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US 20190033427A1

( 19) United States

(12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10) Pub . No.: US 2019 /0033427 A1
CORNIC et al. (43) Pub . Date: Jan . 31, 2019
(54 ) METHOD FOR JAMMING SYNTHETIC F41H 11 /02 (2006 .01 )
DEVICE (52 ) U .S. CI.
(71) Applicant: THALES , Courbevoie (FR )
CPC ................. GOIS 7/38 (2013.01); H04K 3/42
(2013.01); F41H 11/02 (2013.01); GOIS 7 /021
(2013 .01)
(72 ) Inventors: Pascal CORNIC , Guilers (FR );
Jean -Michel QUELLEC , Ploumoguer
(FR ); Patrick LEGROS , Brest (FR ) (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl . No.: 16 /074 ,688
A method for jamming airborne SAR radar implemented by
(22 ) PCT Filed : Jan . 30, 2017 a jamming device includes at least two cooperating units
surrounding an area on the ground to be protected , at least
(86 ) PCT No.: PCT/EP2017/051896 two units providing a radar- detection function and at least
$ 371 (c )(1 ), one unit providing a radar-jamming function, each unit
(2 ) Date : Aug. 1, 2018 being interlinked by a two -way data link and being synchro
nized by a common clock , the method comprises a step of
( 30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data identifying the signals received and whether the received
signals correspond to SAR signals ; a step of characterizing
Feb. 5, 2016 (FR ) ................................... 1600196 the received SAR signal over a short duration ; a step of
computing a filter adapted to the signal; a step of carrying
Publication Classification out pulse compression of the signal; a step of iteratively
(51) Int. Ci. periodically characterizing the signal over a long duration , a
GOIS 738 ( 2006 . 01) step of computing the jamming signals to be transmitted ; a
GOIS 7/02 ( 2006 .01) step of transmitting the jamming signals.

6104 D - 50
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Analog - lo - digital

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Eto 20

characterization Time and frequency OS


windowing in OM
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and intrapuise parameters.

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Computing the correlator O

adapted to the SAR signal


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(short tem
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Application of the adapted

wwww ww www correlator (multiplication by .

the short -term

1. O Moduation adapted frequency replica )
-- -

020 .


to high

Modulation table
computed off line
and stored
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

Iterative periodic
of the " long-term "
signal : V . Do *

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Etp 50

to 630
Patent Application Publication Jan . 31, 2019 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2019/ 0033427 A1





NI .
22 .


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Lobe of the *





radar detector .





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Radar jammer ! 2,4





detector 2 .





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1 ...

FIG . 1 a
Patent Application Publication Jan. 31 , 2019 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2019/ 0033427 A1

Traveling radar

Radar lobe ****** S

Radar jammer/ 9.
t19 *

detector 2 * 17.

* ..


* *
18 .

.liv -


. -

.ISIR N .IRIASI Jamming lobe



I .

. *


I *

X *


ri II.III mr







Radar jammer / FIG . 1b

detector 1

Direction of
movement of the radar

jammer/detector 1 Zone to be protected 11
so - 4 B B

SOUS 12 jammer detector 2
Radiation Required 000
pattern of the margin of 200

SAR antenna

-16. .
sensitivity asox

Rode la w wWw wWw


FIG . 2
Patent Application Publication Jan. 31, 2019 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2019/ 0033427 A1

Eto 10



Etp 2 } - --- Eto 25 ?? ----

- Ep to 2 Ep80) Exoso}
Etp 70 Etp 60 Etp 50

FIG . 3


A .

FIG .5
Patent Application Publication Jan. 31, 2019 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2019/ 0033427 A1

Radar pulses transmitted by the SAR

A Radar pulses received by the radar detector

may mas madali t tor



Listening windows of the radar detector after detecting and

analyzing the SAR signal


A Spectrum of the SAR signal


Reception band of the radar detector before

45 detection

A Reception band of the radar detector after

46 detection

FIG . 4
Patent Application Publication Jan. 31, 2019 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2019/ 0033427 A1


DO 60


Local Transposition to low frequency


Analog -to -digital

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- Etp 25
OOO OOO OO ** * KA y

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and intrapulse parameters . ra

Computing the correlator

Nadapted to the SAR signal

(short term )

Application of the adapted

correlator (multiplication by
the short- term
1. Q Moduation adapted frequency replica )

620 N
m FFT" :

Transposition Iterative periodic

to high Modulation table characterization
frequency computed off line of the "long -term "
.SCHWANRV O and stored signal : V . Do
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FIG .6
US 2019/0033427 A1 Jan . 31, 2019

