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Culture, Society and

Warm up:
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and
write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It defines how people relate to
nature and their physical
A. Politics C. Culture
B. Anthropology D. Sociology
2. It always describes human, human
behaviour and human societies around
the world.
A. Sociology C. Political Science
B. Anthropology D. Culture
3. It is a social science that deals with humans and their
A. Sociology C. Political Science
B. Anthropology D. Culture

4. It is the study of human social relationships and

A. Politics C. Culture
B. Anthropology D. Sociology
5. It is a state or habit of mind in
which trust or confidence is placed in
some person or thing.

A. Beliefs C. Traditions
B. Customs D. Norms
1. An example for this is the analysis and
solutions of the different aspects of the
society such as the environment issues of
pollution, the issues on health and medicine
and other issues related to the human
Central features include social
interaction and relationships, social
contexts, social structure, social change,
the significance of diversity and human
variation, and the critical, questioning
character of sociology.
c ie t ie s a re th ou ght
s t P e r sp e c tiv e - s o
1.The Functio na li
r io us so c ia l Three major theoretical
o r ga n is m s, w it h v a
u nctio n lik e
to f
o g et he r lik e o r ga ns t o m ain ta in and perspectives:
o rk in g t
institutions w
c e so c ie t i es .
s e e s so c ia l lif e a s a
n f l ic t P e r s pe c t iv e -
2. The Co t r ib u ti o n of
d f o c u s e s o n th e d is
comp etit io n , a n
w e r, a n d in e q ua lit y
resour c e s , p o
r a c t io n P e rs p e c t iv e
b o lic I n t e
3. The Sym to a n a ly ze a n d explain
l p e r sp e c t iv e is u s ed
4. Theoretic a in g
d f a c i lit a t e o r g a niz
o f s o c ia l s tu d y , a n
a l k n o w le d g e .
The Concept of Society Meaning and Nature of Society

It is a group of people living together in a

definite territory, having a sense of
belongingness, mutually interdependent of
each other, and follow a certain way of life.
Reasons people live together as a society
a. For survival – No man is an island. No man can live alone.
b. Feeling of gregariousness – This is the desire of people to be with
other people, especially of their own culture. People flock together for
emotional warmth and belongingness the need for approval, sympathy
and understanding to which the individual belongs is a psychosocial
c. Specialization – Teachers, businessmen, students, physicians,
nurses, lawyers, pharmacists, and other professionals organize
themselves into societies or associations to promote and protect their
own professions.
The Concept of Culture

Culture is a way of living. According to Taylor, culture is a

complex whole which consist of knowledge, beliefs, ideas, habits,
attitudes, skills, abilities, values, norms, art, law, morals,
customs, traditions, feelings and other capabilities of man
which are acquired, learned and socially transmitted by man
from one generation to another through language and living
together as members of the society (Arcinas, 2016).
From the Perspective of

e c e ss a rily c h a n g e s,
d a p t iv e - C u lt u re n
x ib le a n d a
Dynamic, fle t e r a ct io n s, w it h in d iv id ua ls ,
b y , a v a r ie t y o f in
a nd is ch a ng e d
t e c h n o lo g y.
media, and m a y be c h a ll e n g e d b y t h e
y be c h a lle n g e d - I t
Shared an d m a c e s in s oc ie t y
nd o th er s o cia l f o r
o t h e r c ul tu r es a
presence of , a n d g lo ba li za t io n .
io n ,in d u s t r ia liz a t io n
like mo der n iz a t
From the Perspective of Anthropologists

1. Learned- Culture is learned, as each person must learn

how to “be” a member of that culture.
2. Symbolic - Culture is symbloic, as it based on the
manipulation of symbols - Culture renders meaning to
what people do.
Importance/Functions of Culture

It plays a vital role in our social lives. It is

essential for shaping social relationships,
maintaining and challenging social order,
determining how we make sense of the world and
our place in it, and in shaping our everyday
actions and experiences in society.
Activity 1. Power Organizer Directions: Using
the power organizer, write the most important
details about the perspective of Anthropology,
Sociology your activity notebook.

Perspective of
anthropology and
Activity 2: Directions: Draw and explain how
you can show that you are proud of your
own culture and what you can do to help
preserve Filipino culture.

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