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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE) Course: Research

Methodology Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2024 Examination

1. One of the newly opened Gym in your area trying to understand what type of exercise
is preferred by people these Days, how often they do their exercise and do they really
enjoy it or they do just for the sake of doing. Which research design is most suitable for
this situation? Write research proposal for this situation.


In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on health and fitness, leading to an
increase in the number of gyms and fitness centers. Understanding the exercise preferences of
individuals, how often they engage in physical activity, and their level of enjoyment is crucial
for gym owners and fitness professionals to tailor their services effectively. This research
aims to investigate the exercise preferences, frequency, and enjoyment levels among
individuals attending a newly opened gym in the area.

**Concepts and Application Related to the Question:**

1. **Research Design:**

For this study, a mixed-methods research design will be employed. This design integrates
qualitative and quantitative methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
research question. Specifically, the study will utilize surveys to gather quantitative data on
exercise preferences and frequency, supplemented by interviews to explore the underlying
reasons and subjective experiences related to exercise enjoyment.

2. **Sampling:**

The sample will consist of gym members aged 18 and above who have been attending the
newly opened gym for at least one month. A stratified random sampling technique will be
used to ensure representation across different age groups and exercise preferences (e.g.,
cardio, strength training, group classes).

3. **Data Collection:**
Quantitative data will be collected through structured surveys administered to gym
members during their visits. The survey will include questions about their preferred types of
exercise, frequency of workouts per week, and self-reported enjoyment levels. Qualitative
data will be gathered through semi-structured interviews with a subset of survey participants
to delve deeper into their motivations, barriers, and subjective experiences related to exercise.

4. **Data Analysis:**

Quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics to examine the frequency
distribution of exercise preferences and frequency among gym members. Additionally,
inferential statistics such as correlations and t-tests may be conducted to explore relationships
between variables. Qualitative data from interviews will be transcribed and analyzed using
thematic analysis to identify recurring themes and patterns related to exercise enjoyment.

5. **Ethical Considerations:**

Prior to data collection, informed consent will be obtained from all participants, ensuring
confidentiality and anonymity of their responses. Participants will be informed about the
voluntary nature of their participation and their right to withdraw from the study at any time
without consequence.
**Additional Details:**

6. **Measurement Instruments:**

- For quantitative data collection, a structured survey will be developed, consisting of close-
ended questions related to exercise preferences (e.g., cardio, strength training, flexibility
exercises), frequency of workouts per week, duration of each session, and self-reported
enjoyment levels using Likert scale items.
- Qualitative data will be gathered through semi-structured interviews, allowing participants
to provide detailed narratives about their exercise habits, motivations, barriers, and subjective
experiences. An interview guide will be developed to ensure consistency across interviews
while allowing flexibility for participants to elaborate on relevant topics.

7. **Data Collection Procedures:**

- Surveys will be administered to gym members during designated times, ensuring minimal
disruption to their workout routines. Participants will be provided with clear instructions on
how to complete the survey, and researchers will be available to clarify any queries.
- Interviews will be scheduled at mutually convenient times with willing participants. The
interviews will be conducted in a private and comfortable setting within the gym premises to
facilitate open and honest communication. All interviews will be audio-recorded with
participants' consent and transcribed verbatim for analysis.

8. **Data Analysis Plan:**

- Quantitative data analysis will involve the use of statistical software such as SPSS or R to
compute descriptive statistics (e.g., frequencies, means, standard deviations) and inferential
statistics (e.g., correlations, t-tests) to explore relationships between variables.
- Qualitative data analysis will follow the steps of thematic analysis, including data
familiarization, coding, theme identification, and interpretation. Multiple coders will be
involved to enhance reliability and validity of the findings, and any discrepancies will be
resolved through consensus discussions.

9. **Potential Limitations:**

- Self-report measures may be subject to biases such as social desirability and recall errors,
which could affect the accuracy of the data collected.
- The study's findings may be limited to the specific context of the newly opened gym and
may not generalize to other fitness facilities or populations.
- Attrition and non-response bias could impact the representativeness of the sample and
affect the validity of the results.

