Literature Review

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Tamia Beckford

Samantha Gonzalez

ENC 1102

29 February 2024

A Conversation on the Effect of Rhetoric on Social Media

Trust and credibility are a vital part of society. There are various factors that play a role in

creating trust and building a relationship between individuals. Social media has impacted

relationships immensely through the way in which information is rapidly and abundantly flowing

across multiple digital platforms. In the same way one can create a connection with another

individual in person, social media has become accessible where one can form a relationship

through a platform.

Social media, such as YouTube and TikTok, involve the concept of content creators and

viewers. The content creators make the material provided on the platform whether it is for

entertainment or educational purposes. It is most apparent on TikTok as the content creators are

distinguishable through their spirit and charisma (Granados 100). The trust and credibility built

between the viewers and content creators are crucial. When users perceive information as

trustworthy and credible, they are more likely to engage with it, share it with others, and

incorporate it into their understanding of the world.

Understanding the linguistic and visual elements within YouTube and TikTok will further

explain how trust and credibility are acquired. This can be done through the analysis of the trend

where content creators make apology videos saying, “Hey, I’m sorry” speaking about an incident

or issue in which the majority of their viewers disagree. The sincerity extended from the content

creators to the viewers will affect the effectiveness of the apology video as well.
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TikTok and YouTube function as platforms where individuals are able to use rhetoric to

engage audiences and convey messages. In Patricia Roberts-Miller's "Rhetoric is Synonymous

with Empty Speech" and Keith Grant-Davie's "Rhetorical Situations and Their Constituents,"

both authors include the recognition of rhetoric as a vital component of discourse in various

social, political, and cultural contexts. As well as, the value of understanding rhetorical situations

and the part they play in forming effective persuasive messages (Grant-Davie 271). Roberts-

Miller's argument challenges the perception of rhetoric as empty speech, emphasizing its

significance in human communication (Roberts-Miller 3).

On TikTok and YouTube, rhetoric serves as a tool for expression, persuasion, and

engagement, highlighting the dynamic nature of these platforms as arenas for discourse. Grant-

Davie's examination of rhetorical situations provides insight into the context in which

communication occurs on platforms like TikTok and YouTube. Understanding the audience,

purpose, and constraints of these platforms is crucial for crafting persuasive messages that

resonate with viewers (Grant-Davie 266).

The concept of persuasion is also expound upon in both Sarah Arayess’ and Dominique

Geerts’ “Social Media Advertising: How to Engage and Comply” and Marlowe Granados’ “I

Turn My Camera On: Notes on the Aesthetics of Tiktok,” in the form of different mediums.

Arayess and Geerts speak on the advertisement aspect of social media (Arayess and Geerts 531).

Arayess and Geerts discuss the effectiveness of social media advertising, emphasizing the

importance of engaging content while adhering to regulatory standards (Arayess and Geerts

531). This highlights how rhetoric is employed to create persuasive messages within the

constraints of compliance. Granados explores the aesthetics of TikTok, shedding light on how

users harness visual and auditory elements to captivate viewers. Through creative expression and
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storytelling, TikTok users strategically employ rhetoric to evoke emotions and influence

perceptions (Granados 100).

In Natalya Izotova's "Discourse Analysis and Digital Technologies: (TikTok, Hashtags,

Instagram, YouTube): Universal and Specific Aspects in International Practice," the use of

rhetoric universally through digital technologies is examined. Izotova explores how platforms

such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube assist individuals in communication and self-

representation (Izotova 201). A deeper understanding of online communication is provided

through comparing digital discourse across the platforms. Izotova adds to the conversation to

prove how although there are cultural variations, the use of rhetoric to shape discourse and

influence audiences remains a common thread across platforms like TikTok and YouTube

(Izotova 202).

Rhetoric plays a central role in shaping communication, advertising, and discourse through

social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. Videos are made to get the attention and

influence of others online through the use of rhetorical strategies. Through the aesthetics, the

nature of rhetoric, and the understanding of digital discourse, the message will be more

effectively communicated on TikTok or YouTube. However, the use of persuasion and the act of

communication is constantly evolving.

