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Anatomy and Physiology

Travis W Vandergriff and Paul R Bergstresser
similar in most regions of the body (Fig. 1.1). However, specialized
Key features regions of skin, including the palms (Fig. 1.2), soles, genitalia and scalp,
! The function and structure of skin is not demonstrated best by have modified forms of these structures.
diagrams and figures, but rather by presenting the diseases that As seen in Figures 1.1 and 1.2, the outer layer of skin (epidermis)
illustrate how skin can fail. Thus, function is revealed by disease, consists of a thin matrix of cells. In humans, the epidermis contains
and disease illustrates structure three major resident populations of cells1: keratinocytes (Ch. 56),
! The primary function of skin is to maintain an internal melanocytes (Ch. 65) and Langerhans cells (Chs 4 & 14). In conven-
environment that allows an organism to protect its DNA and to tional H&E-stained sections, these cells are nearly indistinguishable,
reproduce it faithfully but substantial differences become apparent when specialized immu-
nohistochemical techniques are employed. Keratinocytes, the major
! Cutaneous structures include an epidermis that serves as a barrier population, originate in bottom-most stem-cell pools; cells that leave
(e.g. to prevent fluid loss and infection) and a dermis that provides this pool then undergo maturation as they move toward the stratum
circulation and nutrition. Other functions provided by the cells corneum (Ch. 56). The human epidermis averages 50 microns in thick-
that reside in the skin include immune recognition, a capacity to ness, with a surface density of approximately 50 000 nucleated cells/
repair damage, thermoregulation and communication mm2[2]. Under basal conditions, differentiated keratinocytes require
! Evidence that skin has failed may be found in barrier disruption, about 2 weeks to exit the nucleated compartment and an additional 2
infection, autoimmunity, cancer and an undesirable appearance weeks to move through the stratum corneum3. It should be noted that
keratinocytes have the capacity to increase rates of proliferation and
maturation to levels far greater than this, when stimulated to do so by
injury, inflammation or disease (Ch. 8).
Melanocytes, as noted in a DOPA-stained whole mount of epidermis
(Fig. 1.3), have the capacity to elaborate the light-absorbing pigment
melanin, which plays a major role in protecting the skin from UV
INTRODUCTION radiation (Ch. 65). Melanosomes, with their complement of melanin,
are produced by melanocytes and then transferred by excretion and
Most reviews of the anatomy and physiology of skin begin with detailed phagocytosis into nearby keratinocytes, where they assume their pre-
descriptions of cellular composition, structural proteins, and extrafibril- ferred location above the nucleus. Members of the third major resident
lar matrix (“ground substance”). Because each of these subjects, with epidermal population, Langerhans cells, have the capacity to metabolize
relevant documentation, is presented in subsequent sections of this complex antigenic materials into peptides, some of which are immu-
textbook, such aspects of cutaneous function will be introduced only nogenic (Fig. 1.4). After activation, these cells traffic out of the epider-
briefly, using references to appropriate chapters. Following this, the mis toward regional lymph nodes, where they play a critical role in
conventional approach is reversed by examining diseases that illustrate antigen presentation during the induction of immunity (Chs 4 & 14).
cutaneous function in the context of the cells and structures that Merkel cells, which contain neuroendocrine peptides within intracyto-
sustain it. This method is derived from the assertion that the structure plasmic granules, are also found in the basal layer of the epidermis.
and function of skin is revealed best through disease. The validity of The most obvious function of epidermis lies in the stratum corneum,
this alternative methodology may be seen in five short clinical vignettes a semipermeable laminated surface aggregate of differentiated (keratin-
easily recognized by those who care for patients with skin disease: ized) squamous epithelial cells, which serve as a physiologic barrier to
● an albino Native American from Panama develops numerous chemical penetration and microbiologic invasion from the environ-
squamous cell carcinomas at an early age ment, as well as a barrier to fluid and solute loss from within4 (Ch.
● a 15-year-old boy with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia suffers 124).
heat stroke while competing in outdoor athletics in Texas
● toxic epidermal necrolysis leading to dehydration and sepsis
develops in a 40-year-old woman treated with phenytoin Dermis
● painful leg ulcerations incapacitate a 60-year-old woman with Beneath the epidermis, a vascularized dermis provides structural and
rheumatoid arthritis nutritional support. It is composed of a mucopolysaccharide gel held
● widespread herpes simplex virus infection occurs in a young man together by a collagen- and elastin-containing fibrous matrix (Ch. 95).
who has atopic dermatitis unrecognized by his primary care Vascular structures, accompanied by nerves and mast cells (Ch. 118),
physician. course through the dermis to provide nutrition, recirculating cells, and
These patients and their diseases illustrate at least five of the functions cutaneous sensation. Three additional cells, fibroblasts, macrophages
of skin: photoprotection, thermoregulation, barrier formation, cutane- and dermal dendritic cells, complete the list of dermal residents. In
ous circulation, and immunologic protection. Each function is sup- pathologic conditions such as acute inflammation, the functions and
ported by the cells and structural elements that reside there. types of dermal cells change substantially, with a variety of infiltrating
leukocytes arriving via vascular routes. In fact, the composition of
cutaneous infiltrates differs depending on the disease entity, which
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION provides students of dermatopathology useful diagnostic clues.

