. Accused Nos. 1 to 4 ‘committed rape upon the victim while Accused No. 5 stood guard with a gun in his hands to overawe the victim to submiit to rape without protest. Thereatter all the five accused opened a box kept in the house, removed cash and jewellery and ran away from the house. What offence or offences, if any, have been committed by Accused No. 52 (DJS 1990) 26. What are the different cases under the Indian Penal Code in which a person may be constructively liable for an offence, which he actually did not commit? Explain giving illustrations. 27. State with reasons what offence, if any, has been committed: (a)‘A'Is in a house which is on fire with 'Z, a child, People below hold out a blanket, A drop the child from the house top. Knowing it fo likely that the fall may kill the child, but not intending to kill the child and in good faith for the child's benefit. The child is killed by the fall. (b) ‘A’ a surgeon, in good faith, communications to a patient, his opinion that he cannot survive. The patient dies in consequence of the shock. [uP 2015] 28. Define ‘consent’ in criminal law and state the cases in which the consent of the harmed or his guardian exempts the Person inflicting the harm from criminal liabilities. (uP,1999) 29. Give reasons, state what offence if ‘any, has been committed by A in the following case: A and B swimming in the seq after a shipwreck, got hold of a plank not large enough to support both A pushed off B who got drowned. (uP 1997) 30. Discuss the extent to which drunkenness can be pleaded as a defence to criminal charge. (uP1997) 31. Discuss unsoundness of mind as a defence to criminal liability. How Is legal insanity different from medical insanity? Refer to decided cases. (ur 1992) 32. °X’ enters house of 'Y' to commit theft. He is caught by 'Y' who starts beating him mercilessly. x’ apprehending death or grievous hurt at the hands of 'Y' pulls out a knife and stabs ‘Y’ who is injured seriously. Can’ put up plea of right of private defence for causing injuries to “'Y'? Explain with reasons. 33. What is meant by the right of private defence and under what circumstances this right to the body extends to causing death, explain. 34. When does the right of private defence of body commence, and how long does it continue? (RUS 1984) 35. ‘A’ while walking back home at night hears a woman crying for help. He finds that a man is trying to rape her. He hits the man with a stick on his head resulting in his death. What offence, it any, is committed by 1984) 36."A' while walking back home at night hears a woman crying for help. He finds that a man is trying fo rape her. He hits the man with a stick on his head resulting in his death. What offence, if any, is committed by ‘A’? (aus 1984) 37. Write a note on ‘Right of Private defence of Body and of Property’. Explain under what circumstances she sald right extends to causing death. (04s 2005) 38. The right of private defence is not available for retaliation but for averting ‘an impending danger not of his. creation." Discuss and also state under what circumstances, a man can go to the extent to killing in defence of his person? (UP 1999) (rus 39.'A’ appears as a witness before a magistrate. The magistrate says that A Is aliar, In afit of rage A kills the magistrate. Do these facts disclose any offence? _(RJS 1994) 40. A is surrounded in a jungle by his enemies who are armed with deadly weapons. Even before any one of them. uses his weapon, ‘A’ takes out his pistol and shoots at them indiscriminately and thereby escapes, killing two of them. What offence, if any, is committed by ‘Ww? (Rus 1984) 41. Discuss the difference between Abetment and criminal conspiracy. (45 2008) 42. Liability of abettor when one act abetted and different act is done? 43. Punishment of abetment if person abetted does act with different intention from that of abettor? 44, Who is an abettor? Explain the extent ofliability of an abettor. (DJS 2005) 45. Ais attacked by a mob who attempt to murder him. He cannot effectually exercise his right of private defence without firing on the mob and he cannot fire without risk of harming young children who are mingled with the mob, By so firing, A harms a few children. What offence has ben committed by A? (Rus 1988) 46, °F, °@! and decide amongst themselves to persuade B to steal jewellery from the house of 'M' they accordingly do so. 8' readily agrees ‘and sets out towards 'M's house in order to steal jewellery. What offence or offences if ony, have 'P,Q and’ committed? Has'8' also committed any offence? (UP1991) 47.'A' and 'B' decide to loot a bank and for that purpose they collect all necessary implements and weapons. Later on ‘A’ leaves the city and therefore does not join 'B'. What offence, if any, committed by'A? (RIS 1984) 48."X' Times a leading English dally prints an article aimed at creating hatred and enmity between two groups of people Le., a capitalist and the labour class. The article read: "8" and the Chief Minister of the State who were good friends have conspired together and acquired 100 hectares of fertile land belonging to the local farmers for Special Economic Zone. To persuade and coerce the farmers not to challenge the acquisition '8' got burnt the houses of the farmers and their