METHOD FOR JAMMING SYNTHETIC SAR radar attempting to image a zone to be protected and
APERTURE RADARS AND ASSOCIATED using only a modest amount of transmission power.
DEVICE [0007] To this end, one subject of the invention is a
[0001] The present invention relates to the field of pro method for jamming at least one SAR -type airborne radar
implemented by a radar -jamming device comprising a group
tecting sensitive civilian or military sites . The invention of at least two cooperating units surrounding an area on the
more particularly relates to a device and method for jam ground to be protected , at least two units of said group
ming synthetic aperture -type radars. providing a radar-detection function and at least one unit of
10002] Given the very long integration time of synthetic said group providing a radar- jamming function , each unit
aperture radars (SAR ), typically several tens of seconds, providing the radar -detection function comprising a receiv
these radars exhibit very high compression gain , which ing and processing module configured to analyze the
allows them to detect targets at very long distances , typically received signals , each unit providing the radar -jamming
distances of greater than 100 km , and to do so with a high function being configured to generate and to transmit jam
signal-to -noise ratio . The power needed to neutralize this ming signals, each unit being interlinked by at least one
type of threat using conventional jamming means is conse two -way data link and being synchronized by a common
quently very high , thereby making it very difficult to pro clock , said method comprising a step of identifying the
duce effective jammers. signals received by the receivers and whether said received
[0003] One jamming means known from the prior art signals correspond to synthetic aperture radar signals :
consists in transmitting noise , a continuous wave (CW ) or a [0008 ] a step of characterizing the received SAR signal
swept continuous wave in the reception band of the SAR over a predetermined duration that is shorter than the
radar to be jammed , for the purpose ofmasking a zone that duration of a recurrence of the SAR signal;
is to be protected from observation . This type of jamming [0009 ] a step of computing a filter adapted to the received
requires a very high power due to the compression gain of SAR signal;
such a radar corresponding to several tens of decibels and [0010 ] a step of carrying out pulse compression of the
because in general, the area to be protected is large , typically received SAR signal on each recurrence using said adapted
of the order of several km². The jamming in this case is filter ;
non -coherent. [0011] a step of iteratively periodically characterizing the
[0004] Another jamming means consists in retransmitting received signal over a predetermined duration that is longer
a delayed signal (with a frequency offset and/or a phase than a recurrence of the SAR signal so as to establish , from
offset ) repeating the signal transmitted by the SAR radar on one recurrence to the next, the speed of movement of the
each recurrence, coherently , for example using a digital radar and the distance between said radar and the area to be
radiofrequency memory (DRFM ) system , and a series of protected ;
replicas that are identical to this signal, distributed in a [0012 ] a step of computing the jamming signals to be
certain frequency band , so as to cover the Doppler analysis transmitted for each point of the area to be protected so as
band of the SAR radar to be jammed . In this case too , the to jam the SAR radar coherently on the distance axis and on
jamming power to be generated is very high , since even if the Doppler axis ,
the jamming signal is compressed by the SAR radar on the [0013 ] a step of transmitting the computed jamming sig
radial distance axis, the same is not true on the transverse nals.
distance axis . Furthermore, since the Doppler band covered [0014 ] According to one mode of implementation , the
by the SAR radar is unknown, it is necessary to provide a method comprises a step of time and frequency windowing
high jamming power on a frequency band higher than the so as to limit the detection volume of the processing module
SAR band. The jamming is then coherent in terms of to a time window and to a bandwidth corresponding to the
distance but non -coherent in terms of Doppler . characteristics observed on the SAR signal .
[0005 ] Another jamming means known from the prior art 0015 ]. According to one mode of implementation , a SAR
consists in retransmitting a signal repeating the signal trans signal is identified on the basis of predetermined criteria
mitted by the SAR radar on each recurrence , coherently , for relating to its waveform and to the orientation of the antenna
example using a DRFM and a series of replicas that are beam of the SAR radar.
identical to this signal, distributed in the band of the SAR 10016 ) According to one mode of implementation , at least
radar and coherent from one recurrence to the next, these one unit providing the radar- jamming function comprises a
replicas reproducing the phase history of each pixel of the memory table in which various jamming signals are pre
SAR image according to its geographical position . The recorded and wherein the jamming signals to be transmitted
jamming is then coherent on the distance axis and on the are not computed but loaded from the memory zone .
Doppler axis . This technique is such that it greatly limits the [0017 ] According to onemode of implementation , the area
jamming power to bee transmitted
transmitted,, but requires knowledge atat to be protected is modifiable .
each instant in time of the position of the SAR radar with [0018 ] Another subject of the invention is a device for
respect to the set of points of the area to be protected . This jamming SAR - type airborne radars that is configured to
knowledge is a priori never available , except in the particu implement the jamming method described above, said
lar case of observation satellites having regularly repeating device comprising a group of at least two cooperating units
orbits. Furthermore, the amount of computing needed to surrounding an area on the ground to be protected , at least
define and to generate the set of replicas in real timemakes two units of said group providing a radar - detection function
this solution impracticable . and at least one unit of said group providing a radar
[0006 ] One aim of the invention is in particular to over jamming function , each unit providing the radar-detection
come all or some of the drawbacks of the prior art by function comprising a receiving and processing module
providing a solution making it possible to jam , coherently, a configured to analyze the received signals , each unit pro
US 2019/0033427 A1 Jan . 31, 2019

