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Company Enco group

EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

Activity Scaffold erection, modification and dismantling

Sr.No Job Steps Hazards Control measures to be enforced Remarks/action
01 Preparation for Scaffolding works • Inattentiveness and • Ensure all employees had undergone the induction training. • Site manager
miscommunication which • Ensure all employees understood the emergency procedure. • Site engineer
can result to physical injury • Tool box talk /STARRT meeting shall be conducted by line • Supervisor
or damage to property supervision prior to execute the task to be done. • Scaffold supervisor/
• • Ensure that proper PTW are obtained for all activities must be inspector
• Incompetent and displayed at workplace in the permit box. • Foreman
untrained Workers • Ensure that all permit requirements are fully implemented. • HSER
• • Approved Work Method Statements and JSA shall be available at • Scaffold erector
job location and same to be explained to the work force prior
commencement of the task.
• Provide PPE to all employees assigned for the activity.
• Ensure the availability of first aid kit at site.
• Appropriate signs and warnings posted to inform of construction
site hazards
• Physical barriers installed to prevent access
• Ensure attendance to the follows mandatory HSSE training:
• STARRT meet must be conducted prior to start work
02 Precautionary steps being taken to • Contact with infected • 14 days Quarantine must be completed when mobilized from out • Site manager
prevent covid-19 infection person of Duqm, or go for the test and report shall be submit. • Site engineer
• Not maintaining Social • Maintain social distancing all the times. • Supervisor
distance • Mask must be worn all the times • Scaffold supervisor/
• Not washing hands • All personnel must go for the regular body temperature inspector
properly measurement. • Foreman
• Not wearing mask • Ensure adequate hand wash liquid available at toilets • HSER
• Not attending on regular • Ensure hand sanitizer is available. • Scaffold erector
body temperature • Discuss in TBT about covid-19 awareness on regular basis.
measurement. • Immediately report to your supervisor if you are feeling sick. Or
• Sickness any symptoms.
• Do not share food with your colleagues.
• Avoid shaking hands, hugging.
• Cover your sneezing by elbow.
• Use personal water bottle.
• Do not use other companies rest shelter, smoking shelter etc.
• Certified first aider
03 Tool and materials • Unauthorized work • Tools shall be inspected and color coded prior to erection, • Site manager
execution damaged or faulty tools must be immediately surrendered to • Site engineer
• Poor condition of required tool room and replaced. • Supervisor
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Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

tools and materials for • All hand tools shall be provided with retaining strings. • Scaffold supervisor/
scaffold erection causing • Radial pipe cutter shall be used in cutting scaffolding pipes based inspector
injury on required lengths. • Foreman
• Sharp edges of materials • Prior to installation, scaffolding materials are inspected by • HSER
• Improper stacking and scaffold supervisor to ensure materials are fit for erection • Scaffold erector
storage of scaffold • Scaffold materials shall be properly stored on temporary staging
materials area segregated and arranged in racks.
• Working beyond permitted • Damaged scaffold materials must be isolated and removed from
work area site.
• Damaged scaffold planks shall be marked and segregated
• Wear adequate PPE (Helmet with chin strap, safety glass, safety
shoes etc.)
• Ensure all scaffolders, inspector, foreman are competent and
• Only personnel trained in fall protection and prevention (working
at heights) shall be assigned to work at heights
• Tie barricade tapes on sharp materials to make it visible for all
workers involved.
• Workers will wear all the required PPE for the activity.
• Maintain proper back posture and body position during manual
lifting of materials. Position body where less effort is exerted and
less strain.
• Maintain good housekeeping at all times.
• Set up all scaffolding site requirements including barricade and
warning signs.
• Have the lay-out for erection ready prior to start of work
04 Manual Handling • Dropping of material due • Assess the weight of the materials and adopt mechanical shifting • Site manager
to the In balance or for heavy materials. • Site engineer
improper coordination • Divide the load between the coworkers. • Supervisor
• Back pain or muscle • Carry loads between close to the body • Scaffold supervisor/
catch/cramps due to • Do not try to lift the heavy load seek others help. Keep always inspector
wrong posture of lifting the back straight and lift the load by legs • Foreman
• Maintain proper back posture and body position during manual • HSER
lifting of materials. Position body where less effort is exerted and • Scaffold erector
less strain
• Do not twist the body same time while lifting
• Do not exceed load for manual handling more than 30 kg
• Ensure the access way is clear from any obstruction before
shifting the material
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Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

