Enriching Grade 7 Language Proficiency Levels Through The Integration of Peace Education Within A Differentiated Classroom Approach

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"Enriching Grade 7 Language Proficiency Levels through the Integration of Peace

Education within a Differentiated Classroom Approach"

Differentiation is key in catering to the diverse needs of students, especially in language proficiency.
Here's a differentiated class program for grade 7 English learners:

Objective: Enhance language proficiency through differentiated activities focusing on reading, writing,
speaking, and listening skills.

Class Program:

1. Warm-up (10 minutes):

 Whole Class: Engage students in a quick discussion about a thought-provoking question related
to the day's topic. Encourage all students to participate verbally or in writing.

2. Mini-Lesson (15 minutes):

 Whole Class: Introduce the day's language focus (e.g., grammar concept, literary device, writing

 Differentiation:

 For advanced learners: Provide additional examples or extend the lesson with more
complex applications.

 For struggling learners: Break down the concept into simpler terms, offer more visuals or
hands-on activities.

3. Reading Activity (20 minutes):

 Group Work:

 Advanced: Assign challenging reading passages or literary texts. Encourage critical

analysis and group discussions.

 Intermediate: Provide leveled reading materials matched to students' reading abilities.

Guide comprehension with targeted questions.

 Struggling: Offer simplified texts or excerpts. Provide scaffolding such as graphic

organizers and vocabulary support.

4. Writing Activity (25 minutes):

 Independent Work:
 Advanced: Assign a creative writing task or essay with specific requirements. Encourage
the use of advanced vocabulary and complex sentence structures.

 Intermediate: Provide a structured writing prompt with clear guidelines. Offer sentence
starters or templates for support.

 Struggling: Offer a guided writing task with step-by-step instructions. Provide sentence
frames or word banks to assist with expression.

5. Speaking and Listening Activity (20 minutes):

 Pair/Group Work:

 Advanced: Conduct debates, role-plays, or presentations on relevant topics. Encourage

critical thinking and articulate arguments.

 Intermediate: Organize pair discussions or group activities with structured speaking

tasks. Provide sentence starters or discussion prompts.

 Struggling: Facilitate small group discussions with guided questions. Offer sentence
frames or modeling for oral responses.

6. Reflection and Closure (10 minutes):

 Whole Class:

 Reflect on learning objectives and accomplishments.

 Differentiation:

 Advanced: Encourage students to reflect on their learning process and make

connections to real-world applications.

 Struggling: Provide prompts for self-assessment and celebrate small


7. Homework (Optional):

 Provide optional extension activities for advanced learners.

 Offer additional practice or review materials for struggling learners.

Note: Throughout the class, continuously monitor students' progress and adjust instruction as needed.
Encourage peer collaboration and provide regular feedback to support growth in language proficiency.

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