viding the radar - jamming function being configured to gen have fixed or variable dimensions . In the latter case, the area
erate and to transmit jamming signals, each unit being 11 to be protected is modified over the course of one and the
interlinked by a two - way data link and being synchronized same jamming sequence , by modifying the parameters of the
by a common clock . various replicas .
[0019 ] According to one embodiment, each unit provides [0037] The jamming device comprises at least two coop
the radar-jamming function . erating units 12 placed on either side of the area 11 to be
[0020 ] According to one embodiment, the transmitter protected , so as to surround it. The position of the units 12
module of each unit providing the radar - jamming function may be chosen by accounting for the possible approach
comprises a movable antenna configured to stay pointed in trajectories 13 of a carrier for the purpose of SAR - imaging
the direction of the SAR radar to be jammed . this zone to be protected . For example, SAR - imaging a zone
10021] According to one embodiment, the receiver module along a coast or close to a border 16 is generally achieved
of the units providing the radar-detection function comprises by traveling over a long distance on a trajectory 13 that is
a superheterodyne- type receiver. substantially parallel to this coast or to this border 16 . Thus ,
[0022] According to one embodiment, each unit providing if the area 11 to be protected is located along a coast or close
the radar- detection function comprises an interferometry to a border 16 , the units 12 may be placed on either side of
antenna . the zone to be protected such that they are aligned along a
[0023] According to one embodiment, at least one radar straight line that is substantially parallel to the coast or the
detector comprises a memory table in which various jam border and therefore substantially parallel to the potential
ming signals are pre - recorded . trajectory 13 of an airborne platform fitted with a SAR radar
[ 0024 ] According to one embodiment, the synchronization attempting to image the area 11 to be protected .
clock is a GPS clock . [0038 ] According to one embodiment, at least one unit 12
[0025 ] According to one embodiment, at least one data may be installed on mobile means such as for example a
link is a secure data link . vehicle , to allow it to be moved according to the needs and
10026 ] According to one embodiment, at least one element the area to be protected .
of the group of at least two units is mobile. [0039 ] At least two units 12 of the jamming device pro
[ 0027] Other particularities and advantages of the present vide a high -sensitivity radar -detection function and at least
invention will become more clearly apparent upon reading one unit 12 of the jamming device provides a radar-jamming
the description which follows, given by way of non- limiting function . Preferably , each unit 12 of the jamming device
illustration and with reference to the appended drawings, in provides the radar -detection function and the radar -jamming
which : function . These units 12 are interlinked by one or more
[0028 ] FIGS . 1a and 1b show an example of one embodi two -way data links 18 so as to allow data to be exchanged
ment of a radar-jamming device according to the invention ; between these various units 12 . At least one data link 18 may
[ 0029 ] FIG . 2 shows an example of a radiation pattern of be a secure link and , preferably , all of the links are secure
a SAR radar antenna ; data links . The various units 12 are synchronized with one
[0030 ] FIG . 3 shows possible steps of the jamming another, for example, by a GPS clock or any equivalent type
method according to the invention ; of clock means.
[0031] FIG . 4 shows examples of time and frequency [0040 ] Each unit providing the radar-detection function is
listening windows with respect to the radar signal; fitted with a receiving and processing module allowing it to
[ 0032 ] FIG . 5 illustrates the SAR equation; detect the presence of a synthetic aperture radar, to estimate
[0033] FIG . 6 shows an example of one implementation of the direction of arrival of the radar transmissions, ideally
the invention . along two dimensions (azimuth and elevation ), to identify
[0034 ] The aim of the invention is to prevent a given site the characteristics of the SAR signal over the short term , i.e .
being observed correctly by an airborne radar of synthetic on the scale of one recurrence , and over the long term , i. e .
aperture (SAR ) type. This may be achieved by masking the over a series of recurrences . The units 12 providing the
zone to be protected so as to prevent that which may radar - detection function may be fitted with an antenna
characterize said zone being seen on the radar image or by device having wide coverage in azimuth , typically of the
transmitting false echoes so as to create false targets in the order of 90°, and capable of being oriented , for example ,
radar image . mechanically .
[ 0035 ] To this end , the invention provides a method for 10041] The jamming device is configured to detect and to
jamming synthetic aperture radars configured to transmit a identify the characteristics of a SAR signal and to jam ,
waveform that is coherent in terms of distance and in terms coherently , the radar 10 attempting to image the zone to be
of Doppler for the integration time of the synthetic aperture protected before it comes into visible range of the area 11 to
radar. To achieve this, the invention is based on learning the be protected , then for the entire time over which the radar is
waveform of the radar to be jammed , learning its angle of illuminating this area 11 to be protected . To achieve this ,
observation over time and predicting the trajectory of its detection is performed jointly by units 12 providing the
carrier using means for detecting the radar signals so as to high - sensitivity radar -detection function , for example of
predict the phase history that the radar will have with respect superheterodyne type, which are centered in the frequency
to each point of the zone to be masked . band used by airborne SAR radars , typically the X band . It
00361 FIGS. 1a and 1b show an example of one embodi is recalled that the X band is a range of radiowave frequen
ment of a device for jamming airborne radars 10 of synthetic cies located around 10 GHz. The radar -detection function
aperture type for the purpose of protecting an area 11 on the may , for example ,be provided by an instantaneous- band 500
ground corresponding to a zone to be protected . This zone to MHz receiver, capable of sweeping a band of frequencies
be protected may correspond , for example , to a sensitive between around 8 . 5 GHz and around 10 .5 GHz. The units 12
civilian or military site. This area 11 to be protected may providing the radar -detection function are fitted with means
US 2019/0033427 A1 Jan . 31, 2019