standing crops through his henchmen.The promises of '8' that he will employ the local youth is also false {5 'B'is getting youth rained from the constituency of the Chief Minister who would be employed in the various Industries to come up in the SEZ area" Can the reporter, editor, printer, and Publisher of 'X’ Times be charged for offence under Section 153A IPC. Give feasons. (DJS 2011) 49. (a) A instigates B to burn C’s house. B sets fire to the house and at the same time commits thett of property there. What offences A and B have committed? Discuss. (b) A instigates B to give false evidence. B does not give false evidence. Has a committed any offence? Discuss. [uP2003] 50. (a) What is abatement? When does it ‘amount to an offence? (b) Is A liable as an abettor in the following cases? (i) A instigates B to murder C, B refuses to do so. Gi) A instigates B to kill C by poison. B kills C with a sword. (ii) A instigates a child to put poison into the food of B. The child by mistake puts poison into the food C. C dies after faking the food. (RS 1969) 51. (a) Mention the limits within which the right of private defence should be exercised. {b)When does the right of private defence of property extend to the causing of death? (C) Does the right of private defence ‘extend to risk of harm fo innocent person? illustrate your answer. 52. (I) Discuss the law of exemption from Criminal liability in case of minors. (i) ‘A’ an literate boy, servant of 8 years stole a new ‘Parker’ Fountain Pen worth Rs, 300/- from the table of his employer and sold to 8, a student aged 21 yeas and reading in M.A for Rs.10/- only. Both ‘A’ and 8’ are put on trial. The former is charged with theff and latter for receiving the stolen property. (iil A boy over 11 years and below 12 years of age picked up a knife and proceeding towards the deceased stabs him to death .Is he guilly of murder? Give reasons? (DJS 1996) 53. Who Is guilty of the offence of rioting? 54, When an unlawtul assembly becomes a riot? (RIS 1999) 55. A falsely representing himself fo be a C.LD. police officer promises B to appoint him as constable and gives B «an unintelligible order. What offence has A committed? 56. A, being an officer directed by law to take property in execution, in order to satisty a decree pronounced in 7's, favour by a Court of Justice, knowingly disobeys that direction of law, with the knowledge that he is likely thereby to ‘cause injury to Z. What offence. A has committed under Indian Penal Code, 1860? ( RIS 2016) 57. Under Section 62 CrPC a summon is Issued by a competent court. A accepts the summon, but refuses to sign on the back of the duplicate. What offence A has committed? (RdS 1986) 58.'S' a saint was passing through the jungle near the river, where he saw the dead body of a man lying with multiple stab wounds and a knife near the body. 'S' pettiied at the ghastly sight of the body fel that he was duty bound to pray for the nirvana of the departed soul. He took the body to the river flowing by the side of the jungle. He put the body on the bank of the river and Performed puja for the peace of the departed soul and moved forward toward his destination. In the meantime due to a high tide in the river the dead body got washed away in the river water. On the next day when the police reached they found the knife and the blood at the spot of murder in the jungle. they also saw a trail of blood on the path from which the saint had taken the body to the river side. From the place where the saint performed the Puja his book bearing his name and the slippers of the deceased which the saint had removed before performing puja were recovered. Can 'S' be charged for offence under section 201 IPC? Give reasons. ( DJS 2011) 59. A, knowing the commission of murder within the limits of his estate wilfully misinforms the Magistrate that the death has occurred by accident by falling ree on hm, What offence has A ‘committed? ( RJS 2011) 40. Distinguish between ‘giving false evidence and fabricating false ‘evidence’? (MP 2015) 61. A, being legally bound to produce a document before a District Court, intentionally omits to produce the same. What offence has been committed by ‘A? [RIS 1986) 62. A puts jewels into a box belonging to ‘T with the intention that they may be found in that box and this circumstance may cause 'Z'to be convicted of theft. [uP 2015] 43, A and B were practising shooting at a target at a place near a public road. A bullet fired by ‘A’ wounded and killed a passer-by. Specify the offence, if any, committed by B. 64, A states on oath before the Magistrate that he saw B hit C with a club. Before the Session Court A states on oath that B never hit C. Whether A may be charged and convicted of intentionally giving false evidence without proving which of the contradictory statements was false. 45. A.resident of crowded colony used to burn tyres, making atmosphere noxious to the health of other residents of the colony. What offence under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 he is committing and what maximum punishment for that may be awarded? (RJS 2014) 46. A while driving his car in a rash and negligent manner causes death of ,8, D & Eat different points of the same. road on the same night. Prosecution alleged that itis a case of commission of offences u/s 304 IPC. It is argued on behalf of the accused that the case falls under the ambit of Section 304A IPC. Which fact would be relevant to determine negligence, intention or knowledge of the accused for commission of aforesaid offences? Discuss. (DJS 2006] 67. A gives counterfeit rupees to B for goods. B receives them not knowing them fo be c counterfeit. 