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5001-Industrial Management and Safety - Model Question Paper

PART A –Answer in one word or one sentence- 1 mark Questions

1._________ is the art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that
it is done in the best and cheapest way.
Ans. Management
2. Define the term ‘Quality’.
Ans. Quality is the fitness for use.
3. Give 1 example for private limited company and public limited company.
Ans. Private- Reliance India Private Ltd. Public- BHEL
4. PERT stands for _________
Ans. Program Evaluation Review Technique
5. CPM stands for _________
Ans. Critical Path Method
6. Write the full form of ISO
Ans. International Organization for standardization
7. Define Labour turnover.
Ans. It may be defined as the ratio of number of workers who have left their
job on their accord to the average number of workers employed in a factory
during a given time.
8. Write the full form of ABC
Ans. Always Better Control
9. What is Management Information Systems?
Ans. Information systems management combines the theories of computer
science and information technology (IT) with management and business
10. Give any two applications of Program evaluation and review
Technique used for network analysis.
Ans. Defence, Research and Development Activity.
11. Define Dummy Activity.
Ans. It is an artificial activity in the network which neither consumes any time
nor resource. It is represented by a dashed arrow.
12. An event which follows another event is called _________
Ans. Successor Event

13. List out the types of incentives.
Ans. 1.Financial Incentives 2.Nonfinancial Incentives 3.Semi financial
14. Write any two unsafe acts of a worker.
Ans. Improper safety wearing, Operating equipment without authority
15. _________ is the difference between LFT and EFT.
Ans. Slack or Float

PART B – Each question carries 3 marks

1. Describe the functions of Management.
Functions of management
(Code to remember-POSDC)
1. Planning - determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals

2. Organizing- process of bringing together physical, financial and human

resources and developing productive relationship amongst them.

3. Staffing- involves making the organization structure through proper and

effective selection

4. Directing- guiding, supervising, motivating sub-ordinate for the achievement

of organizational goals.

5. Controlling- is the measurement & correction of performance activities of

subordinates in order to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans
desired to obtain them are being accomplished.

2. What are the factors affecting manpower planning?

(CODE to remember- OS GP BULDC EC Ex)
The factors affecting manpower planning are
1. Organization structure
2. Growth and planning
3. Business location
4. Demographic changes
5. Environmental changes
6. Expansion

3. List out the differences between Private Limited and Public Limited
Public Limited Company
•Minimum members - 7
• Maximum members - Unlimited
• Minimum capital - 5,00,000
Private Limited Company
• Minimum members - 3
• Maximum members - 200
• Minimum capital -1,00,000
4. Write the advantages of training
• Improves Team functionality.
• Improve Employee Engagement.
• Increase Productivity.
5. Define vision, mission and quality policy of an organization.
Vision- a statement of what we are trying to do as a business.
Mission- what we have to do as a business to achieve our vision.
Quality Policy- ties the vision and mission in a brief statement.
6. Define the terms (i) Optimistic Time. (ii)Most likely time. (iii) Pessimistic
time or Define the three time estimates used in PERT
(i) Optimistic time – The least amount of time it can take to complete a task.
(ii) Most likely time – Assuming there are no problems, the best or most
reasonable estimate of how long it should take to complete a task.
(iii) Pessimistic time – The maximum amount of time it should take to
complete a task.
7. Write short note on Just in Time (JIT).
The just-in-time (JIT) inventory system minimizes inventory and increases
efficiency. JIT production systems cut inventory costs because manufacturers
receive materials and parts as needed for production and do not have to pay
storage costs.

8. Write the steps to find solution for LPP or Explain the Concept of linear
programming. (3 mark or 7 mark question)
Linear Programming is a mathematical tool/technique for determining the best
uses of an organization’s resources.
1. Formulate the linear programming problems.

2. Plot the given constraint lines considering them as equations.

3. From the above graph identify the feasible solution region.

4. Locate the corner points of the feasible solution region.

5. Calculate the value of the objective function on the corner points.

6. Now choose the point where the objective function has optimal value.
9. Define (i) Factory (ii) Accident (iii) Frequency Rate iv)Accident
Proneness v) Performance Index
(i) Factory - a building or set of buildings with facilities for manufacturing.
(ii) Accident – Unexpected incident occurs which is unforeseen that results
directly in the injury or death of the Person covered.
(iii) Frequency Rate- The frequency rate is the number of occupational
accidents arisen during a period of 12 months by one million hours worked.
iv) Accident Proneness- The small proportions of the workers in the industry
receive a large proportion of injuries and workers in these groups are said to be
accident prone.
v) Performance Index- It is the square root of the product of frequency rate
and severity rate divided by 1000.
10. List the main functions of a store keeper.
(List out- For 3 marks question, Write 1 sentence each for 7 mark question)
1. Receipt of Material into Storage
2. Record Keeping
3. Storage of Materials
4. Maintaining Stores
5. Issuing Stores
6. Coordination with Materials Control.

