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Environmental Plan

An environmental plan for construction sites typically includes several key components that are designed to minimize the environmental impact of
construction projects. These components include:

1. Site Assessment: The first step in developing an environmental plan is to conduct a thorough assessment of the construction site. This may involve
identifying potential environmental hazards, such as contaminated soil or water sources, and evaluating the existing conditions of the site. (Form below
filled with example information for guidance).

2. Mitigation Measures: Based on the results of the site assessment, mitigation measures have to be developed to minimize the environmental impact of
the construction project. This may include measures to control erosion and sedimentation, prevent water pollution, protect wildlife and vegetation, air
quality, energy efficiency, and water conservation. (Form below filled with example information for guidance).

3. Waste Management Plan: Construction sites generate a significant amount of waste, including construction debris and hazardous materials. An
environmental plan should include a waste management plan that outlines how waste will be handled, stored, and disposed of in an environmentally
responsible manner.

- Introduce recycling on construction sites to collect cans, glass, paper bags, and other recyclable material to decrease the need of waste disposal in the

-Coordinate with municipalities to allocate a specific and relevant dump areas for site debris disposal, after making sure it is environmentally sound.

-Using construction site solid debris as stone remains, dirty sand, and other material in backfilling activities for retaining walls to reduce the need of
transporting the waste to dump area.

4. Monitoring and Reporting: The ESSF officer will develop a monitoring and reporting plan to track the progress of the construction project and ensure that
mitigation measures are effective. This may include, but not limited to, regular site inspections and reporting to the office.

Overall, an environmental plan for construction sites should be designed to minimize the environmental impact of the project while ensuring compliance
with applicable environmental regulations and standards.
Activity Impact Mitigation
Without this activity the impact may… Note: Mitigations apply to specified project phase: Planning and Design (P&D), Construction
(C), or Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

