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The Art Of Fishing

By MenMoneyMindset
Table of Content


Module 01: The one thing that repels all women

Module 02: The key attitude for irresistible appeal and attracting dream

Module 03: Installing super get-laid attitudes

Module 04: Boost Your Confidence with Women

Module 05: More Confidence and Power with Women

Module 06: The Phase of good seduction

Module 07: How to create intense sexual tension

Module 08: Physically escalating your way to the bedroom




So you are having trouble with the ladies.

Well, fear not my friend. Help is on the way.

"Now, there are several potential reasons for your stint of involuntary

First, and perhaps most likely, you’ve taken to heart the belief that if only
you were nice enough and could show women what a great guy you are,
they’d be all over you. I mean, you’re such a nice guy! What woman wouldn’t
want you?

Second, perhaps you’re quite the sexy beast and catch women eying you
but it seems that as soon as you open your mouth women seem to lose

The third and not uncommon possibility is that you’ve studied pickup
techniques and understand how it should all work in theory, but you seem
to be missing something. You can’t seem to get to the core of female
attraction. You’re missing the fundamentals that make women go weak at
the knees.

Fourth, perhaps you get it on just fine with the ladies but you find yourself
struggling to make anything come of it. Everything goes great… and then all
of a sudden you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling. You can’t seem to (or you don’t
know how to) progress all the way to the bedroom.

If any of these possibilities sound remotely like you, you’ll be pleased to

know that this book will show you the way.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in and turn you into a woman slayer
Module 01
The one thing that repels all women

There’s one thing that repels all women.

And yet most guys are the embodiment of this trait.

What is it, you ask?

Well, I’ll give it away…

Here it is - Neediness.

“But I’m not needy!” you cry out.

Yes, my friend, you almost certainly are.

You see, neediness isn’t just the obvious things, such as being obsessive,
going through her texts, calling her 69 times a day, and getting super
jealous every second she’s not with you.

Being needy comes through, even in the small things. It comes through—
albeit subtly, at times—in the way you talk to her, treat her, act around her,
and so on.

But the most apparent sign of a needy man, by far, is the overall relationship
dynamics. (Note: Although I’m using the word “relationship”, this can apply
to meeting a woman for the first time, dating, being in a long-term
relationship, etc.)

“Now,” you ask. “What do you mean by ‘relationship dynamics’?”

Good question, my friend.

Now, a word of warning: This will sound very Machiavellian. But I want you
to bear with me.

You see, it comes down to this: How much effort are you putting into the

In other words, how invested are you in her and the relationship?


A surefire sign of a needy man is a man who invests a lot of time, energy,
effort (and even money) into a woman while getting very little (if anything)
in return.

The more you invest in a woman, the less attracted to you she is. It’s really
that simple.

For your analytical types: The amount of

time/energy/effort/emotion/money a man invests in a woman is negatively
correlated to her attraction. (Except, of course, for the fact that he needs to
invest a little bit to get her number, set up a date, flirt a bit, etc.)

I know this is completely contrary to all that feel-good emotional bullcr*p

society pumps into you about how you just need to show her “What a nice
guy you are.”

I know you’ve been taught that the way to get a babe is to wine and dine her
for months and buy her flowers and chocolates and take her for rides in
your fancy car. That if only you could be nicer to her than every other guy
she’s met, then she’ll want to sleep with you.

But it’s all a lie.

It’s not what women are biologically hardwired to find attractive.

At best, this sort of needy behavior will land you in the friend zone, at worst,
she’ll find you sexually repulsive. Either way, you lose.

The ironic truth is that the neediest get the least. Needy men get what
others give them, not what they want.