05 Scaffold Erection and Modification • Incompetent person • Ensure all scaffolders, inspector, foreman are competent and • Site manager
• Uneven ground certified • Site engineer
• Insufficiently supported • While the RED (UNSAFE) scaffold tag is displayed, access to the • Supervisor
scaffold platform scaffold structure is prohibited to non-scaffold personnel • Scaffold supervisor/
• Fall of person • Ensure scaffold has been inspected and passed, tag are to be inspector
• Fall of materials signed by the responsible inspector using a permanent ink pen. • Foreman
• Improper hauling of • Ensure the area properly levelled and compacted • HSER
scaffold materials using • Provide sole board and base plate • Scaffold erector
pulley • Transom shall be installed tightly using beam clamp and properly
• Damaged Ladders to beam/column.
• Unsecured work area • Couplers /clamps being used are properly maintained and
damage free.
• Ensure ledger is the main load bearer of the platform.
• Discard bent and dented scaffold pipes.
• Complete all the required supports and tighten all couplings.
• Wood planks shall be provided for proper decking.
• Work supervisor shall ensure scaffold structure and scaffold
inspection checklist completed prior to tagging green safe to use.
• Ensure to provide at least 3 scaffold planks as a temporary
platform during erection and ensure scaffold planks are properly
• Provide proper access during erection.
• Proper bracing and ties shall be provide
• Ladder shall be fitted in the angle of 1:4
• Ladders shall be inspected and color coded. Maintain the
inspection log
• Defective ladders discovered in the inspection shall be removed
from site.
• Ensure stability of ground surface in which the Scaffold structure
is to be erected
• Above 1.8 meter all scaffolders wear full body double lanyard
harness during scaffold erection and maintain 100 % tie off.
• Safety harness should be inspected and colour coded by
competent person
• Proper supervision
• Do not allowed any unhealthy person for work at height activity
• Provide adequate fall protection and lifeline required areas.
• Only personnel trained in fall protection and prevention (working
at heights) shall be assigned to work at heights
• Tied off and hooked on a proper anchorage of sufficient strength
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Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

at all times.
• Access ladder must be of sufficient length.
• Maintain 3 point contact during ascending and descending
• Ladder properly secured at the bottom and top to provide ladder
fixing clamp.
• Handrails provided as required.
• Railings and toe boards will be completed for fall protection.
• Ensure the area is properly barricaded and warning sign are
• All hand tools are provided with retaining string.
• Throwing and banging scaffold materials is not permitted.
• Excess scaffold materials on elevated area must be removed and
stored properly.
• Toe boards fixed and secured with single coupler.
• Provide the required sign board and hard barricading to
unauthorized entry
• Pulleys shall be used in lifting truss beam/tube truss scaffold
planks etc.
• Two persons at each end will pull the truss while another two
persons on standby to fix the truss beam.
• Lay nylon rope attached to a pulley at both ends of truss prior to
• Use lifting bags in hauling of scaffold materials.
• Materials must be properly secured on bolt bag.
• Always check for the condition of hoisting equipment.
• Ensure to provide barricade and warning signs underneath the
hoisting of scaffold materials.
• Ensure pulley is inspected and colour coded
• Drop zone radius of scaffolding activity shall be secured with
physical barricade with designated point of entry/exit. As per
project procedure.
• Materials prepared for installation must be piled in racks with
access in between
06 Scaffold dismantling • Personal injury (slip, trip, • Housekeeping shall be done prior to scaffold dismantling activity. • Site manager
fall • Before dismantling is commenced check that all ties are in • Site engineer
• Fall of materials position and that scaffold appears to be safe • Supervisor
• Improper stacking and • Follow the correct procedure in dismantling scaffold structures. • Scaffold supervisor/
material storage. • The last piece of material that has been installed will be the first inspector
• Fall of person to be removed. • Foreman
• Do not through any scaffolding material. • HSER
ENCO-Job Safety Analysis Page 4 of 11
Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