Conventional Concepts of the Structure of Skin Dermal–epidermal interface

The boundary between epidermis and dermis consists of a specialized
Epidermis aggregation of attachment molecules, collectively known as the base-
Consistent with conventional introductory chapters on cutaneous ment membrane5 (Ch. 28). This structure is of considerable interest,
structure and function, we begin with a histologic section through because a variety of diseases originate from genetic defects in its com- 43
normal skin. The anatomic structures observed by light microscopy are position; it also may serve as a target of autoimmune attack.
Fig. 1.3 Normal
melanocyte. A whole
mount of epidermis has
been stained for the
SECTION presence of the enzyme

1 tyrosinase, which typifies

melanocytes. Note that
the surrounding

keratinocytes are
virtually invisible. An
adjacent hair shaft
passes through the
specimen. Melanocytes
contain long dendritic
processes that deliver
protective melanosomes
to nearby keratinocytes.

Fig. 1.1 Normal skin: trunk. Note epidermal layers from the surface: stratum
corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum and stratum basale. Tightly
packed dermal collagen is seen near the epidermal–dermal junction, and more
loosely arranged collagen is found deeper in the dermis. A cluster of small
blood vessels and nerves is seen in the dermis.

Fig. 1.4 Epon-embedded section of human epidermis. Note the pale

cytoplasm and extended dendritic process of a central Langerhans cell (arrow),
which resides above the basal cell layer of the epidermis.

Fig. 1.2 Normal skin: palm. Note that the epidermis is thicker than that seen
in Figure 1.1. The compact and thick stratum corneum is typical of skin on the
palms and soles. Courtesy, Lorenzo Cerroni, MD.
possible and even likely that two or more disease processes and/or
susceptibilities underlie an illness and that such simultaneous occur-
rences may alter the clinical presentation. In fact, practicing dermatolo-
gists are quite aware of the unusual morphologic features of pityriasis
Knowledge of the Function and Structure of Skin rosea when it occurs in a patient with underlying psoriasis or when a
Begins with Skin Disease patient with atopic dermatitis improves substantially following treat-
We have chosen to present in the remainder of this chapter a conceptual ment with an antibiotic, even in the absence of obvious infection. A
framework into which the other chapters of this textbook may be growing array of genetic factors and infectious agents are known to
placed. This framework is derived from the assertion that knowledge modulate the course of otherwise conventional skin diseases. Witness
of cutaneous function begins with disease. One corollary of this asser- the presence of numerous viral warts or tumors of molluscum conta-
tion is that there may be unrecognized functions of skin, either because giosum in patients with immunodeficiency from occult HIV infection
there is no corresponding disease or because the disease is fatal. For or from iatrogenic immunosuppression. Thus, dermatologists have an
example, no one would have guessed that incontinentia pigmenti was extra assignment: to find otherwise hidden genetic, infectious and
lethal in males had it not been for the survival of heterozygous females environmental factors that modify the appearance and severity of cuta-
with this X chromosome-linked disease6,7. Overwhelming apoptosis is neous disease.
thought to explain the death of male fetuses in utero. All plants and animals possess limiting membranes that define an
Two other prejudices color the picture we choose to paint. First, we internal space and at the same time protect against external insults. In
44 deviate from the concept that physicians should invariably attempt to mammals, these membranes, which may be described functionally as
develop a single diagnosis for an illness. Rather, we believe that it is “barriers”, occur primarily in three organs: the lung, gastrointestinal
tract and skin (Ch. 124). Although similar in concept, the barrier prop-
erties of these organs are fundamentally different. Pulmonary and gas- SELECTED REQUIREMENTS AND FAILINGS OF SKIN
trointestinal barriers, by virtue of their internal location, are protected
from many environmental influences, and at the same time they Requirement Selected failings
promote rather than retard the transfer of gases, nutrients and wastes. Prevent infection via innate and Fungal, bacterial and viral infections;
By contrast, and with the possible exception of UV radiation-facilitated
vitamin D3 production8, there is no obvious benefit to skin penetration,
adaptive immunity
Maintain a barrier
autoimmunity, cancer
Infection, dehydration
or, at least, there are as yet no recognized diseases attributed to the