for estimating the times of arrival ( TOA ) of the radar pulses example of a radiation pattern of the antenna of a synthetic
and for estimating the directions of arrival (DOA ) obtained aperture radar. Considering that the first side lobe 21 is
typically by interferometry and having wide coverage in generally located at a level that is 20 to 25 dB lower with
azimuth . respect to the main lobe 14 , the sensitivity may be chosen for
[0042] The units 12 providing the radar-detection function example so that it is 25 dB higher than the minimum
comprise at least one processing module configured to sensitivity required to detect the main lobe of the antenna of
analyze the waveform of the radar transmissions intercepted a SAR radar. This level of sensitivity may be obtained using
by the receiver modules so as to identify, with a high level techniques known to a person skilled in the art, for example
of accuracy , the intrapulse parameters of the SAR signal by using superheterodyne receivers with spectral analysis .
transmitted by the radar 10 on each recurrence . This signal [0048 ] FIG . 3 illustrates possible steps of the jamming
is generally a linearly frequency -modulated signal, more method according to the invention .
commonly referred to as a “ chirp ” . As mentioned above, the [0049] In a step Etp10 , the signals received by the antenna
radar - detection functions are provided with synchronization devices of the receiver modules of the units 12 providing the
and communication means allowing them to combine their radar -detection function are analyzed so as to identify them
detection information for the purpose of estimating, for and to detect the presence of radar signals. This detection
example , the apparent distance of the SAR radar 10 on the and the identification of the presence of a SAR radar 10 are
basis of at least two estimates of the angle of arrival and of carried out on the basis of predetermined criteria relating to
the time of arrival of the pulses , arising from at least two the waveform of the SAR signal and to the illumination
different radar detectors surrounding the area 11 to be distribution of the radar 10 . These criteria correspond to that
protected . Similarly, the position , aiming angle and speed of typically produced by a synthetic aperture radar 10 . For
movement of the radar may be estimated on the basis of the example , an alert warning of the presence of such a radar
combined information from two units 12 providing the could be generated if the following criteria are met:
radar-detection function surrounding the area to be pro 10050 ] Presence of a pulsed signal in the search band of
tected . the processing module of the unit 12 providing the
[0043] The one or more units 12 providing the radar radar-detection function ;
jamming function may comprise intrapulse analysis and 10051] Presence of a signal exhibiting a constant period
recording means and at least one digital radiofrequency of recurrence or a periodic modulation of the period of
memory allowing them to reproduce the signal received recurrence;
from the radar by delaying it and dephasing it from one 10052 ] Presence of a signal exhibiting a constant fre
recurrence to the next according to the set of time and phase quency from one pulse to the next, or a periodic
histories relating to the set of pixels constituting the corre modulation of the frequency from one pulse to the next;
sponding SAR image . [0053 ] Presence of a signal exhibiting a constant pulse
10044 ] According to one mode of implementation , the duration from one pulse to the next;
intrapulse analysis may be carried out by the one or more [0054 ] Presence of a signal exhibiting a wide intrapulse
units 12 providing the radar -detection function having the bandwidth , typically wider than 50 MHz;
lobe 15 of the antenna device that receives the highest power [ 0055 ] Presence of a signal corresponding to a pointed
transmissions from the SAR radar 10 as it appears, i.e . that radar, i.e. without amplitude modulation of the received
which is illuminated firstby a lobe of the radar, according to signal linked to the rotation of the radar antenna ;
the direction of arrival thereof. [0056 ] Presence of a signal exhibiting a constant phase
[0045 ] Preferably , the detection and analysis of the wave from one pulse to the next (which is the most common )
form of the SAR radar 10 attempting to illuminate the zone or a periodic modulation of the phase from one pulse to
to be protected is carried out in a side lobe of the radar 10 . the next (which is a possible electronic counter-coun
To achieve this, the one or more processing modules of the termeasure technique or technique for dealing with
units 12 providing the radar- detection function have a mar distance ambiguities ) (In the latter case , the intentional
gin of sensitivity that is sufficient for them to be able to modulation law for the phase will be characterized on
detect a synthetic aperture radar 10 even when it illuminates the basis of the received signal, by separating the fast
the antenna device of said unit 12 on a side lobe 21. This modulations linked to intentional modulation from the
makes it possible to anticipate and to implement jamming slow modulations linked to the SAR effect.)
before the zone to be masked is illuminated by the main lobe [0057 ] The purpose of checking the presence of all of
14 of the antenna of the radar 10 , as illustrated in FIG . 1a , these parameters is to avoid activating a jammer because of
and for the entire duration over which the area 11 to be a false alarm .
protected is illuminated by the main lobe 14 . 10058 ]. According to one mode of implementation of the
[ 0046 ] The units 12 providing the radar- detection function invention , the units 12 providing the radar -detection func
must have an instantaneous analysis band that is sufficient to tion may also detect the presence of a signal exhibiting an
be able to measure the intrapulse modulations. This requires identical intrapulse modulation from one pulse to the next
a sufficient signal-to - noise ratio and sufficient antenna gain . (which is themost common ) or a periodic modulation of the
Advantageously , a superheterodyne receiver allows this type pulse modulation from one pulse to the next (which is a
of processing by decreasing the instantaneous analysis band possible electronic counter -countermeasure technique or
as needed and by providing a high level of rejection of technique for dealing with distance ambiguities ).
out-of-band signals . [0059 ] When the presence of a SAR radar has been
[0047] The units 12 providing the radar -detection function detected , the processing module of the units 12 providing the
may be chosen so that their detection sensitivity is sufficient radar - detection function determines , in a step Etp20, the
to be able to detect a synthetic aperture radar on a side lobe characteristics of the signal transmitted by the synthetic
21 of its antenna . By way of illustration , FIG . 2 shows an aperture radar over the short term . The short term refers here
US 2019/0033427 A1 Jan . 31, 2019