8 afterwards discovers that they are counterfeit and pays them away as if they were good. What offence, if any, has been committed by B? 68. Answer the following problems giving reasons for your answer - A, a Hindu drives a pig in the direction of a mosque where there is a Muslim congregation for prayers. Is this offence? (RIS 1980-81) 69."A", prostitute communicated venereal disease to a man who had sexual Intercourse with her on the strength of the representation that she was free from any disease. (UPJS 1992) 70, Negligent or malignant act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life in IPC. Discuss. 71.'A:, prostitute communicated venereal disease fo a man who had sexual intercourse with her on the strength of the representation that she was free from any disease. (uP 1992) 72. A attacks Z under such circumstances of grave provocation that his killing of Z would be only culpable homicide not ‘amounting to murder. B, having il-will towards Z and intending to kill him and not having been subject fo the provocation, assists A in killing Z. What offences have been committed by A cand B? (RJS 1986) 73.1n.a marriage ceremony A, a person from bridegroom's side in a hilarious ‘mood fired in the air. The shot hit B, a member of bride's side and caused his. death. What offence A has committed? (RuS 1986) 74. Distinguish between criminal rashness ‘and criminal negligence. llustrate your answer. 75. What are the essential ingredients of offence of dowry death? How this offence differs from the offence of abetment for Suicide by a married woman within Seven (7) years of her marriage. (MP 2006) 7. A student leader of a University declared himself for self immolation. He got logs piled up in front of the m gate of the University and sprinkled kerosene all over it. Thereafter he climbed over the pile of wood and sprinkled kerosene oil upon himself too. In the mean time the police came and registered a case of “attempt to commit’ Suicide. Answer, giving reason whether the student is guilly of ‘committing the said offence. [UPS 2012} 77.X has been suspecting his wife to have iWicit intimacy with A. He followed her ‘one day secretly to A's house having provided himself with a dagger. When he saw them undressed, X suddenly pounced upon them and killed them then and there. For what offence X is liable fo be convicted. [DJS 1990] 78. A knows Z to be behind a bush. B does not know it. A intending to cause of knowing it to be likely to cause 7's death induces B to fire at the bush. 8 fires and kills Z. Comment on the criminal liability of A ond B. (UP1986) 79. Amar drew a loaded revolver completely from his pocket but his arm was seized by Balwant before Amar could take any aim at Balwant before struggling Amar said several times to Balwant, " will kill you" but he could not Press the trigger of the revolver. Can ‘Amar be convicted for attempt to murder? Give reasons for your answer. {uPss 1987] 80.'A’ wants to kill 8" with arsenic position ‘and with that purpose administers sugar to him in food, believing the sugar to be arsenic. Discuss the liability of A. 81. X gave a kick to "Y, who had enlarged spleen. As a result of the kick, the spleen was ruptured and 'Y" died. Giving reason, state what offence has been committed? (UP 2012) 82.'A’ beats his wife. She becomes unconscious. Believing her to be dead ‘and to save himself from being prosecuted for murder. He hangs her in a beam of the house with rope. Medical report discloses that she died due to hanging. Discuss A’ s liability (uP2000) 83. A Intending to kill his enemy B leaves poison for him which is accidentally faken by C, a friend of A. It was not usual for C to go to this place, where the poison had been left. C dies in ‘consequence and A is put on trial for the murder of C. Can A successfully take up the defence that he is immune from punishment as C's death was pure accidental never intended by him? (DJS 1971) 84. A, a woman, throws her newly-born female child into a drain. A passer by saves the child. What offence has A committed under the Indian Penal Code? [RIS 2011) 85. Distinguish between hurt and grievous hud. 86. A attempts fo rescue B from the custody of police and while making such attempt causes grievous hurt to constable C and simple hurt to constable D. 87.A, a police officer tortures B to induce him to point out where certain stolen property is deposited. What offence, if ‘ny, has been committed by A? (RIS 1991) 88. A, knowing that he is likely to cause death of a pregnant woman, does an ‘act which, if it caused the death of the woman, would amount fo culpable homicide. The woman is injured, but does not die; but the death of an unborn child with which she is pregnant is thereby caused. What offence does A ‘commit? (RJS 1986) 89. One morning J had a trivial dispute with A, a friend of D. At about 10 p.m. on the same date