Men who have zero neediness, on the other hand, get exactly (and often
more than) what they want. Women find them irresistible.
Module 02
The key attitude for irresistible appeal
and attracting dream women

One evening, a reserved guy named John was invited by his outgoing friend
to attend a party. John didn't have much of a social life, but he thought it
would be a good opportunity to step out of his comfort zone. At the party,
John and his friend stumbled upon a formal event with well-dressed
guests. As they passed by an open door, John caught a glimpse of a
beautiful woman in a stunning dress surrounded by men vying for her

John's friend immediately seized the opportunity and approached the

woman, while John watched from a distance. He saw his friend say
something to her, and she took out a pen and wrote down her phone
number. Later, when John asked his friend how he managed to get the
woman's number, his friend said "I just walked in there, looked at her, and
said, `Excuse me. I saw you through the doorway, and unlike these
gentlemen here, I don't have time for small talk. I'd like to take you out. Can I
have your home phone number?'

In the end, John learned that sometimes taking risks and being
straightforward can lead to unexpected successes.

Now, it's not always necessary to be that direct. But it is necessary to grasp
and use the attitude that John’s friend had, the super-attitude which will get
you laid more than any line, trick, good looks, fancy car, or fortune.
The attitude is:

● I don’t hide my desire.

● I make no excuse for myself.
● I Take action for what I want.

Do you really want to get laid with all the women you could ever possibly


Go approach that beautiful girl sitting next to you.

Don't justify your desire to meet, ask out, and have sexual relations with a
woman. Embrace your direct and confident approach. This kind of direct,
powerful, go-for-it attitude is an incredible turn-on for women that can't be

Listen! It's not just the words you say that shows your attitude, it's also how
you say them. Your tone, facial expressions, posture, and speaking speed
communicate your attitude even more than your words.

You don't have to be arrogant or unfunny to show your confidence. You can
be nice and approachable while still being confident and assertive. The
important thing is to find the right balance. When you do, women will be
attracted to you and want to be with you.

Now it’s easy to talk and tell you to have this attitude but that won’t help you
to actually get it. That's why the next few chapters are crucial. They will
teach you how to develop this attitude within yourself, so you naturally
adopt it when you interact with women. You won't even have to think about
it, it will come naturally to you.

Look! you will get rejected a lot of times. So master this attitude:

● Setbacks don't bother me because I use them as opportunities to

learn from my mistakes.
Module 03
Installing super get-laid attitudes

Before we get ahead, take two scenarios

type 1: You are in your room imagining fighting in UFC.

type 2: You are actually in the ring and fighting.

Now which one is more real? Obviously type 2.

Simply imagining yourself as confident and powerful won't do the trick. You
need to give your mind specific cues about when to access those images.
Otherwise, you won't be able to make use of those resources you've been

For ease, we are going to use type 1 and type 2 to show scenarios.

Ok. Now that we have made that clear, let's get on to the exercise.

Step 1: Think back to a time in your life when you felt confident and
powerful. A time when you fully felt the way you'd like to feel around
women. This can be anywhere and about anything.

Step 2: Close your eyes and use type 1 for going through that experience.

Step 3: Imagine yourself back in that confident and powerful moment from
your past. See the situation through your own eyes, hear the sounds, and
feel the positive emotions in your body. When you feel the most confident
and powerful, squeeze your left wrist with your right hand three times. This
action will program your mind to bring up those same feelings of
confidence and power whenever you repeat the same wrist squeeze.

Step 4: Think of a situation where you would like to feel more confident and
in control around women. It could be anything, such as approaching
someone you're interested in or holding a conversation with a woman you

Step 5: Picture it the type 2 way, as if it were going on and you were seeing
it through your own eyes.

Step 6: As you do so, reach over with your right hand and squeeze your left
wrist, triggering your confidence anchor. This will train your mind to
automatically call up feelings of confidence and power when you are in a
situation like the one you are seeing through your own eyes. You won't even
have to think about doing it, which is the advantage. (And that's why
anchoring works where "positive thinking" won't, because often by the time
you get yourself thinking positively, it's already too late.)

Now, once you've done this, I want you to do it again, but this time I want
you to pick different circumstances where you'd like to use your "power
attitude" that we talked about in the first chapter. Make one a situation
where you see a beautiful woman you'd like to talk to. Another could be
making a pass at a woman back at your place. Go through the situation
with type 1, seeing yourself in the picture. Then step into the picture, and go
through it, feeling what it would feel like, looking through your own eyes. Do
the same thing for the second "learning from your mistakes" attitude. See
yourself making a mistake, feeling ok about it, and learning whatever lesson
you need so you can do it differently next time. Then step into the picture
and see it through your own eyes.