Anatomy and Physiology

failure of any material or form of energy to penetrate the skin. It should Repair injury Cancer, leg ulcers
be noted, however, that biomedical scientists now try to subvert the Provide circulation Infarction (due to embolization,
cutaneous barrier, as skin has become a target of novel therapies based vasculitis, or other forms of occlusion)
upon percutaneous penetration9 (Chs 124–129). In addition to serving Communicate Sensory neuropathy, pruritus
as a useful portal of entry for pharmaceutical agents, plans are under-
Provide nutrition Vitamin D deficiency
way for skin to serve as a site for immunization with gene-based materi-
als and as a gene-driven cutaneous factory10. Regulate temperature Hypothermia, hyperthermia
Attract attention Photoaging, vitiligo, alopecia
The Central Role of Protecting DNA as a Function Table 1.1 Selected requirements and failings of skin.
of Skin
Although we begin with the common rhetorical question: “What are
the functions of skin?”, it is followed by a second and perhaps more
complicated question: “What are the requirements of skin that allow
it to serve those functions?”. We propose that the primary function of
skin is to maintain an internal environment that allows an organism
to protect DNA and to reproduce it faithfully. In short, preservation
and reproduction of DNA sustains the species. A second and highly
related process in a changing world is the generation of useful changes
in DNA that accommodate new environmental circumstances. This
results in evolution of the species, which may include genetically pro-
grammed changes in the skin. Ultimately, all biologic activities serve
these functions.
Although the permanent repository of DNA lies in the gonads, the
protection of DNA in all sites, including the skin, is also essential for
biologic success. This concept of the centrality of DNA has been devel-
oped by Reg Morrison in his monograph The Spirit in the Gene:
Humanity’s Proud Illusion and the Laws of Nature, which reviews how
life-form competition may be modeled as a method of protecting
DNA11. Morrison makes the striking observation that human DNA has
in the last 300 years come to dominate all life on the earth.

The requirements of skin are identified in its failings

So, what are the requirements of skin for the protection and duplication
of DNA? In fact, these requirements have not been identified through Fig. 1.5 Verrucae vulgaris (warts). Human papillomavirus infections in
logical considerations; rather, as noted above, they have been identified humans can affect virtually any cutaneous surface. Periungual infections, as
through the various failures that result in skin disease. For this reason, seen in this photograph, are both common and difficult to treat. Courtesy, Louis A
Fragola, Jr, MD.
we begin our survey with a listing of failures of skin (Table 1.1).