when D along with A and another person came out of the house, J gave a knife blow to D which hit on his chest resulting in his death. At the place of occurrence there was dim light coming from a nearby electric lamp post. The doctor who conducted ‘autopsy found one stab wound 4 1/2 cm #2 1/2.cm on front of left side of chest at 6 o'clock position, and opined that the injury was sufficient in ordinary course of nature to cause death.Can J be convicted under section 302 .P.C.? If not, what offence was committed by him? Give reasons. ( D JS 1984) 90. A, intending to commit theft enters the house of "B at night and removes from one of the rooms a heavy box to the courtyard where he opens it. He does not find in the box anything worth taking ‘and leaving if there goes away. Did ‘A ‘committed any offence? If yes, what offence? [UPJS 2015] 91. Discuss the difference between breach of trust and criminal mis- ‘appropriation. [4S 2008] 92. A truck carrying 200 bags of fertilizers ‘and proceeding from Ludhiana to Delhi was intercepted at Sales Tax barrier situate at a distance of 15 KM. from border of Delhi on a G.I. Road. The Lorry driver was in possession of invoices and other records but had no permit issued under "Fertilizer (Movement Control) Order. The driver and cleaner of truck ‘are prosecuted for an attempt to export fertilizer from Punjab to Delt contravention of said order. D {4s 1991] 93. While ‘A’ a student of law, was on way to attend library found a purse with money in it on the stair case. ‘A’ did not know to whom that purse belong. ‘A’ afterward discovered that it belonged 1o'B’, another student of law. ‘A’ ‘appropriated the money to his own use. Has ‘A’ committed any offence? (UPJS 1999) 74. Can one's signature of his own name ‘amount to forgery? Answer giving reasons and illustrations. (UP 1999) 95, Discuss the law relating to ‘Grave and sudden provocation’ as laid down in the Indian Penal Code and staff the extent to which it may mitigate the responsibilty of the accused for the offence of murder. Refer to case-law to illustrate your answer. (UP 1984) %6. A 13 year old gitl went to see a fete with her maternal uncle. Due to heavy crowd in fete, she became separated from her maternal uncle. She could not remember even address of her house. ‘One person enticed her to go to his house and took her away to his house. There at his residence he made Preparations for the marriage of this girl with his son. In the mean time this person was arrested by police. Will he be convicted for kidnapping? Answer with reasons. _ (UP2000) 97. When does an act amount fo an attempt to commit a crime? Is there any difference in this respect between the general section 511 of the LP.C. on the fone hand and Section 307 1.P.C. and Section 308 1.P.C. on the other? Ifso, explain with reasons. ( DJS 1989) 98. What are the essential elements of robbery? When does it amount to dacoity? what offence is committed when the offender while committing the above offence causes the death of any person? [UP 2006) 99. During an election campaign the ‘accused had published a pamphlet in which it was said that the candidate ‘who was a Minister had taken huge bribes for allotment of lands in a colony. The voters were exhorted for not electing the candidate. Please discuss 4s fo who can launch the prosecution against the accused for defamation and what are the possible defences open to the accused in the event of his prosecution. (RIS 1969) 100. (a) Discuss the law relating of ‘Rape’ as laid down in the Indian Penal Code. (b) A Superintendent of Gir's Hostels commits sexual intercourse in the night with an adult inmate of the Hostel. State offence, it any, has been committed by the superintendent of the Hostel? (UP 1985) 101. Distinguish between kidnapping from lawful guardianship and Abduction. 102. Aagitl below 18 years of age was in the keeping of her mother. Her father B lived separately. B by deceitful means took A and kept her with him. Is B guilty of kidnapping. 103. To support a suit under Order 37 of the Code of Civil Procedure, "B" makes a false entry in his books of account. What offence under Indian Penal Code, 1860 he has committed? [RJS 2015] 104, X having ilicit intimacy with Y, a widow residing in A's house enters into the latter's house After taking precaution to conceal his presence from A. A’s servant informs him of the presence of X in Y's room. Can X be convicted of any offence? if so what? Give reasons. (RJS 1971) 105. (a) what are the ingredients of ‘mischief? (©) A purchaser of a mortgaged Property removed the material and thereby diminished the security of the mortgage . Can the purchaser be Punished for mischief? (c) The owner of the flock of sheep neglected fo take reasonable Precaution and allowed the herd to graze in the Government wasteland where grazing was prohibited. Can the owner be prosecuted for mischief? (4) A, a wealthy man, claiming a right of way through the orchards of B who had put a shabby and a cheap gate at the entrance of the orchards, smashed the gate created by B and cartied the ‘material in his truck. Can A be held guilty for mischief. (RIS 1975) 106. Acchild barely 15 hours old was kidnapped by B from the lawful custody of, the mother of that child. 