As you build your confidence with women, you’ll soon find yourself doing all
of this, easily and successfully. And there’s so much more!
Module 04
Boost Your Confidence with Women

Your success and power with women are not solely determined by how you
behave and feel towards them, but also by how you behave and feel about

What we're really talking about here is SELF-RESPECT

Plenty of men who wouldn't take a bit of crap from another guy turn into
downright spineless wimps when it comes to women. Whether they are
reliving old dramas with a mommy they couldn't please as children, or are
scared for some other reason, they put the woman first.

Other guys have a slightly different problem. They may not take any crap
from a woman, but getting laid is SO damn important to them that they lose
sight of other priorities. In a sense, it loses all the fun aspects and gets to
be a compulsion.

Guys like this may win the battles, but they are definitely losing the war.
Women may be nice additions to your life, and if you find the right one, you
might even choose to make her part of the center of yours. But a life spent
doing nothing but chasing women is a pretty stupid one.

If that is your problem, then pull yourself up short for a minute, and ask
yourself if you might be missing some of the other pleasures life has to
offer. You might be shocked to learn that a quiet evening at home with a
good book can actually be more stimulating than a boring date with a
huge-breasted bimbo with a room temperature I.Q.
So here's a hint for increasing your confidence with women: STOP NEEDING
THEM SO MUCH! And a good way to do that is to go out and find a hobby
that you can really enjoy. Something that gets you AWAY from women.

Not only will this increase your confidence as you are on the prowl, it
provides a great escape for when that special lady you are with puts a bit of
stress and strain on your brain, as they so often will.
Module 05
More Confidence and Power with

Here is a magic word that will bring you loads of success with women, and
get you laid like crazy. It works with all women, but the more beautiful the
woman is, the better it works. The word is: NO!

That's right. No! The same word that will keep a puppy from wetting the
carpet will also keep a woman from shitting on you! You must say no to a
woman once in a while when it is over an issue of importance, and when
you mean it.

No matter how gorgeous, or great in the sack or how otherwise wonderful

she may be (and who else but such a goddess could possibly begin to
deserve to be in YOUR company?) you must be willing to walk away from
her if you can't deal with her from a position of self-respect.

And self-respect, my friend, is mostly a matter of what you say no to. It's a
boundary set by what is not permitted, tolerated, or allowed. And while it
may be negative from this semantic sense, in reality, it is the most powerful
and positive force you have going for you. When a woman senses it in you,
she knows she's found something she's instinctively wanted since she
realized she's female: A MAN SHE COULD NEVER HOPE TO CONTROL.
Module 06
The Phase of good seduction

When a man and a woman have sex, there are usually specific steps they
follow to get there. The different phases of the progression are explained in
a way that is easy to understand and use. here are the stages of good

● Approach
● Attraction
● Comfort
● Seduction

The phase of good seduction goes in this order, every time, without fail. The
time you must spend in each phase is completely dependent on the

I have gone from approach to seduction in an hour, but I have also spent 24
hours from approach to comfort.

It’s variable.

Let’s Jump into the phases.

1. Approaching:

Approaching, also known as opening, is not difficult.

You could be sitting at the bar and when a girl orders a drink, say “Oh what
a girlie drink!” or WHATEVER, bam, she is opened.

By approaching or happening, over only goal is to start an interaction. It

could be anything like “Hey Girl with the glasses, You look nice so I had to
say hello.” Or Maybe If she bumps into you, fake a mega injury
“Owwwwwwww” Oh my gosh while looking at her sort of devilishly. Gets a
laugh every time.

If you have NEVER done a cold approach before, you most likely have a lot
of anxiety about it. That’s Okay.

The more you approach, the less anxiety you will have.

2. Attraction

Once you have opened the next part of the intersection is to attract the girl
to you.

Your only job at this point of intersection is to have a fun conversation.

Avoid interview questions. Show her how cool you are.

I mean cool in a very broad way.