PART C-Answer all questions. Each question carries seven marks
1. Describe Henry Fayol’s 14 Principles of management.
(CODE to remember-DADI U C USSR? O I SEE)
1. Division of work
2. Authority and responsibility
3. Discipline
4. Unity of command
5. Centralization
6. Unity of Direction
7. Scalar Chain
8. Stability of tenure of personnel
9. Remuneration
10. Order
11. Initiative
12. Subordination of Interest
13. Equity
14. Espirit de Corps
2. Write any seven contributions of F.W Taylor in the field of Management.
(7marks – 7points, 3mark question -3points)
1. He developed the principle of breaking a task (job) into elements for timing
the same.

2. He kept himself involved in exploring the causes of inefficiency and labor

difficulties in the industry.

3. He evolved certain principles of investigating work on scientific basis which

lead to the concept of Scientific Management.

4. Another concept connected with the name of Taylor is A Fairy Day’s Task.

5. Taylor developed functional organization in which one foreman was made in

charge for each function.

6. Taylor devoted his maximum attention towards time studies and he

established work standards.

7. Taylor suggested a wage incentive scheme known as Taylor’s Differential
Piece Rate plan.

3. Explain in detail the steps for the installation of ISO 9000.

There are 3 main steps for the installation of ISO 9000.They are
I) Preparatory step
II) Implementation step
III) Registration & Certification Step
I) Preparatory step
 Conduct awareness program to top level management.
 Set up implementation committee
 Find current status and prepare action plan
 Develop organizational structure
II) Implementation step
 Implement the documented quality system
 Establish internal quality audit
 Monitor and stabilize quality system
 Conduct preregistration internal audit
III)Registration & Certification Step
 Apply for Registration
 Audit by Certification body
 Compliance audit
 Certification
4. Describe the duties and responsibilities of a store keeper.
1. Collect, process and document all merchandise received.
2. Assist in receiving all merchandise from suppliers.
3. Check all merchandise for discrepancies and damages.
4. Sort merchandise according to pricing and location at store.
1. Assign work orders to staff.
2. Keep store clean and organized.
3. Receive, store and distribute merchandise.
5. List out the Ten Mantras of TQM.

1. Quality is through continuous involvement and effort.

2. Quality involves hard work and devotion
3. Quality is everybody’s business
4. Quality begins cleanliness
5. Take quality and quality will take care everything
6. Make it right for first time
7. Quality is achieved through team work.
8. Document is dependable.
9. Quality is end and begins with education
10. Quality is used to evaluate product and services.

6. Write the differences between CPM and PERT.

(3mark-3points each, 7mark-7points each)
PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique
CPM stands for Critical Path Method

7. Write the applications of CPM and PERT.

Applications of CPM

1. Construction of civil and mechanical projects

2. Electrical and electronic product manufacturing and assembling

3. Setting up new industry

PERT Application

1. Research and development activity

2. Military operations

3. Design and development of new product.

4. Weather forecasting

8. Explain in detail the causes of accidents.

Accident may cause due to

1. Mechanical factors

2. Environmental factors

3. Personal factors

1.Mechanical Factors

i. Improper machine guarding

ii. Unsafe construction

iii. Defective devices

iv. Broken safety guards

2. Environmental factors

i. High temperature

ii. High humidity

iii. Excessive dust

3. Personal factors

i. Age

ii. Stress

iii. Carelessness

iv. Drugs

9. Explain the 4 E's of accident prevention technique.

The 4 E's of accident prevention technique are

1. Engineering : This involves using of proper machine tools, proper transport

use protective devices, alarm system, evacuation plan in case of fire etc.

2. Education : Educate employees to practices to be followed to ensure safety.

It can be done through induction, training, using proper supervisor, forming
safety committees etc.

3. Enforcement: It’s forcing everyone to follow the rules. Everyone should be

contributed to ensure safety.

4. Emergency Care of Road Accident Victims: Post-accident emergency care

is a serious concern in India as nearly 50% of people die on the spot or while
transiting to the hospital/trauma centres. If the occurrence of accidents and
location can be shared to provide emergency care within golden hours a lot of
lives can be saved.

10. Explain the terms used in CPM.

i. Activity: It is an individual operation which consumes resource and time. It

has beginning and end. An arrow represents an activity

ii. Event: Event represent a point in time where completion of some activity
and beginning of new activity. A circle represents an event.

iii. Successor event: An event which follows another event is called successor

iv. Predecessor event: The event which occurs before another event is known
as predecessor event.

v. Dummy activity: A dummy activity which is not utilizing time or resource. It
is an imaginary activity represented by dotted arrow line.

vi. EFT (Earliest finish time): This is the earliest possible time at which an
activity can finish.

vii. LFT (Latest finish time): It is the total time by which and activity should
be completed.

viii. Critical path: The path in which a LFT and EFT are equal is called critical
path. It can be represented by double line

ix. Slack or float: It is the difference between LFT and EFT. In critical path
slack or float will be zero.

x. Critical Activity: The Activities with a slack or float of zero are called
critical activity.


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