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LESSON 1: Definition of Literature

Acquire New Knowledge:

The word “literature” is derived from the Latin term litera which means letter.
It has been defined differently by various writers.
 Literature as any printed matter written within a book, a magazine or a
 It is defined as a faithful reproduction of man’s manifold experiences blended
into one harmonious expression.
 It deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions of man, literature can be said to be the
story of man. Man’s loves, griefs, thoughts, dreams and aspirations coached in
beautiful language “Literature”.

Why do we need to study Literature?

 To understand the different literary devices and works
 To understand the different literary devices and works
 To be aware of different cultures of the world and also a means of cultural
 To develop writing skills of an individual and also to enhance vocabularies

Literature and History

 Literature and history are closely interrelated. In discovering the history of a

race, the feelings, aspirations, customs and traditions of a people are sure to be
included…and these feelings, aspirations, customs, and traditions that are
written is literature. History can also be written and this too, is literature. Events
that can be written down are part of true literature. Literature, therefore, is part
of history.
 Literature and history, however, also have differences. Literature may be
figments of the imagination or events devoid of truth that have been written
down, while history is made up of events that really happened.
LESSON 2: General Types of Literature: PROSE

Acquire New Knowledge:

Literature can generally be divided into two types: prose and poetry. Prose
consists of those written within the common flow of conversation in sentences and
paragraphs, while Poetry refers to those expressions in verse, with measure and rhyme,
line and stanza and has a more melodious tone.


I. ESSAY- is a short literary composition in prose dealing with a single matter usually
from a personal point of view.
A. Reflective essays are serious and dignified and usually employ aphorisms.
B. Narrative or short essay makes use of an incident to illustrate an idea or a theme.
C. Descriptive essay has some narrative elements as well as color, vividness, and
realistic portrayals.
D. Biographical essay sketches life or presents character analysis.
E. Nature essay attempts to picture the world of God’s creation and may do so in a
graphic, pictorial vein or a more thoughtful, philosophical manner.
F. Critical essay includes biographical criticism, literary criticism, and book reviews. It
is a record of an analytical mind weighing the virtues and faults of a literary
piece, for instance, which it fully understands.
G. Periodical essays are generally published in periodicals, hence, they are also called
H. Didactic essays enforce a moral and, therefore, the tone is serious and didactic

Aristotle outlined the most basic elements that comprise any narrative, and any
study of literature must begin with his list:
 PLOT the arrangement of events in a narrative.
 SETTING a story’s location and time. The role that setting plays in a
story and its overall significance in forming an understanding of the work
varies greatly.
According to Aristotle, the most significant element of any narrative
work. In fact, Aristotle defined a story as “character in action” meaning
that our human nature cannot help but reveal itself through our activity.
Our interest in character in a fictional work is rooted in our own
identification with other people, fictional or otherwise. The way in which
an author creates character is called characterization.
 POINT OF VIEW the narrator’s relationship to the story.
 SYMBOL any object in a story whose meaning transcends its literal
 THEME the main idea expressed in a work of fiction.
II. FICTION- is the literary production of man’s imagination finding shape in stories of
people or events.
A. Prose allegory is prose form in which the characters, ideas, and actions stand for
something else or for a system of ideas with meanings implied. Concrete
characters are personifications of abstract ideas.
1. Fable is a short allegorical tale conveying a moral or principle of behavior. The
characters are usually animals talking like human beings but keeping their
animal traits. Often, the moral is appended in the form of a proverb.
2. Myths are traditional tales common to the members of a tribe, race, or nation
usually involving the supernatural and serving to explain natural phenomena or
suggest a religious or moral truth.
3. Legends are stories of some wonderful events popularly believed to have some
historical basis and passed down through the ages.

