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(Time allowed: 2 hours)

Date: Full Marks:80
Class - X
Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper.
They must NOT start writing during this time
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
SECTION-A (40 Marks)
( Attempt all questions from this section)
Question 1
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: [15×1=15]
i) The characteristics of sound which enables to differentiate between two sound of
different intensity is:
a) Quality
b) Amplitude
c) Pitch
d) Loudness
ii) When a conductor carrying current is placed in a magnetic field, perpendicular to it
then the direction of force experienced can be found out using
a) Lenz’s law
b) Fleming’s right hand rule
c) Fleming’s left hand rule
d) Right hand thumb rule
iii) The specific latent heat of fusion of water is
a) 80 cal /g
b) 2260 J/ g
c) 80 J / g
d) 336 J/ kg
iv) While entering from medium A to medium B if light slows down then:
a) Angle of incidence > angle of reflection
b) Angle of incidence < angle of reflection
c) Angle of incidence = angle of reflection
d) None of these

v) The phenomenon of light that causes the dimond to glitter is

a) Refraction
b) Total internal reflection
c) Reflection
d) Absorption

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vi) The direction of induced current obtained by
a) Fleming’s right hand rule
b) Fleming’s left hand rule
c) Clock rule
d) Right hand thumb rule
vii) The presence of magnetic field at a point can be detected by means of
a) A strong magnet
b) A solenoid
c) A compass needle
d) A current carrying wire
viii) The rating of a fuse connected in the lighting circuit is:
a) 15 A
b) 5 A
c) 10 A
d) Zero
ix) A switch must be connected in the
a) Live wire
b) Neutral wire
c) Earth wire
d) Either earth or neutral wire
x) An electrical appliance has a rating 100 W, 120 V. The resistance of element of
appliance when in use is :
a) 1.2 Ω
b) 144 Ω
c) 120 Ω
d) 100 Ω
xi) In series combination of resistance
a) Potential difference is same across each resistance
b) Total resistance is reduced
c) Current is same in each resistance
d) All of the above
xii) What resistance must be connected to a 15 Ω resistance to provide an effective
resistance of 6 Ω.
a) 10 Ω
b) 5 Ω
c) 7 Ω
d) 15 Ω
xiii) On reducing the focal length of a lens, its power :
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Does not change
d) First increases then decreases.
xiv) A concave lens forms the image of an object which is:
a) Virtual, inverted and diminished
b) Virtual, upright and diminished
c) Virtual, inverted and enlarged

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d) Virtual, upright and enlarged
xv) The critical angle for glass- air interface is :
a) 24 degree
b) 48 degree
c) 42 degree
d) 45 degree

Question 2
a) A concave lens always forms a virtual image. Draw a ray diagram to show it. State the
magnification of the image with sign, whether greater than, equal to or less than 1.
b) State two conditions required for total internal reflection.
c) State two characteristics of a fuse wire
d) Calculate the quantity of heat produced in a 20 Ω resistor carrying 2.5 A current in 5
e) Two bulbs are marked 110 W, 220 V and 55 W, 110 V respectively. Calculate the ratio
of their resistance
f) The diagram shows a coil of several turns of copper wire near a magnet NS. The coil is
moved in the direction of arrow shown in the diagram.
(i) In what direction does the induced current flow in the coil?
(ii) Name the law used to arrive at the conclusion in part (i).
(iii) How would the current in coil be altered if:
1) the coil has twice the number of turns,
2) the coil was made to move three times fast?

g) Which colour of the white light is deviated by a glass prism

i) The most ii) the least [2+2+2+2+2+3+2]

Question 3

a) How are Flemings left-hand rule and right-hand rule different from each other?
b) At what voltage and frequency is the a.c. supplied to our houses?