to a time shorter than the duration of one radar recurrence . [0067 ] On the basis of the characteristics of the observed
The analysis of the SAR signal is carried out on a cycle waveform , a step Etp30 is implemented in which the pro
having a predetermined duration that is shorter than the cessing modules of the units 12 providing the radar-detec
duration of one recurrence of the SAR signal making it tion function compute a correlator adapted to the detected
possible to accurately identify the waveform transmitted by SAR signal, i. e. a filter adapted to the radar pulse making it
the radar 10 within each recurrence , and making it possible possible to compress the pulse received at the radar detector.
to predict, from one recurrence to the next, whether or not [0068 ] This short -term correlator is next used , in a step
this waveform is constant . Typically , the duration of analysis Etp40 , to compress the pulse received at the antenna device
is of the order of several tens of milliseconds to hundreds of of the radar- detection function on each radar recurrence .
milliseconds . This analysis makes it possible to identify , in Pulse compression is here used to improve the signal-to
particular, the transmission frequency or carrier frequency, noise ratio of the received signal. The detection of the
compressed pulses makes it possible to obtain the phase in
the pulse duration , the recurrence duration , the intrapulse the distance boxes AR , and thereby to learn , over the long
modulation and the corresponding modulation band AF , the term , the Doppler history linked to the movement of the
transmission pulse starting phase and the direction of arrival radar carrier with respect to the unit 12 providing the
of the radar signal. radar- detection function and to extract the Doppler phase
[ 0060 ] The modulation band AF of the radar makes it Par (t) and its history . This compressed pulse will make it
possible to estimate the radial distance resolution of the SAR possible to implement a step Etp50 of iteratively periodi
radar, i. e . the size ofone elementary pixel in the radar image . cally characterizing the received signal over the long term ,
This resolution is given by the formula : i. e . over a duration that is longer than the duration of one
ARq = c/2AF recurrence of the SAR signal, so as to establish , from one
recurrence to the next, the speed of movement of the radar
in which : AR , represents the radial distance resolution of the and the distance between said radar and the area to be
protected .
[0061] c represents the speed of propagation of the 100691 Once the waveform of the radar has been analyzed ,
waves ; at least one jamming generation module estimates the wave
form of the jamming signals to be transmitted by the
[0062 ] AF represents the modulation band. jamming transmitter module in a step Etp60 .
[0063] Conventionally , the transverse resolution AR , is [0070 ] With reference to FIG . 5 , a radar 10 SAR located
taken to be equal to the radial resolution AR . at a point o at t = 0 and a point M on the ground 51 located
[ 0064 ] According to one mode of implementation , the at time t= 0 at a distance Do and at an angle with respect
jamming method may comprise a step Etp 25 of time and to the axis of movement 13 of the SAR radar carrier moving
frequency windowing so as to limit the detection volume of at a speed V is considered . If the conventional SAR equation
the processing module to a time listening window and to a defining the distance history D (t) between the SAR radar 10
bandwidth corresponding to the characteristics observed on and the point M on the ground 51 is considered , the
the SAR signal. To achieve this, the information on the SAR following relationship holds:
signal may be used for example by the processing modules
of the radar -detection function to synchronize the listening
window of the receiver of each unit 12 providing the 21 . 1 . cos ( e ) V2 . 12
radar - detection function with the pulse transmitted by the D (t) = D / 1 DO
radar 10 on each recurrence . This makes it possible to
simplify processing and not to disturb the receivers with
signals other than those transmitted by the radar. Similarly, [0071] Using a second -order finite expansion of ( V .t), it is
the characteristics of the SAR signal estimated over the short possible to extract:
term may be used to choose the reception band best suited
to this signal.
[0065 ] By way of illustration , FIG . 4 makes it possible to v2 . 12
D (t) = D . - V . t. cos(0 ) + -2Do sin - (0 )
compare examples of time and frequency listening windows
with the variation over time and the spectrum of the corre
sponding signal transmitted by the radar and received by a
radar detector. Graphs 41 and 42 respectively show the [0072 ] and consequently, the outbound -inbound phase
amplitudes of the pulses 410 of the signal transmitted by the Q ,(t) on each radar recurrence :
radar and those 420 of the signal received by a radar
detector. Graph 43 shows the time listening windows 430 of Do V
the receiver of the radar detector. These listening windows 4r(t) = 41 - 41 cos(0 )t + 41 2ADO- sin (0 )12
are periodic and synchronized with the signal received by
the receiver. The time window 430 is synchronized with the
pulse 420 received from the radar subsequent to the prior [0073 ] The Doppler frequency Fd , for the direction ,
reception of multiple successive pulses 420 . seen from the SAR radar is :
[0066 ] Graph 44 shows the amplitude of the spectrum of
the SAR signal transmitted by the radar. Graphs 45 and 46
respectively show the reception bands 450 and 460 of the
radar detector before and after detection . After detection , the
reception band or frequency listening window 460 of the F4,0)= cos(o)– 24202 sinºor
Fdr ( t ) =
- cos ( 0 ) - 2 . 00

radar detector is tuned to the single frequency band of the

SAR signal . [0074] In which â represents the wavelength.
US 2019/0033427 A1 Jan . 31, 2019

