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A Study on CRM Practice of SAS Hyundai

After sales service In numbers In percentage

Excellent 3 6
Good 10 20
Satisfactory 29 58
Poor 05 10
Very Poor 03 6
Total 100 100

Analysis: 58% of the respondents stated the “after sales service” to be satisfactory. This shows
that the after sales service in not such effective as stated by the respondents, 20% of the
respondents said that was “good”, only 6% as excellent and almost 6% found it to be “poor”
and “very poor”.

Chart 4.17: Chart showing how the customer rates the service after sale.

After Sales Service

6% 6%
20% Excellent
58% poor
very poor

Interpretation :The "after sales service" is stated by most i.e. 58% as "satisfactory" and a very
few stated it as "excellent" and "good".

Page 55

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