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Digital Bangladesh

Digital Bangladesh is an endeavor to ensure an ICT based society where online information will
be readily available and where all possible activities of the government and other non-government
or semi-government organizations will be performed using computer and internet. It was the
election manifesto of Bangladesh Awami League. The ICT Advisor of Bangladesh government,
Shajeeb Wazed Joy is the pioneer of Digital Bangladesh. Today in Bangladesh almost in every
sector massive changes have been done to open up every possibility from digitalization. People
are enjoying digital advantages living even in the rural areas. The sectors such as agriculture,
health, education, and commerce are highly benefitted through digital based society. Digitalization
has connected people with the whole world socially, culturally, economically, and even politically.
E-commerce, E-banking, E-agriculture, telemedicine have added manifold dimensions to the life
and livelihoods. Digital benefits have sped up daily activities of the people of all walks
significantly. However, to ensure maximum benefits from the age of digitization, still we need to
go a long way. The challenges such as poverty, corruption, unemployment, political instability,
power crisis and natural calamities, etc. are slowing down the activities of digitalization in the
country. Undeniably, apart from prioritizing infrastructural development, it is very urgent to build
up ICT based society. Top priority should be given to solve power crisis. The journey towards a
Digital Bangladesh will be more inclusive if we can innovate the younger generation. In this
connection, the national leaders of our country should equitably and impartially guide this
generation. Both the policy makers in the government and the people in general should work hand
in hand to materialize the dream of digital Bangladesh.

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