[0075 ] The band B , imaged over the illumination time T . [0083] Where: t represents the short term , i.e. the time in
of the antenna of the radar 10 is given by the relationship : a recurrence, the time origin being taken at the start of a
recurrence ;
212 (4 ) 100841 t represents the long term , i.e . a time that is a
Bd = 1.D." multiple of the duration of one recurrence: t = k . Tr;
[0085 ] AF represents the modulation band of the radar
[0076 ] and the transverse resolution ARa obtained by the [0086 ] T represents the pulse duration of the radar;
SAR radar:
[0087 ] a?t ) represents the amplitude of the received
signal over the long term t ;
2 . Do
ARa = 2V - Te sin(0) [0088 ] c represents the speed of propagation of the
waves .
[0077 ] On the basis of L , the equivalent length of the SAR [0089 ] By applying the previously estimated “ short-term ”
correlator, the processing module of the unit 12 providing
antenna and relationships (4 ) and (5 ) , the number Ndop of the radar- detection function compresses the signal received
replicas to be generated in each distance box to cover the on each recurrence of index i, so as to extract therefrom , on
entire Doppler band is deduced : each recurrence , a compressed signal rcar(t) according to the
propagation delay D (t)/c of the form :
Ndop =_ LAD
-AR. , =_ 2V Te- sin (0)
Par O ,1)=
[0078 ] Seen from the radar detector, the Doppler phase
corresponding to a single path is written at a time t as: alle 2000 J**Recr( - DO)2423,19%(-2.0°))recr(t)e 24jaft de

recer 1)=alte<zuisby in
cdr T -= ara
2 -

Parl)=2+ =23cos(0)1+2 2 ,sin°CQx?

Odr (t ) = 27
- 27 cos(et + 277 -
2ADO Recrlr- Dim)Recr(t)e mojaFDOT de

[0079 ] It should be noted that this is true only if the radar After computing this yields:
pulses are transmitted at constant phase on each recurrence,
which corresponds to the majority of cases . Otherwise , it
would additionally be necessary to learn the modulation law
to subtract it from the measurement .
[0080 ] The Doppler frequency corresponding to a single
Pot Deo!) )=

TAFD (1) , D (1)

path is written at time t as :
alebe 2 27,apo Reezy(7/7 -|Dosim DID
TAFD ( 0 ) -17 )
Fdar(t) = cos (0) - sin ( )1
If the quadratic phase term in D (t) is neglected , the fol
lowing is obtained :
[0081] This relationship may be written in a conventional
form corresponding to a linearly frequency -modulated sig
nal: rocurepoca ( 11 )

( AFD (1)(7 - |D (1)

Four(0)= F'docsmn - hitta (9 )
alte-2rijs bicol Reczy(t)(7 -|Dosim ct 1?-17 ) NAFDI
c7 "(7- D0D
[0082] The signal intercepted by the antenna device of the
radar - detection function may be written in baseband , i.e . [0090 ] The phase relating to the SAR effect appears in the
after demodulation by the carrier frequency f: term

Parl'drit( ,,1t)) == aalt(i))RectIT

Recyír -- D(1)le-25.jpD!!e+27 f(2_Day2)
- 2 if D ( 1 ) + 277
(10) e -2018DCI)
US 2019/0033427 A1 Jan . 31, 2019

with , according to (7 ): and the angle of direction of arrival with respect to the
radar detector, to deduce the speed V of the carrier there
from . The distance Do is obtained by combining the detec
tions of the two radar detectors , for example by using the
$arl)=275 DO =2720 -27<cosco) difference in the angles of arrival or the difference in the
times of arrival of the pulses. On the basis of equation (5 ),
[0091 ] Estimating the SAR signal over the long term the following is obtained :
consists in identifying, in a correlator, the initial Doppler
frequency Fdodr using the relationship : Do
ARA = 2VT sin( )
Fdoor = cos(o) It is thus possible to deduce the SAR integration time Te
therefrom and consequently , using relationship (4 ), the
and the modulation slope extension of the Doppler band Bd to be jammed :

Bd Bd == 2V2
Bd i sin?(0)Te

of the frequency -modulated signal over the long term cor [0097] According to equation ( 10 ), the signal ray( T,t) inter
responding to the SAR effect by virtue of the relationship : cepted by the radar detectormay be written in baseband , i.e .
after demodulation by the carrier frequency f, in the form :
Bd V2
2Te - sin-(0). 1)ey
e-2nig D9%et2rej ( (T - DO ) )
rdit, t) = a (t) Rec7 T -
[0092 ] This analysis is carried out over a duration that is Long -term term Short-term term
much shorter than the illumination time Te of the synthetic
aperture radar, for example over 100 ms, and recursively [0098] Let AR , be the radial resolution of the radar, AR ,
refreshed over time by considering , on each iteration , a new its transverse resolution and D (t ) the current distance from
time origin for the long term . Given the short duration used the jammer used to the radar. If a given point M ' of the area
to carry out the correlation , it may be assumed that there is to be protected is considered , offset with respect to the
no migration in terms of distance and that the amplitude of jammer used by a radial distance x := iARd, where i is an
the compressed signalmay be considered to be constant over integer, and by a transverse distance y ;= jAR ,, where j is an
this time, thus: integer, it is possible to calculate that the distance Dij(t)
from this point to the radar is such that:
Petr(DD),1)~ Kalbe+2rj (12 ) Dij(t)= V D (t)2+(x;*+y;?)–2(x;Xr +y;yr)
[0099 ] where XR and yr are respectively the projections of
rato DO) 1)z Kaldez 9 4com wet zy ,sin?(912) D (t) on the radial axis and on the transverse axis .
10100] The jamming signal rhi ( t , t) to be generated by the
jammer to mask this point M ' at the time defined by the pair
[ 0093] The correlation may be carried out using a time (t,t ), in which t= kTr + t, (k representing an integer, Tr the
frequency transform , such as the Wigner - Ville transform for time of recurrence and I the short term ) is consequently
example . given , in baseband , by the relationship :
[ 0094 ] In practice , given the short analysis time and the
gentle modulation slope , the Doppler frequency may in
general be considered to be constant over the analysis, and rdr(T , 1) = a (t) Rect
( D (t) + 2( Dij(t) - D (t))
a simple Fourier transform making it possible to measure the
mean Doppler frequency Fddr over the duration of the
analysis may be enough to characterize the SAR signal. 0-2150 DOHAD;61-D +20(4.DevaDijon-Pom)})
in which a , is the desired jamming amplitude.
Four = cos(e)+ x n sin®Ox= cos(@F'da
"bij(r,1)= 0;.j()Recr(7 _ D(i)+2CD:,j(0)– D())) (14 )
[0095 ] This is equivalent to unfocused synthetic antenna
[ 0096 ] Measuring the mean Doppler frequency Fddy fur 2+2 plexA01,10-EKO) 20 1-DexAD, 10- )?)
ther makes it possible , having estimated the wavelength à
US 2019/0033427 A1 Jan . 31, 2019

