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1. Introduction Scene: Shot of Sagay City to set the location. Overlay voiceover ga introduce
sang city kag sang local businesses. (SATOCA)
2. Title Scene: Display the title of the documentary.
[The camera captures a scenic view of Sagay City, showcasing its vibrant streets, bustling
markets, and picturesque surroundings. The sun casts a warm glow over the city as people go
about their daily activities.]
[Overlay Voiceover begins]
VOICEOVER: (Warm and inviting tone)
Welcome to Sagay City, where of of nature begins, a bustling hub nestled along the coastline of
the Philippines. Known for its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and thriving local
businesses, Sagay City is a place where tradition meets modernity.
VOICEOVER: (Continued)
In the heart of Sagay City lies SATOCA, a beloved local establishment that has been serving the
community for almost 9 years.
[The camera pans to showcase SATOCA's Farm in Sagay City, ]
Overlay VOICEOVER: (Continued)background farm
But SATOCA is just one of the many gems that make Sagay City shine. With a focus on
agricultural products, SATOCA offers diverse range of goods. SATOCA ensures that its
products not only meet high quality standards but also contribute positively to the well-being of
its members and wider community.[The scene fades out as the voiceover concludes, leaving
viewers with a sense of excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead in Sagay City.]

3. Introduction of Satoca Foods: Show various shots of Satoca Foods’ farm, products, staff at
work, and the bustling activity in the store.
Overlay this with a voiceover introducing Satoca, as a local business in Sagay.


[The scene opens with a montage of shots showcasing the field of SATOCA FOODS, in Sagay
City. The camera pans over people that is working in the field of the farm, shelves filled with an
enticing array of products, including squid rings, squid curls, colorful noodles, fresh vegetables
like squash, carrot, and various locally sourced ingredients.]

[Overlay Voiceover begins]

VOICEOVER: (Warm and enthusiastic tone)
Step into SATOCA FOODS, your one-stop destination for the finest flavors of Sagay City. Here,
amidst the vibrant hustle and bustle, we take pride in bringing you a taste of our local heritage,
one delicious ingredient at a time.
[As the voiceover continues, the camera zooms in on the standout products, highlighting their
freshness and vibrant colors. The squid rings and curls glisten under the store lights, while the
colorful noodles add a playful touch to the shelves.]
VOICEOVER: (Continued)
Indulge your senses with its signature squid rings and curls, tender morsels of seafood goodness
that capture the essence of its coastal cuisine. Pair them with assortment of fresh vegetables –
from crisp squash to vibrant carrots – for a wholesome and flavorful meal that celebrates the
bounty of our land and sea.

[The camera focuses on the skilled staff, expertly preparing ingredients. ]

VOICEOVER: (Continued)
But SATOCA FOODS isn't just about the products on our shelves – it's about the people who
make it all possible. From their dedicated staff members to the local farmers who supply them
with the finest ingredients, that are deeply rooted in our community, committed to preserving
culinary traditions I'm every step of the way.
[The scene fades out, leaving viewers with a sense of excitement and anticipation to explore the
culinary delights that SATOCA FOODS has to offer in Sagay City.]
4. Interview with the Business Owner: Cut to the interview with the business owner/chairman.
Start with a question about the history and mission of Satoca Foods.
2. Sir/ ma'am pwede ka ba mag share sa mga important moments sa history sang satoca
food cooperative and bisan subong grabe ang implwensya sa pag develop kag growth
niining coop.
3. Pwede mo ma share ang mission kag vision sang satoca food cooperative? (Kay chairman
lang ni
4. Ano ang mga major challenges kag problema nga Inyo gin-agyan kag paano ni ninyo na
gaan sulotion ?
5. Paano ang satoca food cooperative nakabulig sa aton local community?
6. Ano ang mga importante nga changes nga natabo sa cooperative's operation?
Komusta Inyo relationship sa Inyo mga trabahante kag sa Inyo mga customers over

5. B-Roll Footage: Show footage of Satoca Foods’ daily operations while the owner talks about
the business. This could include scenes of food preparation, staff collaboration, and old
6. Continuation of Interview: Return to the interview with the business owner/chairman, focusing
on the challenges and achievement they’ve faced and how they’ve overcome them.
1. Paano ba ang Satoca Food Coop naka adapt sa changes sang market industry throughout its
2. Sir/Ma'am pwede nyo ba ma share ang mga achievement or milestones sang Coops history?
3. . Sir/Ma'am can you share or ano bala ang mga lessons sang history ka coop nga still ara pa
dyapun para mapadayun ang amoni nga operation or strategies until now?
[ The camera transitions sa scene sang old sagay, while introducing sang location pakd2 sa planta
sang old sagay. Dre na locate Ang pag produce sang mga products from raw materials from
satoca farm, direct to planta]
7. Community Impact: Include shots of storefront of Satoca Foods.
[The scene opens with shots of welcoming face of the general manager( sir junine) or staff of the
store. The camera captures their smiles as they browse through the aisles, showing signature
items of satoca Foods.]
[The camera transitions to Sir Junine scenes showcasing the place, process, and products of
Satoca foods
VOICEOVER: (Continued)
Through the commitment to community engagement and social responsibility, SATOCA Foods
strives to make a positive difference ok ourlives . Whether it's through supporting local farmers
or giving back through charitable endeavors, they believe in the power of collective action to
create meaningful change.

[The scene concludes with shots of the workers, and process of products . The sense of
camaraderie and unity within the community is palpable, a testament to the enduring impact of
SATOCA Foods on Sagay City.]
8. Conclusion of Interview: Wrap up the interview with the business owner discussing the future
goals for Satoca Foods.

[Interviewer]: We've covered a lot of ground today, exploring SATOCA Foods' history,
challenges, and impact on the community.
Sir, Could you share your vision for the future of SATOCA Foods?
9. Closing Scene: End with a panoramic shot of Sagay City, reflecting on the role of local
businesses like Satoca Foods in the community.
10. Promotion: "Buy Satoca Products and help build a brighter future for our farmers"
11. Credits: Roll the credits over a montage of the highlights from the documentary.

Links for reference

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