Preventing Infection: Skin as an Immunologic

Organ infectious skin diseases illustrate the extent to which mechanisms of
resistance to infection are lost or defective in some patients. In each
An intricate system of immunologic recognition, both innate and adap- example that follows, initial resistance depends upon the structural
tive, protects skin (and underlying tissues) from infection12 (Ch. 4). The integrity of the stratum corneum.
cornerstone of adaptive immunity lies in recirculating lymphocytes and
antibodies that are specifically recruited and “tuned” to recognize Warts
“foreign” materials, primarily peptides derived from infectious agents. Trauma to the stratum corneum interrupts a physical barrier that is
Initial recognition occurs when sentinel dendritic cells in the epidermis ordinarily not susceptible to viral infection (Ch. 79). In addition,
(Langerhans cells) or dermis (dermal dendritic cells) are activated. Prior trauma allows implantation of infectious particles among the underly-
to activation, these cells acquire the capacity to engulf particles of many ing keratinocytes, which are viable and less resistant. Following this
sizes and to metabolize complex proteins into small immunogenic frag- structural failure, immunologic recognition of infected keratinocytes is
ments. Once activated, motility is induced, allowing these cells to travel ordinarily followed by a cytotoxic cellular response, destruction and
out of their cutaneous residence, and, via draining lymphatics, move cure. When this fails, chronic infection may ensue (Fig. 1.5). It is of
to regional lymph nodes. Thus, these residents of normal skin have the interest that many therapies for warts, other than physical destruction,
capacity to travel to a distant location where reactive lymphocytes are rely on modulating the immune response. On the other hand, few
selected and then expanded greatly in number. Within a lymph node, problems are more vexing than chronic and recurrent warts, particu-
activated helper T lymphocytes assist B lymphocytes to generate anti- larly in patients who are immunosuppressed. Especially important are
bodies, while helper T lymphocytes and cytotoxic T lymphocytes begin the viral serotypes associated with squamous cell carcinoma and the
to recirculate preferentially to and from skin. For a further discussion genetic disorder epidermodysplasia verruciformis13 (Ch. 79). It is
of innate and adaptive immunity, the reference by Janeway is highly instructive that protective immunity against warts often appears to be
useful12. balanced precariously, so that minor shifts in responsiveness may lead
to their elimination in many sites simultaneously. This has been
Failure of immunity: infection attempted therapeutically by the use of oral cimetidine, topical applica-
The diagnosis and treatment of infection constitutes a substantial tions of imiquimod, elicitation of contact sensitivity reactions, and 45
portion of dermatology (Chs 74–83). Examples of chronic and recurrent intralesional injection of recall antigens such as Candida or mumps14,15.
Dermatophytosis Opportunistic infections in the setting of human
The diagnosis and treatment of infections with dermatophytes remain immunodeficiency virus infection
largely the responsibility of dermatologists (Ch. 77). Perhaps this is An enormous body of biomedical knowledge has accrued during the
because dermatophyte infections are almost invariably limited to the 30-year epidemic of HIV infection (Ch. 78). As a beginning, it appears
skin, hair and nails, inasmuch as one or more serum factors (e.g. that HIV penetrates through small tears in genital and rectal mucosae.
1 transferrin) may prevent growth where serum can reach16 (Figs 1.6 &
1.7). As yet unidentified genetic factors protect some individuals from
Once infection has occurred, the virus has been impossible to delete,
despite a panoply of relatively effective therapies. With the eventual
infection, because it is not uncommon to encounter families in which loss of immunologic integrity, patients develop AIDS and thereby dem-

several individuals are chronically infected, whereas other family onstrate the relevance of effective cellular immunity to protection
members, in the face of obvious exposure, are seemingly never against infections with a wide variety of agents, including Mycobacte-
infected. On the other hand, experience from tropical climates indi- rium tuberculosis, Pneumocystis jiroveci, varicella zoster (Figs 1.8 &
cates that individuals who are relatively resistant in a dry environ- 1.9) and herpes simplex viruses. What more evidence would one want
ment may lose that resistance as the ambient humidity increases or to demonstrate the relevance of cellular immune protection of skin
when occlusive military shoes are worn17. Obviously, dermatophyte than the diseases that are described in Chapter 78?
infection and resistance include a complicated interplay among
genetic susceptibilities, immune responsiveness and environmental Hansen’s disease (leprosy)
circumstances. Hansen’s disease is instructive in that the majority of humans exposed
to its causative organism, Mycobacterium leprae, develop an effective
immune response that is seemingly curative (Ch. 75). On the
other hand, a small percentage of exposed individuals develop chronic
infection that may take any one of several forms, based on immuno-
logic resistance. In fact, observations made in patients with Hansen’s
disease have been important in formulating the Th1/Th2 paradigm
(Ch. 4), with each patient’s clinical response falling along a spectrum
from tuberculoid to lepromatous18. Importantly, Hansen’s disease also
illustrates the relevance of cutaneous sensation to protection against
traumatic injury, as will be presented later.
Warts, dermatophytosis, opportunistic infections in the setting of
HIV infection, and Hansen’s disease all illustrate important aspects of

Fig. 1.8 Herpes zoster.

Unilateral grouped
vesicles and serous
crusts on an
background. Note the
associated edema of the
eyelid and lip. Courtesy,
Louis A Fragola, Jr, MD.

Fig. 1.6 Dermatophytosis. PAS staining for neutral mucopolysaccharides

reveals branching red–purple fungal hyphae within the stratum corneum in a
patient with tinea corporis. If diastase enzyme is not added, glycogen within
keratinocytes also stains with PAS. Courtesy, Lorenzo Cerroni, MD.

Fig. 1.7
Dermatophytosis. This
annular presentation of
tinea corporis typifies
cutaneous dermatophyte

46 Fig. 1.9 Tzanck smear from a patient with herpes zoster. Note the
multinucleated giant cell.

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