Tutorial IV

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Tutorial-IV PH11003 Physics of Waves

Problem-1 A transverse wave travelling along a string is described by the

function y = 15 cos(0.25x + 75t), where x and y are in millimetres and t is in
seconds. Find the amplitude, wavelength, frequency and velocity of the wave.
In what direction is the wave travelling?

Ans. (a) The standard form of the wave travelling in positive x direction is y =
y0 cos(ωt − 2π
Now comparing the given wave equation

So here, the amplitude y0 = 15mm,

The wavelength λ = 0.25 = 25.133mm,
ω 75
The angular frequency ω = 75/sec, so oscillation frequency is ν = 2π
= 2π
= 11.93Hz
Velocity of the wave, v = νλ = 300mm/s= 3.0m/s

As the form of the wave is y = 15 cos(0.25x + 75t), at a given time t = t0

the oscillation at x = x0 is y(t0 , x0 ) = 15 cos(0.25x0 + 75t0 )
and the oscillation at x = x0 + ∆ is y(t0 , x0 + ∆) = 15 cos(0.25x0 + 75t0 + 0.25∆)
So the oscillation of a forward point leads the oscillation of the backward point, i.e., it is
propagating in negative x direction or backward direction in x-axis, and oscillating along

Problem-2 One end of a long taut string is moved up and down in SHM
with an amplitude of 0.15 m and a frequency of 10Hz. At time t = 0, the end
of the string (at x = 0) has its maximum upward displacement. The resultant
wave travels down the string in the positive x-direction with a velocity of
50m/s. Obtain an equation describing the wave.

Ans: As we know the equation of the wave travelling in positive x-direction and
oscillating in y-direction (taking the y-axis in vertical direction) is
y = y0 cos(ωt − kx + φ) = y0 cos{2π(νt − ) + φ} (1)

y0 → Amplitude of oscillation

k → Wave number =
Wavelength λ
ω → Angular frequency = 2π × oscillation frequency ν
φ → extra phase

*** In the phase part of the wave function, it is ωt − kx because at a fixed time t the
oscillations at any point x lag behind the oscillations at x − ∆x by an angle k∆x, i.e.,
the wave is travelling in positive x direction.

Now, given Amplitude y0 = 0.15m, oscillation frequency ν = 10Hz and velocity of the
wave V = 50m/s.

Tutorial-IV PH11003 Physics of Waves

Therefore, the angular frequency ω = 2π × 10 = 62.8/sec

Wavelength λ = Vν = 5.0m
Wave number k = 2π λ
= 2×3.14
= 1.26/m.
So Eq.(1) gives
y(x, t) = 0.15 cos(62.8t − 1.26x + φ) m (2)
Now, at t = 0, upward displacement is maximum at the end of the string, i.e., in
Eq.(2), y(x = 0, t = 0) = 0.15m. This implies φ = 0 Therefore the resultant wave
equation is
y(x, t) = 0.15 cos(62.8t − 1.26x) m

Problem-3 A horizontal wire that is 25m long and has a mass of 100 g is held
under a tension of 10N. A sinusoidal wave of frequency 25Hz and amplitude
15mm travels along the wire. Calculate (i) the wave velocity along the wire
and (ii) the maximum transverse velocity of any particle of the wire.

Ans. (i) The wire with mass µpper unit length under the tension T propagates a
transverse wave with velocity V = T /µ.
Here T = 10N and µ = M L
= 0.1
= 0.004 = 4.0 × 10−3 kg/m
So the velocity of the transverse wave V = 0.004 = 50m/s
(ii) Suppose the sinusoidal wave travelling along the given wire has the following form
ψ(x, t) = A sin[2π(νt − )] (3)
i.e., at a time t the particle of the wire located at x has vertical displacement ψ(x, t). So
it’s velocity transverse to the wire is
VT = ψ̇(x, t) = 2πνA cos[2π(νt − )]
Since cos[2π(νt − λx )] has maximum value 1. The transverse velocity of the particle has
a maximum value
VTmax = 2πνA
Given ν = 25Hz and A = 15mm,
So VTmax = 2 × 3.14 × 25 × 0.015m/sec = 2.36m/sec

Problem-4 A rope of length 2.5m hangs from a ceiling. A transverse wave

is initiated at the bottom of the rope. Calculate the total time it takes for
the wave to travel to the top of the rope and back to the bottom. (Assume
g = 9.81m sec−2 .)

