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T.S.ELIOT: Hemos repasado


Bits and stops: A lot of short lines

- Here and there: points to the 2 different kingdoms of death.
o Those that are apparently alive are hollow inside  There is no scape from death
o Here – there 

- The ones who crossed with open eyes the other kingdom  there – there

Hollow men were spiritually death and the actual kingdom of death
No direct description of death and the after life  Just distinction between hell or earth (wasteland).

Pregunta 5:
- The spiritually dead with fear of the final meeting in the kingdom (Heaven)
- Loss of faith,they cannot save themselves.
- They pray but to broken Stones not to a God itself.
- ”For Thine is the Kingdom”.  Part of the Christian ritual of the mass.
- The symbol of the multifoliate rose (Dante’s representation of heaven)
- Many repetitions of the world kingdom.
- 3rd stanza  Connected with Aristotelian philosophy
- Biblical references: This broken jaw of our lost kingdom  Reference to the instrument Cain used to kill

Pregunta 6:
 "For Thine is the Kingdom"(L.91)is a line we find in the Lord’s Prayer closely related to the following lines and
the issue with the loss of faith that these men are suffering. The ritual of the mass.

 "For Thine is / Life is / For Thine is the" (L.92, 93, 94), these lines are fragmented, the speaker attempts to
repeat the same lines as in the previous stanza, but cannot say them completely. Something is blocking the
speaker, possibly the Shadow. This could show us the loss of their faith, showing how gradually they are
abandoning in it, making them unable to repeat what it seems a prayer. Possible connection to what the
author witness and felt, a disillusionment with the modern world and a spiritual emptiness.

 "This is the way the world ends" (L. 95, 96, 97) this phrase is repeated 3 times. This repetition of this phrase
captures the resignation, lack of faith and decay. These lines build up to later be denied by the last line,
which leaves us with a rather anticlimactic end of the world. The world ends with a whimper, like humans,
and not with a bang like most people would expect. Reference to the Gunpowder plot, that ended with the
whimper of Guy being tortured and the execution of his fellow conspirator. Gloomy end.


- 1922 
- 1931  The waves
- By the end on this century  Modernism was in decadence (decada de los 30).

Orwell Negative opinion on Modernism

J. Joyce (Ulysses)  History is a nightmare which I am trying to

awake. Check cita

Luckáks  Intenta transformer la historia (??

Challenge reader:
Reconsider the nature of fiction and reality.
Make readers aware of the nature of reality.W

Dancing cheeks to cheeks


 Zhdanov
 Berngonzi’s


- They turned communist/marxist

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