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Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch creative campaigns using posters, flyers, and social media to

educate the public about the importance of cleanliness and proper waste disposal practices

Street Art Projects: Collaborate with local artists to create colorful murals and street art in public
spaces, not only beautifying the area but also instilling a sense of pride and ownership among

Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborate with private sector organizations to sponsor cleanliness

initiatives, fund infrastructure projects, and provide expertise in waste management solutions.

School Integration: Incorporate lessons on cleanliness and environmental conservation into school
curriculums to instill good habits and values from a young age.

Street Sweeping Teams: Deploy dedicated street sweeping teams equipped with modern cleaning
equipment to regularly clean and maintain roadsides and public walkways.

Waste Management Workshops: Conduct workshops and training sessions for residents on proper
waste segregation, composting techniques, and sustainable waste management practices to
empower them to contribute to a cleaner environment.

Cleanliness Pledge Campaigns: Encourage citizens to take a pledge for cleanliness, either individually
or as part of a group, committing to responsible waste disposal and maintaining cleanliness in their

Neighborhood Cleanliness Committees: Establish neighborhood cleanliness committees comprising

residents and local leaders who work together to address cleanliness issues, coordinate clean-up
efforts, and liaise with municipal authorities.

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