If you are a fun, confident, outgoing social guy which you will be by the end
of this book, you’ll be cool to A LOT OF girls.

My only mindset in this phase is - “Let’s see if this chick will like me for me.”

The girl will be deciding over the course of the next 30 seconds to 5
minutes if she is attracted to you.

Remember that not every girl has to like you. You will be rejected many
times. It happens to almost everyone. It’s a fun game.

Once she is attracted to you, it brings us to the next phase → Comfort.

3. Comfort

The phase of comfort is where you two get to know each other. She will ask
you many questions and reveal many things about herself.

I’m reminding you again: DO NOT MAKE IT AN INTERVIEW

Comfort is not:

● Where are you from?

● What do you do for living?
● Do you like cats or dogs?
● Do you have siblings?

She will get bored if you ask these types of questions.

You have to make comfort Fun.

The most important thing is to not make it feel like a survey. Nobody likes

Also touching on commonalities is a great way to build comfort and

continue conversation. If you find something that you are both into,
excitedly talk about it and you’ll soon feel as if you’ve known each other

Touching is an extremely important part of comfort. During this phase, you

want to be escalating your touching and her physical comfort with you.

Comfort in a nutshell:

● Learn about each other

● Get comfortable with touching each other
● Time wrap if necessary

Now that you are comfortable touching each other non-sexually, let’s move
on to the next part where the sexual touching begins, seduction.

4. Seduction

Seduction is the final stage before sex occurs. It is the process of leaving
the venue you are at, all the way to your place.

So how do you get a girl to go home with you?

Well, if you have time wrapped, this shouldn’t be an issue.

At this point, you should have some non-sexual incentive for her to check
out your place or vice versa.

Bring up something you guys talked about earlier and tell her “You should
really come check out my parrot or whatever the case may be.

Regardless, something non-sexual. This is for social conditioning reasons.

She knows she wants to go home and sleep with you, You know she wants
to go home and sleep with you, but if you say “So let’s go home and have
sex.” I can guarantee she will say NO.

Girls are socially conditioned to at all times protect themselves from

appearing as “sluts”.

So bypass this with the non-sexual invite.

Once you are home with her, it’s time for heavier seduction to begin.

“How do I make my move?” or What is the best way to make my move?”

might be a question coming from your mind at this point.

Let me tell you something. If you bring a girl home and don’t make a move,
consider yourself RUDE.

She is home with you. She wants you to make the move. Because 95% of
the women never make a move first.

They want a man who leads.

So, just do it. You don’t want to be Rude. Do you?

Module 07
How to create intense sexual tension

In the above definition of ‘flirt’, one word is more important than all the
others. It’s “playfully”.

Flirting is not serious—or it can be, but disguised as playful banter.

If an attempt at flirting is not playful—or is clumsy and comes off as too

serious—you will seem downright weird and awkward. Creepy. The key is
this: Implication. You need to imply things rather than outright say them.
Flirting is a subtle art.

Anyhow, with that little warning out of the way, let’s dive right into how you
can flirt your way to sexual tension so tangibly thick you can strum away at
it like the strings of a bass guitar.

But first…


What’s the point of creating sexual tension?

Well, if you don’t create sexual tension, you’ll probably—at best—just end up
her friend.

You see, women are like a mirror. If you treat her and talk to her like a friend,
you’ll become her friend.
If you treat her and talk to her like a sexy woman, someone you want to
have sex with, you’ll become her lover. (Or not. But either way, you won’t end
up wasting your time as her “friend”.) And so, if you want to bed women,
not friend women, creating sexual tension is a must. And the best way to
create sexual tension is to flirt. And to flirt? Well, here are two of the best
methods, starting with…


Push-pull flirting is simple. As its name implies, you “push” her away—either
emotionally, physically, or both—and then reel her back in with the “pull”.

And, of course, push-pull flirting can be verbal, nonverbal, or a combination

of the two. (For example, “Get away from me, you’re too cute and tempting.”
playful shove )

Now, why is pushing and pulling so effective?