10. **Implications and Recommendations:**

- The findings of this study can inform gym management and fitness professionals about
the most popular types of exercise among members and their preferences for frequency and
duration of workouts.
- Insights into the factors influencing exercise enjoyment can guide the development of
targeted interventions to enhance the overall exercise experience and promote long-term
adherence to physical activity.
- Recommendations may include diversifying the range of exercise options offered at the
gym, providing incentives to encourage regular attendance, and implementing strategies to
address common barriers to exercise participation.

In conclusion, this research proposal outlines a comprehensive plan to investigate exercise

preferences, frequency, and enjoyment among members of a newly opened gym. By
employing a mixed-methods approach and considering various measurement instruments,
data collection procedures, and analysis techniques, the study aims to provide valuable
insights that can inform practice and contribute to the promotion of healthy lifestyles within
the community.

2. You are a HR manager in one of the major IT company. Design an experimental

study to look into the factors that affect employee churn in the IT firm, with an
emphasis on HR initiatives to lower attrition. Develop a design of experiment of this
study keeping independent, dependent and extraneous variables into consideration.
How you will apply control in this experimental research. Explain the variables and
steps. (10 Marks)


Employee churn, or turnover, is a critical concern for IT firms, given its potential impact on
productivity, morale, and overall organizational performance. As a Human Resources (HR)
manager in a major IT company, it is imperative to understand the factors influencing
employee churn and identify effective HR initiatives to mitigate attrition rates. This
experimental study aims to investigate these factors and evaluate the efficacy of HR
interventions in reducing employee turnover within the organization.

**Concepts and Application Related to the Question:**

1. **Research Design:**

This study will employ a randomized controlled experimental design to investigate the
factors affecting employee churn and assess the effectiveness of HR initiatives in lowering
attrition rates. Random assignment of participants to experimental and control groups will
enable the evaluation of causal relationships between independent variables (HR
interventions) and the dependent variable (employee churn).
2. **Independent Variables:**

- HR Initiatives: This variable represents the various interventions implemented by the HR

department to address factors contributing to employee turnover. Examples include:
- Employee engagement programs
- Training and development opportunities
- Performance feedback mechanisms
- Work-life balance initiatives
- Compensation and benefits packages

3. **Dependent Variable:**

- Employee Churn: The dependent variable in this study is the rate of employee turnover
within the IT firm. It will be measured as the percentage of employees who voluntarily leave
the organization over a specified period, typically one year.

4. **Extraneous Variables:**

- Employee Demographics: Factors such as age, gender, educational background, and

tenure may influence employee turnover and need to be controlled for in the analysis.
- Job Characteristics: Variables related to job roles, responsibilities, workload, and level of
autonomy could impact attrition rates and should be considered as potential confounding
- Economic Conditions: External economic factors such as job market conditions, industry
trends, and macroeconomic indicators may affect employees' decisions to leave the

5. **Control in Experimental Research:**

- Random Assignment: Participants will be randomly assigned to either the experimental

group, which receives the HR interventions, or the control group, which does not receive any
interventions. This ensures that any observed differences in employee churn between the
groups can be attributed to the HR initiatives rather than other factors.
- Standardized Procedures: All participants will be subjected to standardized data collection
methods, including surveys, interviews, and HR records analysis, to minimize measurement
bias and ensure consistency across groups.
- Matching: To control for potential confounding variables such as employee demographics
and job characteristics, participants in the experimental and control groups will be matched
based on relevant criteria (e.g., age, job role, tenure).
- Statistical Analysis: Advanced statistical techniques such as analysis of covariance
(ANCOVA) may be employed to adjust for the effects of extraneous variables and determine
the true impact of HR interventions on employee churn.
**Additional Details:**

6. **Experimental Procedures:**

- Pre-Intervention Assessment: Before implementing HR initiatives, baseline data will be

collected on employee churn rates and relevant demographic and job-related variables for all
- Intervention Implementation: The HR initiatives identified as independent variables will
be introduced to the experimental group over a specified period. These interventions may
vary in duration and intensity depending on the nature of the initiative.
- Post-Intervention Assessment: Following the implementation of HR interventions, data on
employee churn rates will be collected from both the experimental and control groups.
Additionally, participants may be surveyed or interviewed to gather qualitative feedback on
their perceptions of the interventions and their impact on retention.
- Follow-Up Evaluation: Longitudinal data may be collected at regular intervals (e.g.,
quarterly or annually) to assess the sustainability of the HR initiatives and monitor changes in
employee churn rates over time.