Annotated Bibliography

Arayess, Sarah, and Dominique Geerts. “Social Media Advertising: How to Engage and

Comply.” European Food and Feed Law Review, vol. 12, no. 6, 2017, pp. 529–31.

JSTOR, Accessed 28 Jan. 2024.

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In Arayess’ and Geerts’ article, the challenges and rules of social media advertising are

discussed, more specifically in reference to influencers. The article mentions a code to ensure

transparency in their promotional content. Furthermore, known as The Advertising Code Social

Media requires influencers to disclose their relationship with advertisers, and uphold advertisers

to their duty of care to inform influencers about the code. Arayess and Geerts offer practical

advice for advertisers when partnering with influencers, such as recording the start and end of the

relationship and what it consists of. Additionally, the authors of the article provide insights into

effective engagement strategies, including the use of compelling visuals, interactive content, and

authentic storytelling to captivate audiences and drive meaningful interactions toward the


This article is essential in my research because it represents how great an effect social

media platforms like YouTube and TikTok have on the general population. Through the

comprehension of the impact influencers/content creators on social media platforms have on

convincing viewers/followers, I can better understand how successful the apology is while

conducting my research. In examining the comments under the apology videos, I am also able to

use the information from this article to determine whether the viewer/follower is convinced by

the influencer.

Granados, Marlowe. “I Turn My Camera On: Notes on the Aesthetics of Tiktok.” The Baffler, no.

54, 2020, pp. 96–103. JSTOR, Accessed 28 Jan.


In Granados’ article, the aesthetics of TikTok, a social media platform mostly popular

among teenagers and young adults, is expounded upon. Granados argues that the short videos,

content made by users, and the way TikTok shows videos based on what users like on the “for
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you” page, all contribute to the uniqueness of TikTok and the way people get involved on the

app. The article also mentions the visual appearance of TikTok by taking note of the blandness of

TikTok's architecture which causes the personalities and personas of the subjects to bring the

TikTok videos to life. Granados highlights the platform’s impact on the culture created by its

adolescent users who use their bedrooms to produce diverse content combining mysterious

charm, clever wit, and fine editing skills.

This article is helpful in how I can conduct my research because it helps me to understand

how the social media platform, TikTok works. I will evaluate the way content creators on TikTok

are able to convince viewers to accept their apology. Therefore, it is important to understand the

platform and how TikTokers can manipulate the features on TikTok to their benefit as well as,

how it could be a hindrance to the validity of their apology.

Grant-Davie, Keith. “Rhetorical Situations and Their Constituents.” Rhetoric Review, vol. 15, no. 2,

1997, pp. 264–79. JSTOR, Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.

In Keith Grant-Davie's "Rhetorical Situations and Their Constituents", the interaction

between rhetor, audience, and exigence is highlighted. Rhetoric is further elaborated upon in

reference to creating persuasive messages that are successful. Alongside the role, they each play

in rhetorical discourse. In discourse across various contexts such as social, political, and cultural,

rhetoric is essential. Grant-Davie places an emphasis on the significance of context and audience

awareness underscoring the complexity of rhetorical communication. The concept of constraints

is also viewed within rhetorical situations. Constraints can be said as limitations that can affect

the effectiveness of the exigence or purpose being properly persuaded to the audience.
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The article allowed me to gain insight into the nuances of rhetoric and the rhetorical

situation. Using this information, I can further understand how rhetorical situations are apparent

in social media. As I conduct my research, I will analyze the rhetoric being used in both TikTok

and YouTube apology videos. I chose to include this article in my research because it helps me to

understand the logistics behind creating persuasive messages that are effective. Since my

research topic relates to convincing viewers to accept their apology, it is essential to understand

the rhetorical situation in which YouTubers and TikTokers will do so.

