Khutbah 22-12-23 Eng

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Ma'asyiral Muslimin Rahimakumullah,

Let us all offer praise and gratitude together to the presence of Allah SWT. Thank God, in the midst of
busy worldly activities, we are still given the strength to balance it with our daily activities, such as the
Friday prayers that we will be carrying out. This strength certainly will not be born from an empty heart
without remembering that life is not just the deeds of this world, but is balanced with the deeds of the
hereafter, balanced between vertical and horizontal relationships, as well as harmony between
habluminallah and habluminannas. Islam teaches balance so that we don't overdo it, don't go to extremes,
and don't stick to one false orientation.

May peace and blessings be upon His Majesty the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, a figure who
persistently fought for the faith of his people. Thank God, thanks to his persistence, we still have a glimmer
of faith that we hope to maintain until our last breath. Because, the biggest disaster for us is death that
does not bring faith. Na’udzu billah.

Shalawat and greetings may also be bestowed on his family and friends, hopefully we will be recognized
as his people and receive intercession from him. Amin yarabbal 'alamin.

Marasyiral Muslimin Rahimakumullah,

Apart from the conflict that befell our Palestinian brothers and sisters, to this day we are still often treated
to broadcasts or reports of a number of acts of violence, murder and hostility that befell our brothers.
Regardless of which party is wrong or right, as brothers, of course we need to remind them of the
importance of having a big heart and stopping the conflict that is occurring.

Islam does not agree with all acts of crime, violence, cruelty and barbarism anywhere, by anyone and in
any name. Because all of that will only cause unnecessary victims and damage existing civilization. Imagine,
a civilization that has been built for tens or even hundreds of years could be destroyed instantly as a result.
armed attack. Such inhumane acts should not occur if everyone is aware and has a balanced view of the
orientation of the world and the hereafter between vertical and horizontal relationships, or habluminallah
and habluminannas.

What is no less important is that everyone can realize that Allah SWT has created humans with various
ethnicities, skin colors and beliefs. Allah made it that way so that we could get to know each other, not to
force and fight each other.

Marasyiral Muslimin Rahimakumullah,

Our task is to maintain and maintain conduciveness, wherever the earth is stepped on, there the sky is
upheld, not to be provoked by teachings and speech that generate hatred, hostility, let alone division.
What we must be wary of is the existence of certain parties who want to disturb the integrity of the nation
and the harmony of religious life.

We often hear provocative, inflammatory expressions, claiming that we are right and assuming that other
parties are wrong. In the Islamic view, these terms are not only conceptual in nature, but also have a
negative charge and even spark hatred which leads to horizontal conflict. History has proven that many
sibling conflicts are based on hatred due to provocative words. For example, the terms hypocrite and
infidel, apart from being used as insults, are also used as justification claims and black-and-white
boundaries for blaming and fighting those who do not share our beliefs. In this context, as minorities in
other countries, we also need to maintain unity and integrity among Muslims and set an example with
our actions of what the true meaning of Islam is. And of course avoiding conflicts that are seen as being
able to tarnish our identity

Ma'asyiral Muslimin Rahimakumullah

Many verses and hadiths state that Islam is a religion that upholds peace and safety for mankind. In fact,
the name Islam itself actually comes from the word 'salima' which means 'peace' or 'safety'. Allah says in
Surah Al-Baqarah verse 208:

Meaning: "Enter into Islam completely or in its entirety,"

Later in history. Al-Bukhari and Muslim also have a hadith which states:
Meaning: "A true Muslim is a Muslim whose other Muslims are safe from his mouth and hands."

If we refer to Islam which means Peace' or 'safety', then the verse actually wants to say, "Enter you into
total peace" or "Enter you into complete safety. This means that when someone declares themselves to
embrace Islam , then he must be prepared for the Islamic consequences, namely creating peace and safety,
both in the individual and collective context of fellow Muslims and even with non-Muslims. Apart from
that, he is also safe from all forms of violence, oppression and persecution, including painful and inciting
insults. split.

The verse above also very clearly indicates that Muslims must totally maintain the peace and safety of
each other. Not only does it provide a sense of peace to groups or people who share the same faith or
ideology as it, but also to all of humanity, even all of nature on the basis of compassion and love. Allah
says in Surah Al-Anbiya verse 107:

Meaning: "We did not send you (Prophet Muhammad), except as a mercy for all the worlds."

Thus, instead of ordering harsh and cruel actions, Islam actually tells its followers to love each other. When
a dispute occurs, Muslims should be more careful in adopting peaceful and humanist methods, not
violence and cruelty, especially since violence is attributed to religion, because violence will actually give
birth to new violence. Opening a path of peace and being open to forgiveness is a priority. Allah says in
Surah Ash-Shura verses 42-43, which states:

It means, "Indeed, the reason (to blame) is only on those who persecute

humans and transgress limits on earth without right (right reasons). They will receive a very painful
punishment (42). However, indeed, whoever is patient and forgives, indeed that is a matter that
(deserves) priority. (43)'
In essence, as a complete religion, Islam teaches us to always maintain the peace and safety of others, to
stay away from all forms of crime, violence, hatred, and not be hindered by barriers of differences and
beliefs. Allah says in Surah Al-Mumlahanah verse 8:

Meaning: "Allah does not forbid you to do good and be fair towards those who do not fight you in matters
of religion and do not expel you from your hometown. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly."

As a result, as a religion of rahmatan lilalamin, it is not true that Islam teaches violence and cruelty. At the
end of this sermon, there is a saying that says knowledge without religion is like a blind person, while
religion without knowledge is like a lame person. Therefore, let's deepen religion with science, fortify
science with piety. Balance habluminallah with habluminannas, balance vertical relationships with
horizontal relationships.

Sermon II:

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