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In the Reading test , you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within
the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
( A ), ( B ), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

adj N V ADV
adj N adv V to V nguyên mẫu
101. Mougey Fine Gifts is known for its large 105. Mr. Kim would like a meeting about
range of goods. N the Jasper account as soon as possible. càng sớm càng
adj tốt
( A ) regional trong khu vực (A ) to arrange to V: để sắp xếp
(B ) regionally (B ) arranging
(C) region (C ) having arranged
( D) regions (D ) arrangement
mức thu nhập
102. Income levels are rising in the and 106. The factory is — • located near the train
surrounding areas. station.
(A) family (A) regularly
(B) world ( B) conveniently
(C ) company (C ) brightly traffic delays
(D) city (D ) collectively chung, tập thể
gần đây mong đợi transportation delays: sự trì hoãn giao thông, kẹt xe
103. Since we had a recent rate change, expect 107. Because of transportation N due to
next electricity bill to be slightly lower. winter weather, some conference
người tham gia hội nghị
(A ) you participants may arrive late.
since + mốc thời gian: kể từ VED
(B) yours since + SVO: Bởi vì (A ) are delayed
(C ) yourself (B ) to delay V because of + cụm N = due to
( D) your tính từ sở (C) delays (v/n): sự trì hoãncụm N: adj N/ N N
khách (D ) had delayed
104. Hotel guests have a lovely view of the đúng cách việc bảo trì
ocean the south-facing windows. 108. Proper maintenance of your heating
(A) up equipment ensures that small issues can be
(B) except for: ngoại trừ fixed they become big ones.
đảm bảo
( C) onto (A ) as a result = therefore
(D) through the window: thông qua cửa số (B ) in addition + SVO
through the years: thông qua nhiều năm (C ) although
(D ) before

before/ after / when + VING

109. I he information on the Web site of Croyell 115. Improving efficiency at Perwon H
Decorators is organized. Manufacturing will require a adj revision m
được tổ chức of existing processes. in
(A ) clear
be + VED quy trình hiện có sự sửa đổi
(B) clearing (A ) create
(C) clearest (B ) creativity
( D) clearly một cách rõ ràng (C ) creation
(D ) creative sáng tạo
110. The Copley Corporation is frequently —
as a company that employs workers from 116. Conference attendees will share
all over the world. công nhân= employee chỗ ở accommodations they submit a
(A) recognized công nhận special request for a single room .
(B ) permitted cho phép (A) even : thậm chí if SVO, S will V
( C) prepared process (v): xử lý
(B ) unless = if not : trừ khi, nếu không
(D) controlled kiểm soát (n): quy trình (C) similarly tương tự
(D) also
111. Payments made 4:00 P.M. will be N
processed on the following business day. 117. To receive please be sure the
thích hợp appropriate box is checked on the
(A) later ngày làm việc
(B) after magazine order form .
renew the contract/ agreement
(C ) than more + adj/ adv that (A) renew (v): làm mới, gia hạn
more + adj khi động từ chính trong câu có V to be
( D) often (B ) renewed SVO
more + adv khi động từ chính ko phải V to be (C ) renewals (n) N có thể thay thế cho S/ O
112 Greenfiddle Water Treatment hires ( D) to renew
engineers who have mathematics khoản quyên góp
skills. 118. Donations to the Natusi Wildlife Reserve
(A ) adjusted rise when consumers feel about the
( B) advanced nâng cao economy.
nền kinh tế
(C ) eager háo hức ( A) careful The dog bite the cat
( D) faithful / loyal + customer: khách thành (B ) helpful the cat was bitten by the dog
khu vực lân cận (C ) confident tự tin, tin tưởng
113. After the neighborhood, Mr. Park (D ) durable bền
decided not to move his cafe to (v)
Thomasville. 119. When applied, Tilda’s Restorative
(A ) evaluation Cream reduces the appearance of fine lines
and wrinkles. sự xuất hiện
(B) evaluate
(C ) evaluating đánh giá (A) consistent apply(v): áp dụng
(D) evaluated (B ) consist (v): bao gồm apply for: nộp đơn

trung bình (C ) consistently đều đặn

114. The average precipitation in Campos (D ) consisting
the past three years has been 22.7 xác nhận
centimeters. 120. The marketing director confirmed that the
(A ) on new software program would be ready to
(B) for under pressure: dưới áp lực by November 1.
(C ) to under management: dưới sự quản lý ( A) launch = publish= release = issue: xuất bản, phát hành, công bố
(D ) under (B) facilitate tạo điều kiện
(C ) arise
(D) exert


TEST 1 21
hoàn tiền
121. Satinesse Seat Covers will refund your 126. Ms . Rodriguez noted that it is important to
order you are not completely explicit policies regarding the use of
satisfied . company computers. liên quan đến
hài lòng
complete: hoàn toàn, hoàn thành, đầy đủ
(A) if (A) inform
(B ) yet + SVO= BUT (B ) succeed
(C ) until (C ) estimate + cost:chi phí
(D) neither .... nor (D) establish
việc xuất sản bảo hiểm

122. In the last five years, production at the 127 . Peura Insurance has located a larger
Harris facility has almost doubled in
cơ sở
— office space, it will begin negotiating the
hợp đồng thuê rental agreement . đàm phán
(A ) majority đa số
(B ) edition phiên bản x (A ) Happily
( C) volume âm lượng, sản lượng, số lượng (B ) Now that = because: bởi vì + SVO
(D) economy x (C ) Despite + cụm N: mặc dù
x ( D) In fact
123. Ms. Tsai will the installation of the work
new workstations with the vendor. 128. Mr. Tanaka’s team worked for months
trạm nhà cung cấp
(A) coordinated x phối hợp đảm bảo to secure a lucrative government contract.
(B) to coordinate x will + V nguyên mẫu (A) readily
(C ) coordination x (B) diligently chăm chỉ
(D ) be coordinating (C ) curiously tò mò
nâng cấp (D) extremely cực kì
124. An upgrade in software would - mặc dù
tăng increase the productivity of our 129. Though Sendark Agency ’s travel insurance
administrative staff. can be purchased over the phone, most of
(A) significantly một cách đáng kể plans are bought online.
(B ) persuasively một cách thuyết (A) whose though = although= even though + SVO
( C) proficiently hiệu quả (B ) his
(D ) gladly (C ) its
đầu bếp faithful customer (D ) this
125. The Rustic Diner ’s chef does allow patrons
to make menu . 130. Garstein Furniture specializes in functional
(A) substituted products that are inexpensive
(B) substituting beautifully crafted.
(C ) substitutions sự thay thế (A) thus = therefore craft: thủ công
(D ) substitute ( B) as well as cũng như
(C ) at last
(D ) accordingly
CÁC BƯỚC LÀM BÀI TẬP CHIA THÌ according to+ N: theo như
+ bước 1: xem đáp án có to V/ VING/ các động chia thì
+ bước 2: xem trong câu đã có V chia thì hay chưa
- Nếu có V chia thì rồi => to V: để chỉ mục đích của V chia thì đó/ VING

- Nếu chưa có V chia thì: chọn đáp án có V chia thì

Chủ động: sau chỗ có N
Bị động: sau chỗ không N


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