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“Profit from goods should be equally divided

among laborers since they are the ones who

work to produce such good.”

01 Philosopher
Marxism is a philosophy
developed by Karl Marx in the
second half of the 19th century
. Marxism was first publicly
formulated in 1848 in the
pamphlet The Communist
Manifesto by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels.

02 Main Idea
The battle between the working class and
the ownership class and favors
communism and socialism over
capitalism. Mainly concerned about the
struggles of social classes in a capitalist
system and the inevitable communist
revolution.Capitalism is based on the idea
of private ownership of property, This
creates great inequalities between social

03 Social Classes
The ruling class (bourgeoisie) who own
the means of production (factories, for
example) and the working class
(proletariat) who are exploited (taken
advantage of) for their wage labour.
This means that the ruling class uses
the working class to produce goods
and services and keep the profit for

04 Education
Marxists argue that school is a biased
institution that aims to legitimize and
reproduce class inequalities by forming
a subservient class and workforce.
Education also prepares children of the
bourgeoisie for positions of power as
they compete over scarce resources
like money, power, position, and honor.

Saloritos, Danielle Anne D.

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