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Subject Name –Numerical Method(NM)

Course Code- 22CSH-259

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Faculty Name: Nimratveer Kaur Name:

Section: 611
Group: 'A'
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Exp. List of Experiments Conduct Viva Record Total Remarks
No (M.M:12) (M.M:10) (M.M:8) (M.M:30)

Design a python program

1. for crew manag. apply con
-cept of list,tuple and dicti
onary to organize info.

car rental company wants

2. to optimize the pricng
stratigies based on the
demand for different car
types.. the company wants
to find optimal price for
each car type that maxi-
mizes there
have been hired to develo
p a python program that
uses the secant method
to findthe optimal price
for each car type

implement the composite

3. simpson's 1/3rd integrati
on rule to numerically evl
uate the integration of xsin
dx (limit of 0 to pie)
using n=8 equallyu spaced
integrals .

suppose you are planning

to invest in two types of
4. stocks . stock A and stock
B you have a total of dollar
ten thousands totalonvest
you expexct stock A to
yield a return 8% per
annum and stock B to
yield return of 10% per
annum maximize
the total return on

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