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Drow Pursuit

Pursuit Level: Put a Drow on the appropriate level

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Drow lost until they Far away At a distance Getting Drow on party’s Scouts have caught
come into contact again close tail up; leader is near:

Decrease by 1 for:
1. Each day party travels fast pace
2. If a character spends time covering party’s trail DC 16 Wis (survival) check
3. Each time party crosses a feature that obscures their trail (like a river)
4. If the party splits into two or more groups (in this case, they roll for their own
encounters and getting lost as separate groups)

Increase by 1 for:
1. Each time party has a random encounter with 1+ creatures (unless encounter
bypassed, avoided completely, or hidden (Stealth DC 15, 1 try))
2. A failed stealth check to hide an encounter
3. Each day party travels at slow pace
4. Any time they cross a feature that slows them down

Other specifics from encounters can adjust this, as can specific player actions.

CHASE: Anyone in the front rank is in Area 1, the middle rank is in Area two, and the
back rank is in Area 3.

If the 4 scouts (drow warrior) gain surprise, they begin in Area 3. Otherwise, they are in
Area 5. In 6 rounds, if the Party has not escaped (all scouts out of the chase), the rest of
the drow begin in area 6.

If the party escapes, pursuit goes back to Level 4.

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