Ans: The length of the rope L = 2.5m

Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81m/s2
Suppose the rope has mass per unit length µkg/m
Now due to its own weight the rope is under √ T = (µ × L) × gN.
pthe tension
So the velocity of the transverse wave V = T /µ = gLm/s.

Tutorial-IV PH11003 Physics of Waves

As the wave starting from the bottom reaches the top of the rope and then come back
to the bottom, it travels a total distance 2L. p √
The required time to cover this path is 2L
= 2 L/g = 2 2.59.81 = 1.009sec

s The phase velocity vp of ripples on a liquid surface is given by
g λ 2πS
vp = + , where the surface tension S = 4 × 10−2 N/m, the density
2π λρ
ρ = 103 kg/m3 , and the acceleration due to gravity g = 10m/s2 . Calculate the
value of the group velocity vg when it becomes equal to the phase velocity vp .

ω dω
Ans: We know the phase velocity vp = k
and group velocity vg = dk

ω = vp k
dω dvp
= vp + k
dk dk
= vp − λ using relation kλ = 2π

vg = vp − λ

This relation tells that the phase velocity and group velocity are equal if dλ

We have the phase velocity

g λ 2πS
vp = +
2π λρ
dvp d g λ 2πS
= +
dλ dλ 2π λρ
g 2πS

− λ2 ρ
= q
2 g2πλ + 2πS

= 0

g 2πS
⇒ − 2 = 0
2π λρ
⇒ λ = 2π
At this value of λ, the group velocity
" s #1/2
vg = vp = 2

Tutorial-IV PH11003 Physics of Waves

Using the given values of various parameters, vg = 0.2m/s.

Problem-6 A longitudinal standing wave ξ = a cos(kx) cos(ωt) is maintained

in a homogenous medium of density ρ. Find the expressions for (a) potential
energy density and (b) kinetic energy density.

Ans: Given standing wave

ξ = a cos(kx) cos(ωt) (4)
where, k is wave number and ω is angular frequency.
(a) When such wave propagates in a homogeneous medium of density ρ, the medium
would be strained due to periodic compression and rarefaction. Suppose the Young’s
modulus of the medium is Y , so the potential energy density per unit volume will be
up (x, t) = × stress × strain
= × Y × (strain)2
1 dξ
= Y
2 dx

Again the velocity of the wave v = k
= Y /ρ, so, Y = ρω 2 /k 2 .

Using the given wave function, the potential energy density per unit volume is
1 ω 2 dξ
up (x, t) = ρ
2 k 2 dx
1 2 2 2
= ρω a sin (kx) cos2 (ωt)
(b) The kinetic energy density per unit volume is
1 dξ
uk (x, t) = ρ
2 dt
1 2 2
= ρω a cos2 (kx) sin2 (ωt)

Problem-7 Find the Fourier series for f (x) = x2 on [−π, π].

Ans: the general form of Fourier series is given by

X nπx nπx 
f (x) = a0 + an cos + bn sin

in the interval −L ≤ x ≤ L, where,

1 L L
1 nπx 1 nπx
a0 = f (x)dx; an = f (x) cos dx; bn = f (x) sin dx
2L −L L −L L L −L L

Tutorial-IV PH11003 Physics of Waves

Given f (x) = x2 where −π ≤ x ≤ π

Z π
1 π2
a0 = x2 dx = (5)
2π −π 3

1 π 2
an = x cos(nx)dx = 2 (−1)n (6)
π −π n
Z π
bn = x2 sin(nx)dx = 0 since x2 sin(nx) is an odd function of x (7)
π −π


π2 X 4
x2 = + 2
(−1)n cos(nx) (8)
3 n=1
put x = π

π2 X 1 1 1
= 2
= 1 + 2
+ 2
+· (9)
6 n=1
n 2 3

 −1 ≤ x < 0
Problem-8 Find the Fourier series for f (x) = 2
x=0 on [−1, 1]

x 0<x≤1

Ans: Here, L = 1, so Z 1
1 3
a0 = f (x)dx = (10)
2 −1 4
(−1)n − 1
an = f (x) cos(nπx)dx = (11)
−1 n2 π 2
Z 1
bn = f (x) sin(nπx)dx = − (12)
−1 nπ
Therefore ∞ 
3 X (−1)n − 1

f (x) = + cos(nπx) − sin(nπx) (13)
4 n=1 n2 π 2 nπ
put x = 0

1 3 X (−1)n − 1
= +
2 4 n=1 n2 π 2
1 1 1 1
− = −2 2 + 2 + + ···
4 π 9π 25π 2
π2 1 1
= 1 + 2 + 2 + ···
8 3 5

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