7. **Sample Size Determination:**

- The sample size for this study will be determined based on statistical power analysis to
ensure adequate sensitivity to detect meaningful differences in employee churn rates between
the experimental and control groups.
- Factors such as the desired level of statistical significance, effect size, and anticipated
attrition rates will be taken into account when calculating the sample size required to achieve
sufficient power.

8. **Ethical Considerations:**
- Informed Consent: All participants will be provided with detailed information about the
study objectives, procedures, and potential risks and benefits before consenting to participate.
- Confidentiality: Measures will be taken to safeguard the confidentiality of participant
data, including anonymizing responses and restricting access to sensitive information to
authorized personnel only.
- Voluntary Participation: Participation in the study will be voluntary, and participants will
have the right to withdraw from the research at any time without penalty or repercussion.

9. **Data Analysis Plan:**

- Quantitative Analysis: Descriptive statistics, such as means, frequencies, and percentages,

will be used to summarize demographic and job-related characteristics of participants.
Inferential statistical techniques, including t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), or
regression analysis, will be employed to examine differences in employee churn rates
between the experimental and control groups.
- Qualitative Analysis: Qualitative data from participant surveys and interviews will be
analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns related to the
perceived effectiveness of HR interventions in reducing turnover.

10. **Implications and Recommendations:**

- The findings of this study can provide valuable insights for HR practitioners and
organizational leaders in the IT industry seeking to implement effective strategies to reduce
employee churn.
- Recommendations may include the prioritization of specific HR initiatives based on their
demonstrated impact on retention, as well as the ongoing evaluation and refinement of
interventions to address emerging challenges and changing workforce dynamics.
- Further research may be warranted to explore the long-term effects of HR interventions
on employee retention and organizational outcomes, as well as potential moderating or
mediating factors that may influence the effectiveness of retention efforts.


In conclusion, this experimental study aims to investigate the factors influencing employee
churn in an IT firm and evaluate the effectiveness of HR initiatives in reducing attrition rates.
By employing a randomized controlled design and implementing control measures to
minimize confounding variables, the study seeks to provide valuable insights that can inform
HR policies and practices aimed at improving employee retention and organizational
performance. Ultimately, the findings of this research have the potential to contribute to the
development of evidence-based strategies for managing employee turnover in the IT industry.

3. During pandemic Zepto has emerged as a major Quick commerce market in

Mumbai; however; after the entry of Swiggy’s Instamart and Zomato’s Blinkit the
market has become highly competitive. The market has been changing with respect to
consumer preferences, market trends and consumer choices for apps.
a. Classify and distinguish the specific purposes for which Zepto may be able to use
research effectively. Write down the problem statement and operational definition of
this research. (5 Marks)
Ans. **Introduction:**

As the Quick commerce market in Mumbai becomes increasingly competitive with the entry
of Swiggy’s Instamart and Zomato’s Blinkit, Zepto faces the challenge of adapting to
changing consumer preferences, market trends, and app choices. In order to effectively
navigate this dynamic landscape, Zepto must utilize research effectively to address specific
purposes aligned with its business objectives.

**Concepts and Application related to the question:**

1. **Purposes for which Zepto can use research effectively:**

a. **Understanding Consumer Preferences:** Research can help Zepto gain insights into
the evolving preferences of consumers in Mumbai regarding product assortment, delivery
speed, pricing, and user experience. By understanding what drives consumer behavior, Zepto
can tailor its offerings to better meet customer needs and expectations.

b. **Market Trends Analysis:** Research can enable Zepto to monitor market trends and
identify emerging opportunities or threats. This includes tracking competitor activities,
analyzing industry reports, and forecasting market shifts. By staying informed about trends,
Zepto can proactively adapt its strategies to remain competitive.

c. **App Usage and Consumer Choices:** Research can focus on understanding consumer
behavior related to app usage and preferences. This involves investigating factors influencing
app downloads, frequency of usage, satisfaction levels, and reasons for switching between
platforms. By analyzing consumer choices, Zepto can optimize its app features and marketing
strategies to attract and retain users.