Environmental Safeguards

Wetlands  Degrade wetland, damaging the valuable  Avoid routing through these areas (P&D) (C)
Protection ecosystems and habitats  Minimize cuts and/or fills (P&D) (C)
 Alter hydrology  Take special precautions to prevent release or dumping of debris, oil, fuel, sand cement
and similar harmful materials (C)
 Maintain natural flow patterns of groundwater and near-surface water (P&D) (C )
Flood  Worsen localized flooding  Design of sufficient and adequate longitudinal and transverse drainage structures with
Control  Exacerbated by climate change (Intense sufficient capacity to account fort once in 20-year return storm event (P&D)
(Drainage) short duration rain-fall and hydrological  Design measures to prevent flooding/ponding at project sites, construction camps,
impacts) borrow/quarry areas and other areas for project related activities (P&D)
 Design drainage to minimize peak flows through infiltration and contouring measures
where possible (P&D)
 Incorporate in the design side drainage structures to divert the water stream at
construction site (P&D)
 Implement the agreed designs (C )
 Protect the irrigation channels and natural streams that cross the work sites and repair
those that are damaged (C )
 Ensure that the storm drains and drainage systems are periodically cleared to maintain
the storm water flow during and after construction (C ) (O&M)
 In case of accidental obstruction or damage, irrigation channels and ponds shall be
cleaned or repaired immediately (C )
Erosion  Worsen localized flooding  Protect areas, at risk of erosion, in the vicinity of the work site using bio-engineering
Control  Damage Structures techniques (P&D) (C )
 Cause Landslides  Incorporate erosion control and slope stabilization measures in the engineering designs
 Exacerbated by climate change (Intense  Implement the above designs using bio-engineering and/or conventional engineering
short duration rain-fall and hydrological methods as soon as practicable after cutting (C )
impacts)  Minimize damage and cutting of surrounding vegetation during slope formation (C )
 If new erosion occurs, back fill immediately to restore original contours (C )
 Embankments of two meters or higher will be considered for protection by riprap or
stone pitching across the embankment after completing works. This also applies along
cross-drainage structures with embankments susceptible to erosion by water runoff
(P&D) (C )
 As per design, low embankments should be protected from erosion by seeding and
planting indigenous grasses that can flourish under local conditions (C )
 Ensure that storm drains and drainage systems are periodically cleared to maintain storm
water flow during operation. (O&M)
 Ensure maintenance, surveillance and re-vegetation in response to the faster rate of
physical deterioration, particularly in erosion-prone areas. (O&M
 Monitor survival of trees / shrubs and grass in bioengineered slopes (e.g. at landslides,
also transplanted / compensatory planting trees) and replant, as necessary.(O&M)
Project areas  Damage local habitat, compact soil and  Select locations on barren or marginal flat land (P&D)
siting create erosion via building and occupation  No construction camps, asphalt mixing areas, and material storage sites to be located in
of construction camp forests (C)
 Contaminate surface water and spread  Agree on locations in coordination with local municipality and community members
disease via solid waste and feces (P&D)
generated by camp  Worker camps to be located at least 500m from the nearest settlement to prevent
 Generate trash due to lack of solid waste impact on community or contamination of nearby water sources (C )
management  Assess availability of water and evaluate impact on use of local water resources (P&D)
 Adversely effect local fauna and flora  To avoid conflict with local water resources, bring in water tanks (C )
(especially game and fuel wood) via
 Construction camps should be provided with adequate toilets/sanitation facilities to
poaching and collection by construction
prevent any hazard to public health or contamination of land, surface, or groundwater (C
 Construction camps should be provided with adequate garbage bins (C )
 Land used for campsites shall be restores to original state as far as possible, cleaned, re-
vegetated (if the area was vegetated before) after it is vacated (C )
 Location of asphalt mixing units, rock crushers, and bitumen supply must be off road
(where applicable) at least 500m away from the nearest sensitive receivers (C )
 All related installation must have or maintain dust suppression equipment and/or
methods (if applicable) (C )
 Bitumen will not be allowed to enter running or dry streambeds and can only be
disposed of in authorized disposal sites, directed by the local authority (C )
 Any petroleum products used in preparation of bitumen mixture should be carefully
managed to avoid spills and in case the latter happens, all contaminated soil should be
cleaned up immediately with the top 2 cm properly collected, handled, conditioned, and
disposed in approved locations (C )
 All sites to have controlled access points with dust control and wash down facilities (C)
Storage and  Deplete water resources  Ensure a safe area for storage of fuel, hazardous substance, and bulk materials at least
handling of  Damage valuable ecosystems and habitats 50m away from water bodies (C )
dangerous  Danger to health  All areas intended for storage of hazardous materials will have restricted access,
substances identified personnel with demonstrated capacity to manage and control access to these
areas and have proper equipment to combat emergency (C )
 Ensure that all hazardous substances storage containers are in good condition with
proper labelling. Regularly check containers for leakage and undertake necessary repair
or replacement (C )
 If spillage occurs, it will be immediately cleared with utmost caution to leave no traces
and stored in proper waste containers for disposal (C )
Biodiversity,  Damage valuable ecosystems and habitats  Detailed design alignments to minimize loss of trees and other vegetation(P&D)
flora, and  Damage to river, hydrology, and marine  Minimize clearing of trees and replacement of cut trees to be undertaken based on the
fauna biodiversity tree cutting and replanting plan (C )
 Unprotected and unsustainable use of  During replanting/re-vegetation works, species not currently established in the country
ecosystems, biodiversity and natural or region of the project shall not be used unless carried out with the existing regulatory
resources (e.g. slash and burn practices, framework for such introduction. Invasive species shall not be introduced. (P&D) (C )
drainage of peatlands, infringement on  Cleared foliage, shrubs and grasses can only be given to local farmers for fodder and fuel
habitats of wildlife) after confirmation that its use in project activity is no longer required. (C )
 Adverse impacts from reduction,  Contractors will take all precautions necessary to ensure that damage to vegetation is
disruption, pollution or purchase of avoided due to fires resulting from execution of the works. Contractors will immediately
natural resources that harm natural suppress a fire, if it occurs, and shall undertake replanting to replace damaged
habitats vegetation. (C )
 Adverse natural environment  Prohibit workers from hunting wild animals. (C )
risks/impacts on ecosystems that are not  Ban use of guns and hunting equipment by workers and dismiss workers taking or using
addressed adequately (e.g. pests, crop green timber or hunting or in possession of wildlife. (C )
diseases  As much as possible, work in rivers will be done during dry season and work duration
shall be as short as possible to minimize adverse impacts to river water quality /
hydrology (P&D) (C )
 Rocks and stones will be disposed not to block rivers and streams. (C )
 Washing of machinery and vehicles in surface waters shall be prohibited (C )

