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Stylus Writings Reading Response

The author's main idea in “The Art of Deception” is that since phishing emails are
becoming more challenging to identify, it’s important for people to know what specific
techniques scammers are using so they can look out for them. The author is very effective in
conveying their message because they show and describe many different research studies going
through several phishing email strategies and techniques. The author mentioned that other
researchers went through several spam emails and analyzed all the different aspects of them such
as “…the structure, style, and persuasive strategies included in each of the emails” (Colmenares
24). They study many phishing scam emails to better understand the different techniques and
strategies scammers are using. The most common and effective strategies for phishers include
the use of rhetoric and time limits to give the email urgency. The author also describes that
phishers will also use “a strong word such as “fail” alongside the “action required” phrase”
(Colmenares 27). They do this to try to persuade people to open the email. The author’s research
method was to analyze all the phishing emails that were meant to deceive unlike previous
research that analyzed them as a category of spam. The author collected data through phishing
emails that they personally received over a 12-week period. Some of the data explained that it
helped to utilize “…new conceptions of genre to determine the rhetorical goal of a phishing
email’s chosen style” (Colmenares 31). Then the author “…searched for common techniques or
patterns used by scammers as a persuasive strategy” (Colmenares 31). I think the author is
completely right that we need to make people more aware of phishing email scams. I agree with
the author’s ideas because there are a lot of people all over the world that lose a lot of money due
to these scams every year and if they were more aware of the common tactics that phishers use,
they most likely wouldn’t have fallen for the scam. One piece of evidence that supports my
views are in the text when the author states, “…this research contributes to an understanding of
the patterns and techniques used by phishers to exploit human behavior by deciphering the
rhetorical goal of the emails” (Colmenares 23). Phishing scams are an ongoing real-world issue.
In 2022 alone, over 300,000 people reported losing more than $52 million from phishing scams.
The number of phishing attacks per year has been rapidly increasing. In 2020, there were 1.8
million observed attacks, in 2021, there were 2.8 million attacks, and in 2022, there were 4.7
million attacks. If we can make more people aware of the strategies and techniques phishers are
using, we can decrease this number drastically and help save people from losing a lot of money.
The research done on phishing scams is contributing to writing studies because it helps develop
one’s ability to understand different types of rhetoric and forms of deception.
The author's main idea in “Rhetorical Nuances in the World of Cosplay” is “to provide an
in-depth analysis on the rhetorical nuances embedded and formed within the cosplay community
and how they manage to appeal to the masses” (Claure 9). The author is very effective in
conveying their message because they give many examples of articles and interviews that
describe how the cosplay community expresses the use of rhetorical ecology and intertextuality
through diverse cosplays on either social media platforms or at conventions such as Comic Con
or Megacon. The author’s research method consisted of existing data from other articles and
interviews discussing topics such as consent and privacy in the cosplay community. They
collected all their data from previous case studies and information they found in interviews on
YouTube such as the YouTube interview conducted by Anthony Padilla in 2019. I think the
author is right that it’s important for people to have outlets that they can use to feel safe to
express themselves through cosplay. In the text it says, “My findings emphasize how the values
of inclusivity, creativity, and community give a massive array of outlets for networking with
others, finding inspiration for future creations, and ultimately finding a safe zone for all people
wanting to express themselves through cosplay” (Claure 16). I agree with the author’s ideas
because I think it’s very important for everyone’s mental health to be able to express themselves
however they want in a safe environment where they won’t be cyberbullied, sexually harassed,
etc. One piece of evidence from the text that supports my views is when the author stated, “The
article expanded on how in the cosplay community, privacy can often be disregarded since most
cosplay gatherings are in public settings. These misunderstandings can lead to unsolicited
photos, sexual harassment, cyberbullying, etc.” (Claure 11). One real-world issue that the text
reminds me of is poverty because due to some cosplay outfits ranging “anywhere from $50 to
several thousand” (Claure 15) so in rare cases this could cause some people to crossover into
poverty. The research this author has done on cosplay is contributing to writing studies because it
helps people express themselves through the use of rhetorical nuances in the world of cosplay.

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