2. **Problem Statement:**

Amidst increasing competition in the Quick commerce market in Mumbai, Zepto faces the
challenge of maintaining its market position and relevance in the face of evolving consumer
preferences and intensifying rivalry from competitors such as Swiggy’s Instamart and
Zomato’s Blinkit. To sustain its growth and profitability, Zepto needs to effectively
understand and respond to shifting market dynamics, consumer behavior, and app usage

3. **Operational Definition of Research:**

The research conducted by Zepto aims to achieve the following operational objectives:

a. **Consumer Preferences Analysis:** Investigate consumer preferences regarding

product assortment, delivery speed, pricing, and user experience through surveys, focus
groups, and data analysis of transactional records.

b. **Market Trends Monitoring:** Track and analyze market trends, competitor activities,
and industry reports to identify opportunities and threats that could impact Zepto's business

c. **App Usage and Consumer Behavior Study:** Examine app usage patterns, satisfaction
levels, reasons for app switching, and drivers of app downloads through app analytics, user
surveys, and behavioral data analysis.


In conclusion, Zepto can effectively utilize research to address specific purposes related to
understanding consumer preferences, analyzing market trends, and studying app usage and
consumer behavior. By conducting research aligned with its business objectives, Zepto can
gain actionable insights to inform strategic decision-making and maintain its competitiveness
in the evolving Quick commerce market in Mumbai.
b. Develop a questionnaire to study consumer preference for most preferred q-
commerce app. (5 Marks)
Ans. **Introduction:**

In the competitive landscape of Quick commerce (Q-commerce) apps in Mumbai,

understanding consumer preferences is crucial for companies like Zepto to tailor their
offerings and strategies effectively. A well-designed questionnaire can serve as a valuable tool
to gather insights into consumer preferences, allowing Zepto to identify areas for
improvement and maintain its competitiveness. This questionnaire aims to study consumer
preferences for the most preferred Q-commerce app, focusing on key factors such as product
assortment, delivery speed, pricing, and user experience.

**Concepts and Application related to the question:**

1. **Questionnaire Development:**

The questionnaire will be designed to gather quantitative data on consumer preferences for
Q-commerce apps. It will include both closed-ended and Likert scale questions to capture
specific preferences and attitudes towards various aspects of the app.

2. **Key Factors:**

a. **Product Assortment:** Assess the variety and quality of products available on the app.
b. **Delivery Speed:** Evaluate satisfaction with delivery speed and reliability.
c. **Pricing:** Measure perceptions of pricing competitiveness and value for money.
d. **User Experience:** Explore ease of use, navigation, and overall satisfaction with the
app interface.

3. **Sampling and Administration:**

The questionnaire will be administered to a representative sample of Q-commerce app users

in Mumbai, ensuring diversity in demographics such as age, gender, and income level. It can
be distributed through online platforms, social media, or direct outreach to app users.
4. **Data Analysis:**

Quantitative data collected through the questionnaire will be analyzed using statistical
techniques such as descriptive statistics, mean comparison, and correlation analysis to
identify patterns and trends in consumer preferences.


1. **Demographic Information:**
- Age: [ ]
- Gender: [ ]
- Income Level: [ ]
- Occupation: [ ]
- Frequency of app usage: [ ]

2. **Product Assortment:**
- How satisfied are you with the variety of products available on the app? (1-5 Likert scale)
- Are there any specific products or categories you would like to see added to the app?

3. **Delivery Speed:**
- On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the speed of delivery on the app?
- Have you experienced any delays or issues with delivery in the past? (Yes/No)

4. **Pricing:**
- Do you consider the prices on the app to be competitive compared to other Q-commerce
apps? (Yes/No)
- How would you rate the overall value for money of the products available on the app? (1-
5 Likert scale)

5. **User Experience:**
- How would you rate the ease of use and navigation of the app? (1-5 Likert scale)
- Are there any features or improvements you would suggest to enhance the user

6. **Overall Satisfaction:**
- On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the app overall?
- Would you recommend this app to others? (Yes/No)


A well-designed questionnaire can provide valuable insights into consumer preferences for
Q-commerce apps, helping companies like Zepto understand their target market better and
make informed decisions to improve their offerings. By focusing on key factors such as
product assortment, delivery speed, pricing, and user experience, Zepto can identify areas for
enhancement and maintain its competitiveness in the dynamic Q-commerce market in

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