B. Prose romances are types of stories in which some supernatural or magical events,
fantastic , and unrealistic, occur.

1. Fairy Tales, which make use of folklore motifs, commonplace expressions, and
typical themes are those which develop from stock characters such as cruel king,
cruel stepmother, naughty sister…
-once the strange element in the situation is accepted, fairy tales assume a
reality of their own. Virtue is rewarded and fairy tales always end happily.
2. Folk tales are part of folklore) traditions transmitted through memory and
practice rather than by the printed page).
-a folk tale is a story which consists of one or a combination of many folklore
themes (motifs)
-it is easily pass from language to language and spread all over the world; hence,
they are sometimes called “migratory tales”.
3. Also Myths and legends

C. Prose satires are stories in which human vices and follies are held up to ridicule.
D. Novels are prose narratives on a large scale (book length) and can be divided into
three types: fantasy, love and adventure novels.
E. Short story- is a prose narrative of limited length which must have a
characterization, unity, cumulative interest, climax, and a resolution.
F. Novelettes are prose narratives that are intermediate between the short story and the
novels. It is about 50 to 150 ordinary pages long, but no exact limits can be given as to
length. It is more elaborate than a short story but can be read in a single sitting and can
produce a single, concentrated effect.

III. Prose drama is a literary work written in dialogue and intended for presentation by
actors. The essence of drama is the make-believe by which an actor impersonates a
character of the plays. Dramas of any period have their different sets of conventions
and the playgoer must be conscious of them.


 Biography and Autobiography
 Letters (epistles),Diaries, Journals
 Book Review
 Literary criticism
 Scientific and current Publications

LESSON 3: General Types of Literature: POETRY

Acquire New Knowledge:

I. Narrative Poetry-tells a story in richly imaginative and rhythmical language.

A. Epic is a long, narrative poem divided into distinct parts and episodes bound
together by a common relationship to some great hero, action, and
2 kinds:
a. Folk or popular epic-(Beowulf and Nibelungenlaid) does not
have a known author but evolved gradually from the people’s ancient
b. Classical epics have standard conventions such as an underlying
theme of human problem, the hero embodying national, cultural, or
religious ideals.

B. Metrical Romance- is a long, rambling love story in verse.

C. Ballad is a short narrative poem intended to be sung.
D. Metrical Tale deals with any emotion or phase of life and its story is
told in simple, straightforward, and realistic manner.

II. Lyric Poetry-expresses personal thoughts and feelings.

A. The Ode is a rather extended poem usually complicated in meter and

stanza forms, and always deals with a serious theme such as immortality.
B. Elegy is generally a poem of a subjective and meditative nature. Strictly, it
is a poem that can be distinguished by its subject-death.
C. The song is a short lyric poem intended to be sung.
1. Secular songs have nonreligious themes
2. Sacred songs are songs in praise of God such as oratorios and cantatas.
D. Simple lyric is any short poem where the verse is especially musical or
where there is marked subjective or emotional tone.
E. Sonnet is a lyric poem distinguished by its exact form-fourteen iambic
pentameter lines.
1. Italian sonnet contains an octave where the theme, problem, hope, or
desire is presented and where a resolution or conclusion is reached. Its
rhymes are: abba-abba-cdecde.
2. Shakespearian (English) sonnet, iambic pentameter-abab-cdcd-efef-gg.

F. Vers de societe is light verse or occasional and complimentary verse which

deals in a witty and polished fashion with subjects that, on the surface at
least, are not very serious.

III. Dramatic Poetry- portrays life and character through action in powerful, emotion-
packed lines such as those Shakespeare’s plays.

A. Poetic plays
1. comedy- is a type of drama which aims primarily to amuse and which
ends happily.
2. Tragedy is a type of drama in which the chief character undergoes a
morally significant struggle which ends disastrously.
3. Farce is an exaggerated comedy based broadly on humorous situations.
4. Historical plays is a drama; the materials of which are taken from the
lives of outstanding figures in history.
5. Melodrama is a play with sensational actions, sentimental love story,
extravagant emotions, and generally, a happy ending.

B. Masque is a form of court pageantry that flourished in England in the 16th

century but was not revived later. It had a prologue serving to introduce a
group of actors who came in a sort of decorative float. Later, the literary
element became more important. Settings, costumes, music and scenery
were lavish.

C. Dramatic monologue is a poem in which one character speaks throughout,

but the presence, actions, and even the words of other characters are

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