• Hoist down using bolt bag, pulley and nylon rope during • Scaffold erector
dismantling and avoid stacking in upper elevation.
• Provide proper barricade and signs posted to prevent
unauthorized entry
• Do not leave tools and other materials unattended on working
• Material rack shall be made ready for piling of scaffold materials.
• Do not over stack, sort materials properly
• Ensure proper access and egress available
• Only personnel trained in fall protection and prevention (working
at heights) shall be assigned to work at heights.
• Proper wearing of full body harness and proper anchorage of
lanyards and maintaining 100% tie-off shall be observed.
• Use only the designated point of access in ascending and
descending the scaffold platform.
• Ensure access ladder is properly secured at the top and bottom.
• Handrails on access ladders shall be provided as required.
• Anchorage point of lanyards shall be installed and use according
to project specific guidelines in full body harness anchorage
07 Lifting operation for handling of • Failure of lifting tools and • Ensure the equipment having valid third party test certificate • Site manager
scaffolding material equipment registration document. • Site engineer
• Vehicle movement • Equipment’s should be inspected prior to start the activity. TPI • Supervisor
• Un even ground Certification is required • Scaffold supervisor/
• Failure of equipment • Only authorized Third Party certified / trained riggers are allowed inspector
• Improper extension of to perform • Foreman
outrigger lead to crane • Area shall be properly barricaded and signposted • HSER
toppling • Keep access unobstructed for free movements • Scaffold erector
• Failure of lifting tools and • Supervisor shall ensure availability of competent banks-
tackles man/rigger
• Unsafe rigging practices • Proper compaction should be ensured before placing the crane
resulting to occupational • Check for any underground utilities before placing the crane
injuries like hit, struck by, • Visual inspection has to be conducted by crane operator and
fall, caught in between, lifting supervisor prior to lifting operation
etc. • Operator having valid resident license & assessment third party
• Out rigger of the carne fully extend and out rigger pad in place.
• Crane manufacture instruction shall be followed
• Good communication with operator and rigger.
• Never lift a load that exceeds 75% of the load chart capacity of
ENCO-Job Safety Analysis Page 5 of 11
Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

the crane
• Check the wind velocity and ground stability of the crane
• Check for any underground utilities before placing the crane
• Proper compaction should be ensured before placing the crane
• Only authorized Third Party certified / trained riggers are allowed
to perform rigging activity
• Area needs to be barricaded and proper signs need to be placed.
• All lifting tackles must have a valid third party certification and
inspected and colour coded.
• Visual inspection has to be conducted for all the lifting tools and
tackles by lifting supervisor prior to lifting operation.
• Rigging equipment shall not be used on loads greater than its
• All lifting tackles shall be kept in proper storage before and after
• Any tools found with damages have to be discarded from the
service immediately
• Lifting radius is cleared from any ground or overhead
obstructions, properly barricaded and sign posted with
designated point of access.
• Equipment operator shall be advised to receive signal only from
banks-man or rigger not from anyone else
• Clear communication between banks man and equipment
operator shall be maintained. If hand signal is not appropriate,
radio communication or other suitable means shall be
• Only authorized personal allowed in this area
• Use 2 taglines to control load movement.
• Load lifting point should be inspected before starting the activity
• Nobody is allowed to stay or pass below the suspended load
• Ensure the loads secured properly
• Follow the good communication between operator and rigger.
• Avoid swinging of loads on a high speed manner
08 Equipment movement and Loading & • Unauthorized operation • Ensure Trailer Driver shall have valid ROP driving license and • Site Engineer
unloading, shifting of materials on defensive Driving. • Site Supervisor
Trailer by using Fork lift, Crane, Boom • Only pre-mob inspected trailers are allowed to enter the site. • HSER
Truck. • Ensure the load secured properly by lashing prior to shifting.
• Follow specific instructions for handling of rotary & skid
equipment supplied by the manufacturer.
• Provide trained flagman for the movement
ENCO-Job Safety Analysis Page 6 of 11
Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