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c) An electric kettle is rated 3 kW , 250 V. Give the reason whether this kettle can be used in
a circuit which contains a fuse of current rating 13 A.
d) Calculate the mass of ice required to lower the temperature of 300 g water at 40°C to water
at 0°C. ( specific latent of ice = 336 J/g , specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g°C
e) i) Draw a graph between displacement and the time for a body executing free vibrations.
ii) Where can a body execute free vibrations?
SECTION B( Answer any four)

a) ) Calculate the effective resistance across AB

b) i) State whether the specific heat capacity of a substance remains the same when its state
changes from solid to liquid
ii) Give one example to support your answer.
c) i) State two differences between heat capacity and specific heat capacity.
ii) Give a mathematical relation between heat capacity and specific heat capacity.
d) A solid of mass 50 g at 1500C is placed in 100 g of water at 110C, when the final
temperature recorded is 200C. Find the specific heat capacity of the solid. ( Specific heat capacity
of water = 4.2 J/g 0C). [2+2+3+3]

a) State the position of the object in front of converging lens if:
i) It produces a real and same size image of the object.
ii) It is used as a magnifying lens
b) Identify the following wires used in a household circuit
i) The wire is also called as the phase wire.
ii) The wire is connected to the top terminal of a three pin socket.
c) The following diagram shows a 600, 300,900 glass prism of critical angle 420. Copy the
diagram and complete the path of incident ray AB emerging out of the prism making the angle of
incidence on each surface.

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3) A metal wire of resistance 6 Ω is stretched so that its length is increased to twice its
original length. Calculate its new resistance.
4) Household wiring for lamp connections can either be done in parallel or series.
Which one is a better choice and give two reasons for it?

a) The diagram below shows a circuit with the key K open. Calculate

i) the resistance of the circuit when the key is open.

ii) the current drawn from the cell when the key K is open.
iii) the resistance of the circuit when the key K is closed.
iv) the current drawn from the cell when the key K is closed.
b)i) What is principle on which SONAR is based?
ii) An observer stands at a certain distance away from a cliff and produces a loud sound. He
hears the echo of the sound after 1.8 s. Calculate the distance between the cliff and the observer
if the velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s.
d) i) How does the angle of deviation formed by a prism change with the increase in the angle
of incidence?
ii) Draw a graph showing the variation in the angle of deviation with the angle of incidence
at a prism surface.
. [4+3+3]

a) Displacement distance graph of two sound waves A and B, travelling in a medium, are as
shown in the diagram

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Study two sound waves and compare their
i) Amplitudes
ii) Wavelengths
b) i) What is resonance?
ii) Why the soldiers are asked to break their steps while marching?

c) Water in lakes and ponds do not freeze at once in cold countries. Give a reason to support your
d) i) What is principle of calorimetry.
ii) Name the law on which this principle is based.
iii) State the effect of an increase of impurities on the melting point of ice. [2+3+2+3]

a) Calculate the equivalent resistance between A and B

b) Two resistors of 4 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel to a cell to draw 0.5 A current from
the cell.
i)Draw a labeled circuit diagram showing the above arrangement.
ii) Calculate the circuit in each resistor.
c) i) What is damped vibration
ii)State the conditions for resonance.
d) The ratio of amplitude of two waves is 3 : 4. Find the ratio of their i) loudness ii) pitch

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a) Specific heat capacity of substance A is 3.8 J g-1 K-1, whereas the specific heat capacity
of substance B is 0.4 J g-1 K-1.
i)Which of the two is a good conductor of heat
ii) If substances A and B are liquids then which one would be more useful in car

b) A person standing between the two vertical cliffs and 640 m away from the nearest cliff,
produces sound. He hears the first echo after 4 s and the second echo 3 s later. Calculate
i)the speed of sound in air and ii) the distance between the cliffs.

c) Draw a ray diagram for a convex lens when a object is placed between F and 2F.

d) Where must an object be placed in front of a convex lens of focal length 20 cm to obtain a
real and four times magnified image? Where will the image form?

e) The diagram in figure shows a small magnet placed near a solenoid AB with it's north
pole N near the end A. Current is switched on in the solenoid by pressing the key K.

(i) State the polarity at the ends A and B.

(ii) Will the magnet be attracted or repelled? Give a reason for your answer. [2+2+2+2+2]


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