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Course Code : Course Title : Internet Concepts and Web Design (Lab Course) Assignment Number BCA(IV)/L-O16/Assignment/2023-24 Maximum Marks 100 Weightage + 28% Last Dates for Submission : 31 October, 2023 (For July Session) 30" April, 2024 (For January Session) There are two questions in this assignment carrying a total of 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Submit the screenshots along with the coding and documentation. Qu. (70) An e-Commerce website maintains the list of its products and sellers. The website displays the list of the seller who sells those items and the price of the items. In addition, it also displays a form for sustomer for feedback about the website. Design and create four web pages for the e-Commerce company namely, Home, Items, Seller Registration Form and Feedback, having the following features: For consistency, every webpage of website should consist of three basic divisions — Header— This division should be the same for all four web pages and should display the name and logo of the e-commerce company. This division should be in different background colour, PageL ist - This division should be the same for every web page. It should contain links to all the web pages, viz. Home, lems, Seller_Registration Form and Feedback form. Content - This division should display the basic information as given below. The web pages that you are designing should differ in this Division only. ‘The Content division of the different pages should be as under * The Home page should include a message from the e-commerce company, welcoming all the customers to the website. © The Jtem page should display information about all the items being sold, It should include ‘You should display this information by using © The Seller Registration page should contain a form, which should have fields ~ Seller name, phone number, address and a Submit button, You should write JavaScript code to un verify that all the fields are filled with some data. This code should be run when the Submit button is pressed. * The Feedback page should display another form that has three input fields ~ The name of the customer, the reason for feedback and a text area for giving the feedback. In addition, this form should have a Submit button. Q. a0) List one of the ways of using CSS along with an HTML file. List the features of Angular Framework, R yright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) Course Code: MCSL-016 Course Title: Internet Concepts and Web Design (Lab Course) Assignment Number: BCA (IV)/L-016/Assignment/2023-24 Disclimer/Specal Note: These are jas she sample ofthe AnswersSolutions to some ofthe Question ivenin the Assignments These ‘Sample AnoweruSoltions are prepared by Private Teacher/Tutr/Authors for the help and guidance ofthe student to get an ec of how heft can anser the Questions given the Assignments. We dona cla 100% accuracy e hese sample answers as hee are based on the Anode ond capa of Private TeacherTuto, Sample answers may e sen asthe Guideelp for the reference to prepare the answers ofthe question: given in the assignment As thee solutions and answers are prepared bythe private TeacherTor so the chances fervor or mistake cannot be denied. Ay Omission or ror i high regretted though every care hasbeen ken wile proparig these Sample Answer/ Solutions Pease consul your own Teacher/Tuor before you prepare parila Answer and fr up-o-dae and exact {normation, daa and solution. Sade should must read and refer the ical study material provided bythe vest. ‘There are two questions in this assignment carrying a total of 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce, You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations, Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Submit the screenshots along with the coding and docums QI. An e-Commerce Website maintains the list of its products and sellers. The of the ems 1 the seller. KUREPUB SESE consistency, every webpage of webs rE yet ofee chee ri spe jer — This diyision he same for all four web pages and should e the e-commerce company. This division should be ind colour. PageList - This division should be the same for every web page. It should contain links to all the web pages, viz. Home, Items, Seller_Registration Form and Feedback form. Content - This division should display the basic information as given below. The web pages that you are designing should differ in this Division only. The Content division of the different pages should be as under: = The Home page should include a message from the e-commerce company, welcoming all the customers to the website. ‘The Item page should display information about all the items being sold. It should include the item name, specification, item price ete. You should display this information by using a table. yright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) ‘The Seller_Registration page should contain a form, which should have fields — Seller name, phone number, address and a Submit button, You should write JavaScript code to verify that all the fields are filled with some data. This code should be run when the Submit button is pressed. ‘The Feedback page should y another form that has three input fields ~The name of the customer, the reason for feedback and a text area for giving the feedback. In addition, this form should have a Submit button. Ans: ‘To design and create the four web pages for the e-commerce company, we will follow the given instructions and create Home, Items, Seller_Registration Form, and Feedback pages. We will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to implement the required features. Below are the code snippets for each page: 1, Home Page (index.html): KUNJPUBLICATION yle> ALL US:- 8006184581 Add CSS styles for the background-color: #007bff; color: white; text-align: center; padding: 10px; } J* Add CSS styles for the PageList */ nav ( background-color: #£21212; padding: 10px; } Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) nava{ padding: Spx; } /* Add CSS styles for the Content */ main { padding: 20px; }
E-Coi e Company Name KUN PUBLICATION ALL US:- 8006184581 a href="index.htm!">Home on.html">Seller Registration Feedback

Welcome to our e-commerce website! Explore our wide range of products and enjoy a seamless shopping experience.

2. Items Page (items.html): Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) Items Pages/title> <style> /* Add CSS styles for the header, PageList, and Content */ /* (Same as in the Home Page) ... */ table ( border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } th, td { KUN) PUBLICATION ALL US:- 8006184581 <body> <!+ Same header and navigation as in the Home Page -> ‘Same as in the Home Page) <main> <table> Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) <tr> <th>Item Names/th> <th>Specifications/th> ‘<th>Item Price</th> </tr> <!-- Example table data (replace with actual data) --> <tr> <td>Product 1 </td> <td>Specification 1</td> <td>$50</td> </tr> <u> <td>Product 2</td> KN) PUBLICATION <!s+ Add more rows for other LL US:- 8006184581 </html> 3. Seller Registration Form Page (seller_registration.htm!): <!DOCTYPE html> ‘<html> Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph, 8006184581 (Call Us) <title> Seller Registration Form