Cultural sites  Cultural heritage not protected from  Identify cultural/sensitive locations during the planning phase to avoid disturbance to
damage/alteration/removal/misuse and graves, cemeteries, and other sensitive receptors (P&D)
its preservation/protection not supported  Continuously watch out for archeological artefacts and relics (P&D) (C )
 Equitable benefit sharing from use of  If potential items are located, and determined of potential significance, local authorities
cultural heritage not promoted should be immediately contacted for guidance and works should temporarily stop in the
 Lack of agreement with all stakeholders area until further notice (C )
on measures for
of cultural heritage
Solid waste  If not properly managed, damage to  Identify appropriate locations for waste, wastewater and spoil disposal. (P&D)
and surface and ground water, air,  Obtain approval from local authorities and communities on appropriate sites for disposal
wastewater biodiversity, and natural resources (P&D)
 Transmission of communicable diseases  There will be no site-specific landfills established by the contractors. (C )
and infections through rodents  All solid, liquid and hazardous wastes (including asbestos) will be identified, collected and
 Risk of fires removed from the work camps and disposed in Waste disposal areas approved by local
 Waste generation not avoided/minimized, authorities. (C )
no Waste Management Plan (WMP)  Disposal of solid and liquid wastes into canals, rivers, other watercourses, agricultural
developed and/or waste not reused, field and public areas shall be prohibited. (C )
recycled, or recovered safely as per WMP  Burning of construction and domestic wastes shall be prohibited (C )
 Construction debris could get into the  Waste shall be segregated. Cleared foliage, shrubs and grasses can be given to local
local area causing nuisance farmers for fodder and fuel. (C )
 Whenever feasible recyclables shall be recovered and sold to recyclers locally or Dili. (C )
 Segregate hazardous wastes (oily wastes, used batteries, fuel drums) and ensure that
storage, transport and disposal shall not cause pollution, consistent with regulations. (C )
 Ensure that all waste storage containers in the construction camps are in good condition
with proper labelling. (C )
Noise and Dust  Adverse health impact to the workers  Identify noise and dust sensitive receivers likely to be affected by the works (P&D)
community due to prolonged exposure  Contact local authorities for mitigation planning (P&D)
noise and dust  Restrict works to daylight hours within 500m of protected areas, residential settlements,
 Air pollution caused by the excessive and hospitals (C )
release of dust during works on the  Monitor and investigate complaints from the community on the level of noise (C )
 Tightly cover trucks transporting construction materials to avoid or minimize release of
dust (C )
 Mixing and crushing activities should be well managed and if needed equipped with dust
suppression units such as water sprays, when within 500m of any sensitive receptors (C )
 Noisy activities should be kept to a minimum, as necessary, in sites where sensitive
receptors are present (P&D) (C )
 Impose speed limits on construction vehicles (if applicable) to minimize dust emission
along areas where sensitive receptors are located (C )
transport  Cause traffic disturbance and stress in the  Minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and pedestrians during construction. (C )
management community  Communicate to the public through local officials about schedule of construction, as well
for temporary  Safety risk to workers carrying out as certain construction activities causing disruptions and access restrictions. (C )
road works rehabilitation and repair works on public  Implement appropriate traffic diversion schemes to avoid inconvenience due to project
roads operations to road users, to ensure smooth traffic flow and to avoid or minimize
accidents (including accidents to workers), traffic hold ups and congestion (C )
 Use correct signalling equipment – that is also visible at night – to manage traffic during
construction hours, when road alignment only permits one-way passage (C )
 Provide safe vehicle and pedestrian access around construction areas. (C )
 The general public/local residents shall not be allowed in high-risk areas, e.g., excavation
sites and areas where heavy equipment is in operation and such sites have a guard to
keep public out. (C )