• Regular inspect ion & maintenance of equipment to ensure its

safe working condition
• Defective • Lifting appliances shall have a current valid Inspection ITP Test
equipment/Lifting tackle. certificate.
• Riggers must be trained and certified by third party trainer
• Use only TP certified & color-coded lifting tackles.
• Ensure operator checks /inspection prior to use.
• Follow specific instructions for handling of rotary & skid
equipment supplied by the manufacturer.
• Ensure Approved MS, JSA, PTW and Lifting plan shall be available
on site with performing authority.
• Lifting Supervisor shall be presence during this activity.
• Ensure HSE coverage during lifting activity.
• Spillage • Regular inspection & maintenance of equipment to ensure its
safe working condition.
• Misuse / Incorrect • Ensure availability of competent personnel for lifting operations. •
Operation • Operator shall be trained & authorized – possessing relevant
operating permit.
• Provision of an authorized Rigger.
• Operator to follow the signals of Rigger.
• Abrupt movements • Load shall be moved I slewed slowly & cautiously.
• Do not drop the load; bring down & place slowly at unloading
• Be watchful & cautious of the presence of objects, vehicle,
equipment, etc., in the surroundings while moving the load.
• Operator to follow the signals of Rigger.
• Loading balance due to • Crane operations shall only be carried out on level & even
uneven ground / wrong ground, away from the edges of pits/slopes.
positioning • Check & confirm the suitability of crane positioning that will
provide balanced & safe lift and position the vehicle being loaded
within safe reach & man oeuvre.
• Ensure stability of the equipment by properly positioning the
• Load shall be securely fastened to provide a balanced lift without
causing imbalance.
• Hold the load at a lower height to confirm the load balance
before further lifting.
• Inadequate workspace • Plan the work area properly to avoid congestion and conflicting
congested area. activities in the vicinity.

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Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

• Ensure provision of adequate work area for safe man oeuvre of

• Restrict movement of personnel in the vicinity; do not allow
unauthorized personnel in the work area.
• Park the vehicles away from the loading point; only the vehicle to
be loaded shall be present in the loading area.
• Proper storage of materials.
• Maintain good housekeeping in work area
• Lifted I elevated load. • Do not allow presence of personnel to come under the Lifted/
elevated load or within its swinging radius.
• Use guide ropes/sticks to control the load from swinging while
lifting, slewing & unloading;
• Do not move close to the load.
• Do not leave the elevated load unattended; Operator shall not
leave the cabin, before it is unloaded; except to get down &
confirm safety in operations.
09 Working in hot environment • Exposure to heat • Adequate and clean water supplies are readily available in close • Site manager
• Heat stress proximity to the work area. • Site engineer
• Frequent breaks in shaded area to allow workers to adequately • Supervisor
recover from work periods in direct sunlight shall be provided to • Scaffold supervisor/
all workers inspector
• Constant monitoring and behavioral observation of the workers • Foreman
is required by field safety supervisor, Forman and supervisors to • HSER
observe specifically for signs and symptoms of heat stress • Scaffold erector
• Shaded area large enough that all workers can take periodic
breaks in an area that is shielded from direct sunlight
• No lonely work is permitted
• No work will be permitted during 12:30PM to 03:30PM during
summer time (Jun 1 To Aug 31)
• Ensure follow TCM heat stress procedure and Flag system
• Heat index should be communicated as follows
• Above 39 Degree Heat –Index, a yellow flag will be shown in high
location (All work can be carried out)
• Above 45 Degree Heat –Index, a red flag will be shown on high
location (No heavy work like manual excavation, manual
handling, shuttering to be carried out)
• Above 54 Degree Heat –Index, a black flag will be shown on high
location (All work should be stopped except ongoing concreting
and lifting activities

