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Project Charter

A. General Information
Project Title: Project Customer: Project Sponsor: Project Sponsor: Boston University Project Management Post ( project

BUPMA Adrien Davis Jane Doe

Date Prepared:

Nov 5th, 2011

B. Project Purpose/Justification:
The BUPMP project is being created to allow a collaboration and work area for those interested in the project management career field. There is a need for BU students and alumni to network with colleagues and stay abreast of the latest and greatest opportunities to gain or maintain the PMI certification and advance professionally and socially within the field. The university wants to provide its students and alumni with a quick and simple method for accessing these available resources.

C. Project Description
The BUPMP project will provide not only BU students and alumni, but also the general public with an informational portal containing all things related to project management (news, websites, educational and professional resources). The project will expand the BUPMAs capabilities to provide information to BU students and alumni and the general public. Standard and secure hardware and software has been provided from

D. High Level Project Requirements

The BUPMP project must meet the following list of requirements to ensure success. The project solution shall be online and operational and accessible by BU students,, alumni, and the general public. The project solutions design shall facilitate the operational and performance capabilities requested by the customer. The solution shall pass quality assurance testing. The solution shall include a training module to be accessed by users serving as administrators. Additional requirements may be added as needed with project sponsor approval.

E. Stakeholders
BUPMA organization (customer) BU IT support (higher level management, sponsor, PM, development team, test team, operations and network support team)

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Project Charter
F. Summary Budget
BUPMA has allocated a budget of $25,200 to implement the project. A majority costs will be associated with internal resources matrixed to the project. The estimate is based on the projected amount of man-hours multiplied by the hourly labor rate. Hardware and hosting cost have been estimated. The development software and related licensing are already internally owned and will be authorized for used by the project teams.

Summary Budget List of component project costs Project Component

Personnel Resources Hardware/Hosting Software and Licensing

Component Cost
$25,000 $200 $0



G. Project Milestones
Major milestones of the project. Summary Milestone Schedule Project Milestone Project Start Finalized Requirements Set Approved by the Customer Visual Prototype Design Completed Prototype implemented and integrated within development environment Completed Solution Unit and Integration Testing Completed Quality and Customer Acceptance Case Testing Project complete and released for public use.

Target Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 11/08/2011 11/11/2011 11/18/2011 11/22/2011 11/25/2010 12/03/2010 12/10/2011

H. Project Objectives
Project Objectives Provide users of website with PM information. (Websites, news and video links) Allow users to register and create a profile with website Success Criteria A section on website with list of top PM websites provided by customer. A section with RSS feeds of news and videos listed. User can register name and email with pw login. Name and contact information will be input for profile. A plug in allows Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to display on users profile. A section on website contains date uploaded from PMI website by BUPMP.coms administrators. A section on website will contain Approving Authority BUPMA representative

BUPMA representative

Allow users to link other social websites profiles to their BUPMP profile. Allow users to access PMI sanctioned information (PM templates, whitepapers, test information, practice tests) Allows users to view job
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BUPMA representative

BUPMA representative

BUPMA representative
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Project Charter
openings and professional conferences related to the PM career field. a job board and a list of conferences maintained by BUPMP.coms administrators.

I. Project Deliverables
The following deliverables must be met upon the successful completion of the BUPMP project. The project sponsor must approve any changes to these deliverables. - Fully deployed internet solution - Technical documentation and functional documentation for the solution

J. Project Manager
Adrien Davis is assigned as Project Manager of the BUPMP project. His responsibility is to manage all project tasks, scheduling, and communication regarding the project. His team will Team 5C, consisting of 3 other resources who will be matrix support from the IT department. He will coordinate all resource requirements through the project sponsor. He is authorized to approve all budget expenditures up to, and including, the allocated budget amounts. Any additional funding must be requested.

K. Project Risks
The following risks for the BUPMP project have been identified. The project manager will determine and employ the necessary risk mitigation/avoidance strategies as appropriate to minimize the likelihood of these risks. These are initial risks and can be modified as needed pending approval from the project sponsor.

Risk Area Leadership, Support and Buy-In

Assessment High

Impact Project requires support by IT department management

Mitigation Dedicated PM process with proper configuration, requirements, and change management. Proper monitoring techniques are also well documented and in place The development software is currently used organization wide and there is a high knowledge. Develop a total life cycle cost estimate during concept validation as part of the milestone decision. High expertise will provide for quick and agile development. Requirements will be locked down upon customer validation. Quality testing is integrated into development process.

Staffing Cost

Low Low

Success of project depends on ability to staff with credible experience in the technical areas. We developed an early estimate using internal labor cost. Schedule is compress and leaves little room for slippage. Successful completion of concept validation will result in a client-wide implementation. This risk factor will depend on the results of concept validation.

Schedule Scope Quality

High Low Unknown


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Project Charter

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Project Charter
L. Project Assumptions
The following are a list of assumptions. Upon agreement and signature of this document, all parties acknowledge that these assumptions are true and correct: - This project has the full support of the project sponsor, stakeholders, and all departments - The purpose of this project will be communicated throughout the company prior to deployment - The IT department will provide additional resources if necessary

M. Project Constraints

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Project Charter
N. Signatures
The signatures of the people below document approval of the formal Project Charter. The project manager is empowered by this charter to proceed with the project as outlined in the charter. Customer: Name Signature Date

Project Sponsors: Name Signature Date

Project Manager: Name Signature Date

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