 Speed restrictions shall be imposed on Project vehicles and equipment when traveling
within 50 m of sensitive receptors (e.g. residential, schools, temples, etc.) (C )
Use of heavy  Cause erosion due to machinery tracks,  Minimize use of heavy machinery (P&D) (C)
equipment damage to roads, stream banks, etc.  Contractor to establish appropriate procedures for vehicle maintenance, such as
and hazardous  Compact soil, changing surface and requiring that repairs and fueling occur elsewhere or over an impervious surface such as
materials groundwater flows and adversely affecting plastic sheeting. Prevent dumping of hazardous materials. Capture leaks or spills with
future use for agriculture drop cloths or wood shavings. Burn waste oil if it is not reusable/readily recyclable, does
 Contaminate ground or surface water not contain heavy metals and is flammable. Prohibit use of waste oil as cooking fuel
when (1) machinery repairs result in spill (P&D) (C)
or dumping of hydraulic oil, motor oil or  Investigate and use less toxic alternative products (P&D) (C)
other harmful mechanical fluids; and (2)  Prevent fuel tank leaks. Contractor shall regularly be (a) monitoring and cross-checking
hazardous construction materials are fuel levels deliveries and use, (b) checking pipes and joints for leaks, (c) tightening
spilled or dumped generator fuel lines, and (d) preventing over-filling of main storage and vehicle tanks (C)
 Put workers at risk from exposure to
hazardous materials
Materials  Damage aquatic ecosystems through  Identify the most environmentally sound source of materials that is within budget (P&D)
extraction: erosion and siltation (O&M)
Quarrying,  Harm terrestrial ecosystems via harvesting  Use material from local road cuts first, but only if it produces a fairly suitable, durable
logging of timber or other natural products aggregate for either embankment fill or surface stabilization material. Local borrow
 Spread vector-borne diseases when material can be very cost-effective. Upon removal of material, the area should be
stagnant water accumulates in active or restored and receive erosion control measures (P&D) (C)
abandoned quarries or borrow pits and  Develop logging, quarrying and borrowing plans that take into account cumulative
breeds insect vectors (Environmental effects (P&D)
Control)  Take photos of site before initiating excavation, so that restoration can match original
 Take land out of other useful production site characteristics as much as possible (C) (O&M)
 The quarry may become a safety hazard  Site quarries and gravel pits so that they are not visible to travelers on the roads (P&D)
(C) (O&M)
 Monitor adherence to plans and impacts of extraction practices. Modify as necessary (C)
 Install drainage structures to direct water away from pit (C) (O&M)
 Implement safety protocols to minimize risks from falling rock or debris, collapsing
quarry walls, or accidental falls from cliffs (P&D) (C) (O&M)
 Develop specific procedures for storing topsoil, as well as for phased closure, reshaping
and restoration when extraction has been completed. Include plans for segregating
gravel and quarry materials by quality and grade for possible future uses. Where
appropriate, include reseeding or re-vegetation to reduce soil erosion, prevent gullying
and minimize visual impacts (P&D) (C) (O&M)
 Discuss with local community the option of retaining quarry pits as water collection
ponds for watering cattle, irrigating crops or similar uses. Highlight issues of disease
transmission and the need to prohibit its use for drinking, bathing, and clothes washing
(P&D) (C) (O&M)
Site clearing  Damage or destroy sensitive terrestrial  Minimize disturbance of native flora (vegetation) during construction. Minimize the
and/or leveling ecosystems amount of clearing. Clear small areas for active work one at a time (P&D) (C)
 Produce areas of bare soil which cause  Avoid use of herbicides. Any use should follow health and safety procedures to protect
erosion, siltation, changes in natural water people and the environment. At a minimum, herbicides should be used according to
flow, and/or damage to aquatic manufacturer’s specifications (C)
ecosystems  Where possible, remove large plants and turf without destroying them, and preserve
them for replanting in temporary nurseries (P&D) (C)
 Move earth and remove vegetation only during dry periods. Store topsoil for re-
spreading. If vegetation must be removed during wet periods, disturb ground only just
before actual construction (P&D) (C)