15 days thereafter on secret information police aided the room of C. B was found present there in the company of C long with that child. 107. A Personated as''8' at the examination passed the examination ‘and obtained the certificate in thereupon applied to have his own ame entered in the list of candidates for Government service. {UP1991] 108. A turned his cattle for grazing into the prohibited area of the forest department. Under which section of LP.C. Acan be convicted? (RIS 1986] 109. twas found that 8 had not delivered a child within 15 days of that kidnapping. C was not having any child of her Own. what offence if any is committed by C? Give reasons. 110. Define and distinguish between wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement. 111. Distinguish between theft and extortion. 112. Analyse the definition of ‘theft’ as given in Section 378 I.P.C (UP1988) 113. A, while driving a car killed o camel belonging to B and thereby caused loss fo him, What offence A has committed? (RJS 1986) 114, Cana man commit theft of his own gods? Answer with illustration. [UP 2000) 115. _ Distinguish between extortion and criminal intimidation. 116, 'A'ls the paramour of 7's wife. She gives a valuable property fo A which A knows that it belongs to her husband Z and as such she has no authority from " to give it to A. In spite of this A’ takes the property. Whether ‘A’ has committed any offence? If yes, what offence (UP 2015) 117. ‘Mhaving intention to cause injury incites a dog to spring upon 'N'without N's consent. 'N'is annoyed by the act of 'M. What offence, if any, has 'M’ committed? (UP 2013} 118. State with reasons what offence. it any, has been committed in the following case: The Chief Minister of a State asked an industrialist to donate rupees ten lac to his party fund, otherwise his licence shall be cancelled Industrialist quietly gave the desired ‘amount of his political party. (UP 1999) 119. A being executor to the will of a deceased person, dishonestly disobeys the law which directs him to divide the effects according to the will and ‘appropriates them to his own use. What offence does A commit? (RIS 1986) 120. A shakes his first ot B, intending or knowing it to be likely that he may thereby cause B to believe that A is about to strike B. (,UP 1997) 121. "x" holds "Y" down, and fraudulently without the consent of "Y" takes away his precious wrist watch and in order to commit this theft, "x" also voluntarily causes wrongful restraint to "Y", What offence "x" has committed? (RUS 2015) 122, 'M’ had constructed a house in the Phim (outer circuitous road) of village Khurd, He had installed a water-pump near his house. R and his father $ who belonged to village Kalan ha purchased agricultural land adjacent to the ‘phim’ of vilage Khurd. A’, the wite of M, was one day cleaning the utensi at the water-pump and M was washing his hands and face. R started digging earth from the phimi' and started throwing it towards the water-pump. 'M' asked him not to do so but he did not desist and in the meantime, S, the father Of R arrived there with a 'Kassi'. There ensued an alteration between $ and M, where upon $ exhorted R to attach M, R gave one blow with sharp edge was "Kass on the head of M, M was injured ‘and was admitted to the hospital, where he died after six days. On the basis of the above facts, answer the following questions giving reasons: (a) Where there was premeditation on the part of R. (b) What difference did it make that M died six days after and not Immediately? (c) Where there was knowledge on the part of R that by his blow he was likely to cause such bodily injury on Mas was likely to cause death of M? (d) Where there was intention the part of R to cause bodily injury to M which was sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death. (e) What offence has been committed by R? ( MP1983) 123. (a) How will you distinguish between ‘murder’ and ‘culpable homicide not amounting to murder.” (b) A struck with a piece of firewood a single blow on the head of B with a result that B fell down bleeding from her nose and became sense is. A and his wife W thought that B was dead, and so they placed B on a wooden pyre and set fire fo it which caused B's death.What offence has been committed by A and W? 124, Answer the following problems giving brief reasons for your answers- (a) A. a state prisoner escapes from jail. He is arrested from a place where he was given shelter and food by B, his wife. Is B liable to be prosecuted? (b) A public servant was arrested on a charge of corruption with a ten rupee marked currency note in his pocket . When the policemen were busy with drawing up a search memo he chewed ‘and ate up the note. Is this an offence? 125. Write short notes of the following: (@) Criminal liability of minor. (b) Mistake of fact. (c) Insanity. (4) Commutation of sentence of death (@) Fractions of terms of punishment (f Solitary confinement (g) Act done in good faith for benefit of © person without consent (h) Sedition () Riot (Perjury (k) Adutteration of food or drink intended for sale (Stalking (m) Force & Criminal force (n) Outraging the modesty of a woman (0) House breaking (P) Trespass and criminal trespass (q) Lurking house trespass

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