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Inbreeding Harmful


1. content is fine and restructuring with help of pointers and flowcharts will make it more better
by trying to concise(without trimming down facts ) the parts after table on page 1 and and last
para of page 2 .


1. Give the complete definition of inbreeding as written in photocopy notes

2. Write a line between intro and the table

3. Like after reduce genotype variability write as shown in the table

4. do not put headings like is inbreeding harmful no? Basically do not put headlines
with question mark


1. you have written "The answer is no" right in the heading is not looking right.. becoz it should be
present in the conclusion.. like first you will give some arguments and then only you will give
conclusion na.. so I think you should remove it..

2. The point "The populations of Great Andmanis..." is basically in conjunction with Census 1971 need to connect them.. like - "Prof V.S. Shahai reported that the no. of Great
Andamanis has increased to 63 in 2018 which shows that inbreeding is not harmful".. or
something like this..

3. The conclusion - "Inbreeding is harmful..." is not explicitly visible.. maybe para

change is needed..


1. At least one time mention anywhere you want – inbreeding(consanguinity)

2. General effect of inbreeding - increase homozygosity thus reduces genotypical variability

3. Inbreeding itself is not harmful. It's the presence or absence of autosomal, recessive,sub lethal
that makes the difference.


1. Answer seems fine to me….no suggestions


1. Very well written. No suggestions for removal or addition.

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