 Install temporary erosion control features when permanent ones will be delayed. Use
erosion control measures such as hay bales, berms, straw or fabric barriers (C)
 Re-vegetate with recovered plants and other appropriate local flora immediately after
equipment is removed from a section of the site (C)
Excavation  Cause erosion, siltation, changes in natural  Avoid deep excavation pits (P&D)
water flow, and/or damage to aquatic  Prepare slope protection where necessary
ecosystems when excavated soil is piled  Provide adequate road drainage systems, take note of new water flows, increase in
inappropriately velocity and provide necessary protection at outlets
 Expose inhabitants and crew to risk of falls  Have construction contractors and supervisors be alert for buried historic, religious and
and injuries in excavation pits cultural objects and provide them with procedures to follow if such objects are
 Deprive down-gradient populations and discovered.
ecosystems of water if upper regions of  Ensure that excavation is accompanied by well-engineered drainage (P&D) (C)
aquifer are blocked
Filling  Block water courses when fill is  Do not fill the flow line of a watershed. Even in arid areas, occasional rains may create
inappropriately placed strong water flows in channels. A culvert may not supply adequate capacity for rare high-
 Destroy valuable ecosystems when fill is volume events(P&D)
inappropriately placed
 Cause later land subsidence or landslides  Design so that filling will not be necessary. Transplant as much vegetation and turf as
when fill is inappropriately placed, causing possible (P&D) (C)
injuries and damages.  Use good engineering practices. For example, do not use soil alone; first lay a bed of rock
and gravel (P&D) (C)
 Balance the cuts and fills (to minimize earthwork movement) whenever possible.
Cutting and  Cause soil erosion Degrade water quality  Contractor must employ operators with ability to follow design standards for grades,
filling Alter hydrology Damage valuable slopes, and contours. Train if necessary (P&D) (C)
ecosystems and habitats
Compacting to  Deplete freshwater resources  Water the road immediately before compacting it to strengthen the road surface. (P&D)
improve road (C)
materials  When possible, delay compaction activities until the beginning of the wet season or
performance when water becomes more available (P&D) (C)
Blasting/rock  Cause soil erosion Degrade water quality  Minimize blasting (P&D) (C)
breaking Alter hydrology Damage valuable  Take safety precautions to protect workers and others from being injured by flying or
ecosystems and habitats falling rock and avalanches (P&D) (C)
Design  If project design is not adhered to, failure  Conduct independent inspections of work periodically to see that it conforms to original
verification of project and associated risks may occur plan and design specifications. Provide incentives and disincentives to ensure
Quality control conformance (C)
 Drive roads after moderate rains to identify areas that collect or gully water. Mark and
instruct the contractor to repair/rehabilitate as necessary (C)
Construction  Cause all types of damage mentioned  Develop guidelines and procedures to be applied to each facet of the project and
contracts incorporate them into contracts with construction companies and include environmental
management training for the contractors. (P&D)
 Incorporate the ESSF and ESSMP into the contractual agreements with the different
contractors and implementing agents to make sure that they are binding (C )
 Continuously monitor the implementation of the contracts, ensuring that all terms and
ESSF guidelines respected (C )
Maintenance  Cause all types of damage mentioned  Commission contract for routine maintenance as soon as road has been rehabilitated. All
agreements parties must clearly understand and be committed to the terms of the agreement, such
as who will do what work, when, how frequently, for what compensation, and within
what limits. (P&D)
Environmental  Improper monitoring of environmental  Conduct workers’, contractors’, and implementing agencies’ orientation on EMP
Capacity safeguards would cause overall damage to provisions for ESF implementation. (P&D) (C )
development the environment where the EIIP projects  Continuously monitor the overall environmental compliance of individual projects
are taking place through the Environmental and Social Safeguard officer and the site social safeguard
officers (C )

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