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Johari Window

It’s very easy to see problems

and logical inconsistencies in Practice 1: Assume That You
others, but hard to see them in Are Not Objective

Your biggest blind spot is Story: Blind men describing an

We can grasp fragments of
Good leaders supplement
reality, but never the whole thing
information with sense-making
and walking around P.6 - “A belief is something
You tend to broadcast what you you hold in your mind, a kind of
want to hear Principle 1: Beliefs are Models map or model of that external
Practice 2: Empty Your Cup reality.”
In order to learn something
They’re not wrong, but they’re
new, you must empty your cup
not right either
(“beginner’s mind”) Beliefs are facts, not reality
Beliefs = everything you know
It’s impossible to leave your
feelings at the door The obvious is not obvious
P.77 - “...we achieve results Talking to the same people
in life not because we are We tend to band together in
objective but because we care.” Reading the same books
“obvious clubs”
Reason doesn’t get people to Watching the same news
act; emotions do channel

Status - Does this person feel

important, recognized, or
needed by others?

Certainty - Does this person feel

confident that they know what’s
ahead, and that they can predict
the future with reasonable
certainty? Practice 3: Create Safe Space

Autonomy - Does this person

feel like they have control of
SCARF model for caring for The Pyramid of Belief
their life, work, and destiny?
emotional needs
Relatedness - Does this person Principle 2: Beliefs are Created Our reality is limited by the
feel like they belong? Do they range of our experience
feel a sense of relatedness? Do
they trust the group to look after We are limited by what we pay
them? attention to
Our capacity for perceiving
Fairness - Does this person feel information is about 11 million Conscious attention is limited to
like they are being treated fairly? bits per second 40 bits per second
Do they feel that the rules of the
Attention is like a needle on a
game give them a fair chance?
record player
Trust has to be earned over time
Beliefs form the fundamental
The test of a good theory is that model you use to navigate the
it CAN be disproven world
Our default behavior is
Just because you can predict question reality, not the map
someone’s behavior doesn’t we’ve created
mean you’ve validated it
A belief is a story in our head
Sometimes conflict comes
from misunderstanding instead
of disagreement

The internet is like a grocery Practice 4: Triangulate and

store facts Validate
Triangulation = the practice of
developing multiple viewpoints
and theories that you can
compare, contrast, combine,
and validate to get a better
The Learning Loop
understanding of what’s going

Cultivate as many theories

as you can and hold them lightly Part 1: How Beliefs Shape
Part 2: What to Do About It Everything Principle 3: Beliefs Create a
An outside perspective can see Shared World
things insiders don’t

Ask questions about things that Practice 5: Ask Questions, Make

seem obvious to others Connections

Forming new connections =

more opportunities
Connects to Pyramid of Belief
One way to solve an unsolvable
problem is to attack the solution

We spend most of our time

on autopilot Practice 6: Disrupt Routines

What can I do to disrupt the

doom loops on my own life?

Don’t define reality by imaginary

constraints (old rules) When learning loops wrong it’s
called a doom loop
You don’t have to believe a
hypothesis is true in order to test Limiting belief = a belief that
it narrows the range of
1. Recognize that you are
operating from a bubble of belief Even your closest friends may
(reality distortion field) Principle 4: Beliefs Create Blind share limiting beliefs that close
Spots off opportunities (with the best of
2. Don’t just observe behavior, intentions)
try to figure out the underlying
needs and beliefs that are Action Item: Identify limiting
operating in any situation you beliefs from relationships
want to change
Reinforces and protects existing
Practice 7: Act as if in the Here beliefs by denying the possibility
3. Are you seeing the results
and Now of other beliefs
you want? If so, great!

4. If not, explore and examine Bubble of Belief A form of collective delusion to

Double Loop Learning
as many alternative beliefs as maintain a group map
you can. Expose yourself to
more ideas and experiences. People like stability and will fight
Search for a belief that looks to hold on to their beliefs
interesting and act as if it were Nokia vs. Apple’s iPhone
true for a period of time Principle 5: Beliefs Defend Self-sealing logic examples
Themselves Detroit automakers vs. Toyota
5. See what happens. Did you
improve the situation? If so, 2 ways people make sense of Is it internally coherent?
great! If not, repeat as new ideas
necessary Is it externally valid?

There are worlds of possibility People rarely test ideas for

all around you external validity when they don’t
have internal coherence
Instead of trying to find valid
information, people make up When an emotional need is
stories when they ask “why isn’t unfulfilled, the brain seeks to fill
this happening?” that gap with some kind of
Facts alone may provide
information, but story gives you Conspiracy theories thrive in
context that connects those Practice 8: Make Sense with groups where they don’t feel
facts to people, situations, and Stories they have control of their lives
Governing belief = a belief that
Neural coupling = people’s is deeply tied to identity and
brains connect and mirror each feelings of self-worth
other when sharing a story Principle 6: Beliefs are Tied to
an Identity Questioning your governing
We all want more control of the beliefs can lead to profound
changes that impact our life change
You can’t change the world When your governing beliefs are
without changing yourself threatened, it’s like you are
Risks come in all shapes and being threatened
sizes Action Item: Make a list of
Risk is always there whether governing beliefs
you realize it or not Practice 9: Evolve Yourself
Sometimes existing structures
must be broken down so the
blocks can be put together in
new ways

Your beliefs can’t evolve if

you’re not willing to introduce
some chaos into the mix

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