-continued the entire time over which it is illuminating it, as illustrated

di, (t) resm (T - ATiJ (t), t) e -2if Ati,j(t) ( 15 ) in FIG . 1b . To achieve this, the units 12 providing the
Pb,i,; (T , 1») = alt ) jamming function may be fitted with a directional antenna ,
typically having a few degrees of aperture . This antenna may
for example be kept pointed in the direction of the synthetic
aperture radar to be jammed by means of mechanical
Assuming : servocontrol.
[0101] At short time t of the recurrence t, the frequency of [0106 ] The operation of estimating the replicas to be
the linearly frequency -modulated signal, or " chirp ”, is : transmitted may be repeated periodically so as to continu
ously optimize the effectiveness of the jamming.
10107] FIG . 6 illustrates an example of one implementa
tion of the invention. In this preferred embodiment, each
f =42 unit 12 provides the radar - detection and radar- jamming
functions and is configured to operate in the X band . Each
unit 12 comprises a receiving and processing module 61 that
[0102] By expressing the Fourier transform over the short is configured to analyze the signals received by the antenna
term and by letting Sd ( fr , t ) denote the Fourier transform of device 60 of the radar -detection function . Each unit 12 also
the signal intercepted by the radar detector rdr (T, t) and comprises a jamming generation module 62 configured to
Sh ( fç, t ) the Fourier transform of the jamming signal rhi generate the jamming signals to be transmitted by the
( t, t), the following is obtained : jamming transmission module 63 and the jamming trans
mission antenna 64 .
[0108 ] The receivers of the radar -detection functions are
il =
di,i ( ) e - 25 if - 47;, ;(t) - 257. if A7;, ;(t) of interferometry superheterodyne type and the jamming
alt )
generation modules 62 use digital radiofrequency memory
(DRFM ) systems. The units 12 are fitted with an antenna
[0103 ] In the Fourier domain , the jamming signal to be device 60 for wide-field interferometry, typically of the
transmitted to cover the entire image in N dist distance boxes order of 90° , which can be oriented mechanically . The units
and Ndon Doppler boxes is written , at time t, as: are synchronized by a GPS clock and communicate via at
least one secure two-way data link 18 .
[0109 ] In this preferred embodiment, the radar transmis
Ndist Ndop (16 ) sions received on the antenna device 60 of the radar
SB ( F1 , 1) = Sbi,j(ft, 1) detection function are transposed to a lower frequency using
si a local oscillator 610 so as to facilitate their processing then
SB (fr, 1) = digitized by means of an analog - to -digital converter.
[0110 ] The detection of the primary features of the pulse
Ndist Ndop 0 ;,;(1)
Li= 1 Zj= 1 alt)- Sarlft, t)e - 21 if?Ati,j(1)e -21.jfAti,j(t) is next carried out. On the basis of these characteristics, the
correlator which will be adapted to the SAR signal on each
recurrence is computed .
10104 ] According to one alternative mode of implemen [0111 ] On the basis of the received signals , time and
tation of the jamming method, at least one unit 12 providing frequency windowing for reception is also set up so as to
the radar-jamming function comprises a memory table or limit the detection volume and remove those signals outside
modulation table in which various jamming signals corre the useful interval corresponding to the characteristics
sponding to the various possible trajectories of the carrier of observed on the radar signal.
the SAR radar 10 to be jammed are pre - recorded . According [0112 ] The received signals next undergo short- term pulse
to the characteristics of the received radar signal, this compression . For this, a transformation for transitioning
memory zone is addressed to command the generation of the from the time domain to the frequency domain is first
jamming signals to be transmitted . The form of the jamming applied via a fast Fourier transform . The resulting signal is
signals to be transmitted is therefore not computed in real then processed by an adapted correlator and the signal thus
time but chosen from precomputed and pre -recorded forms obtained is next again transformed so as to transition from
in a memory zone. Advantageously , computing the jamming the frequency domain to the time domain via an inverse
replicas out of real time allows the computing means to be Fourier transform . Lastly, a compressed pulse is obtained
used and the processing time to be considerably decreased . which will be used to establish , from one recurrence to the
[0105 ] Once the jamming signals have been computed , the next, the speed of movement of the carrier and the distance
signals are next transmitted by the transmitter module of the between this carrier and the area to be protected . These
one or more units 12 providing the radar- jamming function parameters will allow the modulation table to be addressed
in a step Etp70 . Depending on the results of the one or more so as to command the digital generation of the phase samples
processing modules of the units 12 providing the radar corresponding to the jamming signals by a digital signal
detection function and depending on the direction of travel synthesizer (direct digital synthesizer, DDS) 620 .
of the synthetic aperture radar 10 , the unit 12 providing the [0113 ] The phase samples arising from the digital signal
radar-jamming function which is angularly closest to said synthesizer are used to modulate the received signal which
radar 10 will be activated . This jamming is performed by was previously transposed to lower frequencies and trans
pointing the main lobe 17 of the jamming transmission formed from the time domain to the frequency domain . The
antenna in the direction of the radar 10 before this radar is resulting signal is next transformed to the time domain ,
in a position to illuminate the zone to be protected , and for using an inverse Fourier transform function , then converted
US 2019/0033427 A1 Jan . 31, 2019