Two main reasons:

1. You take her on an emotional rollercoaster. Up and down. Dopamine

and adrenaline. It’s irresistible.
2. It shows you’re a high-quality guy. You don’t just throw yourself at her

To expand on the second reason, imagine you’ve met a girl who’s funny,
charming, highly intelligent, and smoking hot. She seems like she’s exactly
your type.

But then imagine that she creates zero intrigues. She’s not hard to get and
virtually throws herself at your feet. You’d be like, “Whoa, I thought she was
a higher-quality girl than that.” You’d lose a certain amount of interest in
and attraction for her.

Push-pull also demonstrates that you’re not needy. You like her—at least
you think you might but it’s not really a big deal. You’re the one calling the
shots and you’re just letting her see if she can win you over.
Once again, you turn the tables so it’s her trying to win you over, not you
seeking to impress her.

And most importantly—in my opinion—it’s fun! And it’s not just fun for you,
women lap it up too.

Moving on, let’s take a look at another method of flirting. Once again, this
method of flirting is playful and all-around fun, and it also demonstrates
that you’re a high-value guy.


Chase framing has you flirt by playfully framing the

conversation/interaction in a way that makes it seem as though she is the
one chasing you.

That you’re just an innocent victim of her incessant attempts at seduction.

That you’ve had a hundred girls chasing after you and hitting on you today,
and she’s just another girl trying to pick you up and seduce you.

A great example of chase framing is the aforementioned massage


Girl: Who doesn’t love a good massage? Guy: Think you can seduce me by
offering massages?

See how it works? Once you get the hang of it, chase framing is so simple
you could virtually use it on anything.

For example: Girl: inadvertently staring at you in deep thought Guy: Trying to
seduce me by staring at me like that? Girl: No! Guy: Good, because it won’t


Girl: I love thongs. Guy: Stop trying to make me think of you in thongs.
And so on.

Perhaps the most important thing is this: Flirting should be fun. Have fun
and playfully tease her as if you’re both silly little fourth graders goofing
around in the playground.

If you’re not having fun, she won’t be either.

Module 08
Physically escalating your way to the

Many guys find themselves with a woman and everything’s going great.
There’s a real connection, the girl’s showing obvious signs of interest, and
the guy even scores a date.

But… nothing happens. For some poor souls, there’s a second and maybe
even a third date. But still, nothing happens.

Eventually, the girl’s attraction fizzles out, she disappears (or locks him in
the friend zone), and the guy’s left scratching his head wondering what
happened. Everything seemed to be going so well!

There was but one mistake.

The guy failed to escalate. He failed to get physical.

And guess what? Women don’t bed men. Men bed women. Men have to
take charge and lead the interaction. You’re the man, and so you have to
take on the masculine role and be the leader.

You approach her. You initiate and maintain the conversation. You get her
number. You set up the date. And so on. You lead, she follows. And taking
her to bed isn’t any different.

As the man, you have to lead her all the way from approach to coitus. (After
that first bang, she’ll usually start taking a bit more initiative, but even then,
you’re the man and you’re the one who takes charge and leads the
relationship. But I digress.) And just as you escalate the interaction in terms
of taking the initiative when it comes to approaching her, getting her
number, and setting up dates, so too must you take the initiative when
escalating physically.


Always be escalating. You’re either moving forwards or backward.

Building attraction or letting it wane.

Right from when you first meet a girl, you need to be physically escalating
the interaction. If you’re not, you’re wasting your time. (Unless, of course,
you’re angling to be the mayor of her friend zone.) And no, that doesn’t
mean unzipping your pants as soon as you say “hey”.

Start small, and build your way up.

If you throw a frog in boiling water, it will jump right back out. But if you
gradually bring the water to a boil, the frog won’t realize until it’s too late.
The same goes when physically escalating.

Start small with a handshake and/or touch her forearm or shoulder (or
other non-sexual zones) during conversation to emphasize a point,
highlight a joke, and so on.

Then gradually escalate further. When flirting, you can playfully shove her,
pull her in close, high-five her, or play with her fingers while reciting “This
Little Piggy” or something similar.