ENCO-Job Safety Analysis Page 8 of 11

Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

10 Weather condition • Inclement weather • Lifting is allowed only when the wind force is (equivalent to 10.8- • Site manager
( High Wind and dust ) 13.8m/sec or below) • Site engineer
• Supervisor
• During inclement weather, work should be suspended and wait • Scaffold supervisor/
for the HSE SAIPEM Instruction. inspector
• Crane and other equipment’s should be off and booms should be • Foreman
down. • HSER
• Never leave any Loose / Unsecured materials • Scaffold erector
11 Housekeeping /Site cleanness • Slip/trip/ and fall • All possible due diligence to be exercised to ensure zero slips, • Site manager
• Waste generation trips and falls. • Site engineer
• Prompt collection & disposal of wastes at the designated areas • Supervisor
• All personnel to be responsible for clean-up and removal of all • Scaffold supervisor/
equipment and spoil. inspector
• All work areas to be thoroughly checked to ensure that all tools • Foreman
and equipment are accounted for before leaving site. • HSER
• Ensure to return all tools and equipment to proper storage area • Scaffold erector
to maintain in good condition.
12 Extended working hours/Night work • Poor lighting • Work place lighting level shall be good enough to enable people • Site manager
• Fatigue/stress to work in night. • ALL
• TBT/STARRT to be conducted • ERT
• Reduced visibility /contact • Appropriate work plan shall be in place considering work load
with vehicle and according to the length and the timing of the shift
machineries • Safety representative shall be available at the site to advice and
update on HSE Matters
• Emergency arrangements like vehicle, first aider should be
available at site.
• Close supervision and HSE Coverage
• Regular break shall be given to workers in the intervals to reduce
the risk and fatigue
13 Emergency procedure • Personal injury • Any accident/emergencies shall be reported to ENCO first aider • Site manager
• Traffic accident &site supervisor. ENCO HSE Advisor will take control of situation • Site Supervisor
• Gas release from and report to SAIPEM HSSE within 30 minute or less • Foreman
neighbour plant • Initial written notification of accident, incident or Near miss to • First Aider/Nurse
SAIPEM HSSE within 12 Hrs. or less • HSER
• All personal to be aware of possible gas leaks from neighbour
plant and be ready to immediately evacuate the job location to a
safe muster point
• Supervisor /Forman to immediately request all their people to
move to a safe muster point I case of gas smell coming from
ENCO-Job Safety Analysis Page 9 of 11
Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

neighbour plants and or in case of activated emergency sirens.

• All personnel will be instruct on procedure to take and system of
contact (ENCO/SAIPEM) should an incident occurs
• Supervisors to include in the STARRT activity information about
nearest muster point, wind socks, cross wind evacuation system ,
emergency route, etc..
• Reporting of all incidents shall be informed in daily STARRT
• Supervisor/Engineers in charge are responsible for leading HSE
and compliances by workforce.
• Trained first aider to be provided
• Ensure availability of emergency vehicle
• Emergency drill planned to be conducted in working area
• Emergency preparedness: in case of emergency alarm assemble
in the nearest assembly point.
• In case of incident emergency contact: SAIPEM Emergency No-
93208091- ORPIC emergency No- 22105555
14 Housekeeping /Site cleanness • Slip/trip/ and fall • All possible due diligence to be exercised to ensure zero slips, • Site manager
• Waste generation trips and falls. • Site Supervisor
• Fire • Prompt collection & disposal of wastes at the designated areas • Foreman/Team Leader
• Used welding rod should be keep in the separate bin • HSER
• All personnel to be responsible for clean-up and removal of all
equipment and spoil.
• All work areas to be thoroughly checked to ensure that all tools
and equipment are accounted for before leaving site.
• Ensure to return all tools and equipment to proper storage area
to maintain in good condition.
Saipem Clinic - 9557 8187/2252 6306
Saipem HSE Office -2257 9127/97033525
ENCO Site Engineer– 98521867
ENCO HSE Manager – 79024067
Issue record
Prepared by Peter Farah Reviewed By Iftikhar Malik
Designation Site Engineer Designation HSE Manager
Date 03-07-2022 Date 03-07-2022

ENCO-Job Safety Analysis Page 10 of 11

Company Enco group
EPC-3 Offsite facilities project, Duqm Refinery JSA Creation Date 03.07.2022
Job Safety Analyses Revision No 1
Revision Date 03.07.2022
Scaffold Activity
Completed By Iftikhar Malik

Signature Signature

ENCO-Job Safety Analysis Page 11 of 11

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