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Figure 10. Conduct of burning rate analysis of briquettes made from coconut shell charcoal fines.

Burning rate determines the rate at which a certain mass of fuel is combusted in air. The
average burning rates for CPH briquettes and CSCF briquettes were 0.50 g/min and 0.36 g/min.

Conduct of technology demonstration

Figure 11. Group photo of participant and PHilMech staff during the technology demonstration of
briquetting system
Figure 12. Demonstration of the operation of the briquetting machine

Conduct of exit conference with project implementers and cooperator

Figure 13. Documentation of the conducted exit conference in Cadalian, Baguio Dist., Calinan, Davao

An exit conference was conducted with project implementers and project cooperators in
Cadalian, Baguio Dist., Calinan, Davao City. The agenda of the exit conference include the following:
a.) findings of implementers; b.) future plans of the cooperators, and; c.) other matters pertaining to
the production of briquettes of the cooperator. Among the findings discussed by the implementers
include the results of physico-chemical analyses of briquettes, data on acceptability testing and
market promotion, and financial viability and sensitivity analysis of production of cacao pod husk
briquettes and coconut shell charcoal fines briquettes.
Figure 14. Photo opportunity of project cooperators and implementers after the exit conference.

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