Izotova, Natalya, et al. “Discourse Analysis and Digital Technologies: (TikTok, Hashtags,

Instagram, YouTube): Universal and Specific Aspects in International Practice.” Amazonia

Investiga, 25 Sept. 2021,

Natalya Izotova's article explores the cross between discourse analysis and digital

platforms with a focus on TikTok, hashtags, Instagram, and YouTube. The universal and specific

aspects of discourse is observed within the platforms with consideration of the implications

internationally. Izotova looks at the unique features of each platform and its affect on

communication practices across cultures. The article also discusses the influence of algorithms

and user behavior on shaping online discourse. Hashtags, visual content, and user-generated

content show the ways in which individuals and communities engage with digital platforms and

how digital technologies shape communication patterns. This article provides insights into the

importance of studying communication on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and YouTube

due to the constant changing of online communication.

This article allowed for a deeper understanding of online communication in various

communities internationally. As well as, the effect of the features provided by each platform has
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on its viewers. I will use the information I gained from this article to support the findings

regarding dialogue in the apology videos on both TikTok and YouTube as I conduct my

research. Due to the fact that my research is not specified solely in the United States, this article

is beneficial so that I am able to comprehend various aspects of online communication regardless

of the location.

Jandl, Silke. “The Intermediality of Emotion: Representations of Emotionality and Fear in

YouTube Vlogs and Beyond.” Writing Emotions: Theoretical Concepts and Selected

Case Studies in Literature, edited by Ingeborg Jandl et al., Transcript Verlag, 2017, pp.

175–94. JSTOR, Accessed 28 Jan. 2024.

In the article, Jandl discusses the differences between expressing emotions in video

content, such as YouTube vlogs, and written content, such as autobiographical books by

YouTubers. Visual elements, such as background colors and images, are more prevalent in

written content to convey emotions. Whereas YouTube vlogs create a face-to-face connection

between the Youtuber and the viewers where the facial expressions and emotions are better

conveyed through videos. The article also explores the concept of plurimediality, where the

interaction between multiple media within either a book or video is examined, and how it affects

emotional development and expression. Vloggers include the positive aspects of their personal

lives rather than the negative, however, through the analysis of coming out videos, Jandl shows

that the use of both negative and positive can be apparent. Jandl conducts textual analysis and

studies on audience reception to understand how vlog content, editing techniques, and writing

styles shape emotional experiences as a viewer.

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I chose this article to include in my research because it relates directly to the topic of my

research project. As I conduct my research, I will analyze the kind of verbiage, body language,

and visual aspects used in apology YouTube videos. By using the information from this article, I

can properly understand how Youtubers create authenticity in their videos. Thus, how it will

influence the effectiveness of the apology YouTube videos. The article also mentions the effect

of including both positive and negative aspects in the vlogger’s personal life which will assist me

in investigating both aspects in the apology videos.

Roberts-Miller, Patricia. Rhetoric Is Synonymous with Empty Speech,

EMPTY-SPEECH.pdf. Accessed 13 Mar. 2024.

In Patricia Roberts-Miller's "Rhetoric is Synonymous with Empty Speech" the common

perception of rhetoric as speech that is empty or manipulative is challenged. The author

encourages readers to view rhetoric as a vital aspect of human communication and decision-

making. Rhetoric should be used more as a tool. Although rhetoric can be inherently deceitful, it

can be used for both constructive and harmful purposes. It is also dependent on the context and

intent of the speaker. Rhetoric is essential in order to understand rhetorical situations as they play

a key part in formulating successful persuasive messages. Recognizing rhetoric is important in

discourse in multiple contexts such as social, political, and cultural.

I chose to include this article in my research because rhetoric is a crucial aspect of the

research I am conducting. As I analyze YouTube and TikTok apology videos, I must understand

the way in which the speaker is trying to deliver the message. I will use the information from this

article to determine whether the Youtuber or TikToker is using rhetoric as a tool in the videos.
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The article allowed me to gain insight into how rhetoric could also be used in detrimental means.

I will be able to identify how rhetoric is used by the content creators in the apology videos.

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