Then you continue escalating. Put your arm around her, place your hand on
her lower back when guiding her through a crowd, rest your hand on her
thigh, brush lint off her shirt, brush a loose strand of hair from her face, and
so on. Getting more intimate.
As you escalate, you need to pay close attention to her body language. Is
she receptive, or does she look uncomfortable? Does she tense, stiffen, or
move away, or is she responding and reciprocating?

If all is going well, continue to gradually escalate. If she’s not receptive or

seems uncomfortable, bring it back down a notch and then gradually work
your way back up again (assuming, of course, that she’s responding
positively to your touch).


Continuing on, you’ll eventually reach a point where all you have left is the
kiss and then, of course, sex.

A tried and true method for escalating to the kiss is to simply slowly lean in
while holding eye contact, look at her lips for a second, back to the eyes,
and then go for it.

That said, there are two things that you will usually need to successfully
escalate to the kiss.

1. You’ll often need privacy. Unless you’re both drunk at a nightclub, she
doesn’t want everybody to think she’s “too easy” or a slut who kisses
random dudes. This is particularly important if anybody she knows is
2. You’ll need to have physically escalated to that level. If you haven’t
touched her the entire night, she’s not going to feel comfortable
kissing. And, in many cases, she won’t be expecting it, so going for a
kiss out of the blue will catch her off guard and you’ll almost certainly
get the head-turn and make things awkward.

Privacy and physical familiarity.

The solution to the first one—privacy—is simple. Find a somewhat

private/dark place. Or, even better, take her home. (More on taking her
home later.)
The solution to the second one—physical familiarity—is equally simple.
Don’t be afraid to get physical. The guys that bed women the fastest are
often the guys that can’t keep their hands off women. If she does give you
the awkward head-turn, turning away when you go in for the kiss, just brush
it off. Move on and resume the conversation as if nothing happened.

If she asks what you were doing, reply with a straight face, “Crocheting,” or
something else similarly indifferent.

She obviously knew what you were doing, so don’t take a question like that
at face value. It’s a form of shit test. But I digress.

The biggest mistake you can make if she rejects a kiss is to make a big
deal out of it. Brush it off, move on, and resume the conversation as if
nothing happened.

Moving on… After the kiss, there’s only one thing left to do.


Taking her to bed is relatively easy. Once you’ve physically escalated to the
kiss, sex is the obvious next step.

Moreover, once you’ve reached that point—and assuming she’s responding

positively and/or reciprocating—there’s little doubting that she’s into you.

There’s just one problem, one final obstacle: Her rationalization hamster.

She doesn’t want to be seen (by either herself or her friends or even society
in general) as a slut.

So what’s the solution?

You need to give her rationalization hamster a good feed by framing the
interaction so it seems like sex “just happened.”
As much as you might wish it were so, you can’t just say, “Let’s go home
and have sex.” That might work for us guys because we tend to be more
logical and straightforward, but women are far more subtle creatures.

The solution: Plausible deniability.

Even though you and her both know what going to your place means, give
her rationalization hamster just enough food to let it think that “sex just

For example:

“I’ve got an awesome pool table at home, come over and we’ll play a round.”

Or if you don’t have a pool table, just say, “Let’s go get drinks at my place,”
or, “You’ve never had a real martini until you try my homemade XYZ.”

Heck, if the attraction is strong enough, even a lame “excuse” will do.

For example, “You need to see my awesome rug!”

Alternatively, if you’re going to her place, the same applies. If you’re both
outside her place and she seems a bit hesitant as if she’s about to spurt out
some nonsense excuse like, “I’ve got a big day tomorrow and need to get
up early, so…” then you can never go wrong with the surefire, “Do you have a
toilet?” (or something to that effect).

Although women sometimes simply don’t feel ready yet, giving her
plausible deniability will get you a long way and, more often than not, help
you to seal the deal.

The key is to give her a reason to not view herself as a slut. If you do a good
job of that, she’ll feel comfortable letting you take her to bed.

But again, this is not simple and you will learn a lot when you do it
practically. A high-value woman will not sleep with you on day 1.

Keep approaching, keep practicing

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