to analog using a digital- to - analog converter . The signal is so as to limit the detection volume of the processing module
next transposed to a higher frequency so as to return it to the to a time window and to a bandwidth corresponding to the
frequency of the radar, on its original carrier frequency. characteristics observed on the SAR signal.
Lastly , the signal is amplified by a high -power amplifier 3 . The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a SAR
(HPA ) 630 before being transmitted by the jamming trans signal is identified on the basis of predetermined criteria
mission antenna 64. relating to its waveform and to the orientation of the antenna
[ 0114 ] The various receiving , processing , jamming gen beam of the SAR radar.
eration and transmission modules may comprise one or more 4 . The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one
microprocessors , processors , computers or any other equiva unit providing the radar-jamming function comprises a
lent appropriately programmed means . memory table in which various jamming signals are pre
1 . A method for jamming at least one SAR -type airborne recorded and wherein the jamming signals to be transmitted
radar implemented by a radar- jamming device comprising a are not computed but loaded from the memory zone .
group of at least two cooperating units surrounding an area 5 . The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the param
on the ground to be protected, at least two units of said group eters of the jamming signals are modified over the course of
providing a radar -detection function and at least one unit of one and the same jamming sequence so as to modify the area
said group providing a radar-jamming function , each unit to be protected .
providing the radar -detection function comprising a receiv 6 . A device for jamming SAR -type airborne radars that is
ing and processing module configured to analyze the configured to implement the jamming method as claimed in
received signals, each unit providing the radar-jamming claim 1 , said device being wherein it comprises a group of
function being configured to generate and to transmit jam at least two cooperating units surrounding an area on the
ming signals , each unit being interlinked by at least one ground to be protected , at least two units of said group
two -way data link and being synchronized by a common providing a radar- detection function and at least one unit of
clock , said method being wherein it comprises a step (Etp10 ) said group providing a radar- jamming function , each unit
of identifying the signals received by the receivers and providing the radar-detection function comprising a receiv
whether said received signals correspond to synthetic aper ing and processing module configured to analyze the
ture radar signals : received signals, each unit providing the radar- jamming
a step (Etp20 ) of characterizing the received SAR signal function being configured to generate and to transmit jam
over a predetermined duration that is shorter than the ming signals , each unit being interlinked by a two -way data
duration of a recurrence of the SAR signal; link and being synchronized by a common clock .
a step (Etp30 ) of computing a filter adapted to the pulses 7 . The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein each unit
of the received SAR signal; provides the radar -jamming function .
a step ( Etp40 ) of carrying out pulse compression of the 8 . The device as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the trans
received SAR signal on each recurrence using said mitter module of each unit providing the radar -jamming
adapted filter, making it possible to obtain the phase in function comprises a movable antenna configured to stay
the distance boxes, thereby making it possible to obtain pointed in the direction of the SAR radar to be jammed .
the Doppler history linked to the movement of the radar 9 . The device as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the receiver
carrier ; module of the units providing the radar- detection function
a step (Etp50) of iteratively periodically characterizing comprises a superheterodyne- type receiver.
the received signal over a predetermined duration that 10 . The device as claimed in claim 6 , wherein each unit
is longer than a recurrence of the SAR signal so as to providing the radar -detection function comprises an inter
establish , from one recurrence to the next, the speed of ferometry antenna.
movement of the radar and the distance between said 11 . The device as claimed in claim 6 , wherein at least one
radar and the area to be protected ; radar detector comprises a memory table in which various
a step (Etp60 ) of computing the jamming signals to be jamming signals are pre - recorded .
transmitted for each point of the area to be protected so 12 . The device as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the syn
as to jam the SAR radar coherently on the distance axis chronization clock is a GPS clock .
and on the Doppler axis ; 13 . The device as claimed in claim 6 , wherein at least one
a step (Etp70 ) of transmitting the computed jamming data link is a secure data link .
signals . 14 . The device as claimed in claim 6 , wherein at least one
2 . The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the method element of the group of at least two units is mobile .
comprises a step ( Etp25 ) of time and frequency windowing * * * * *

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