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CBSE Class 4 EVS

NCERT Solutions
Chapter 22
The World In My Home

Let us talk (Page 180)

Q.1. In your home too do people quarrel over fans, TV, newspapers, chairs or anything

Ans. Yes. I and my brother want to read the newspaper early.

Q.2. In your home who settles such quarrels?

Ans. My parents.

Q.3. Talk about an interesting incident at home when there was a quarrel.

Ans. My brother was crying for newspaper. I gave him an old one and he was very happy.
He did not even notice it was old.

Q.4. Have you ever seen people anywhere else quarrel over something?

Ans. Yes.

Why the Difference? (Page 180)

Q.1. It is seven o’clock in the evening. Pratibha is hurrying home form her friend’s
house. Her brothers Sandeep and Sanjay are busy playing with their friends around the
corner. They are in no hurry to go home. Even if they are late nobody will scold them.

Ans. Pratibha thinks that this is not fair.

Q.2. Why should there be one rule for her and another for her brothers? But what can
she do?

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Ans. There should not be different rules for boys and girls. She can talk to her parents.

Let us talk (Page 180)

Q.1. Does this happen in your house, or ay of your friend’s house? What do you think
about this?

Ans. No. The rules should be same for all.

Pilloo Aunty (Page 181)

Q.1. If you are to write different ending for this story, how will you end it?

Ans. The kulfi seller gives one kulfi free of cost.

Q.2. Is there anyone in your family who is like pilloo Aunty? Who?

Ans. My parents are like pilloo Aunty. They always inspire me to be honest.

Q.3. What would the children have thought if Aunty Pilloo had paid less money to the
kulfi seller? What do you think about this?

Ans. The children would think that Aunty is very smart. This should not be done. If we
deceive any one, we will also be deceived by others.

Talk about it (Page 183)

Q.1. What do you think Akshay will do?

Ans. He will drink water.

Q.2. Why do you think Akshay’s grandmother warned him not to drink even water in
Anil’s house?

Ans. Because their families were different.

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Q.3. Do you know of anybody who thinks like Akshay’s grandmother?

Ans. Yes. Many old people think like Akshay’s grandmother.

Q.4. Do you agree with what Akshay’s grandmother thinks?

Ans. No.

Q.5. Why was Akshay confused?

Ans. If he follows his grnadmother’s advice, he cannot satisfy his thirst.

Q.6. What do you think Akshay should do?

Ans. He should drink water.

Who will decide (Page 184)

Q.1. If you were in Dhondu’s place what would you do?

Ans. Buy the machine.

Q.2. Has it eve happened with you that you wanted to do something badly but the
elders in the family would not allow you to do it”?

Ans. Yes.

Q.3. How would you like it if only one person made all the decisions for your family?

Ans. I felt bad because different people have different needs and choices.

I Don’t Like It!

Talk about it (Page 184)

Q.1. Have you ever disliked any body’s touch? Whose touch did you dislike?

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Ans. Yes, if touched by unknown person.

Q.2. If you were in Ritu’s place, what would you do?

Ans. I would warn uncle not to touch me.

Q.3. Talk about what else can be done when such things happen.

Ans. I can tell my parents.

Q.4. Everybody’s touch is not the same. Ritu did not like it when Meena’s uncle held her
hand, but she liked to hold Meera’s hand. Why do you think there was this difference?

Ans. There are different people. They have different taste and idea. We like those who have
similar choices like us.

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