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White room: An educational establishment meant to create the future billionaires, leaders and
masterminds. It’s the same place where the mastermind Kiyitaka Ayanokoji grew up. Can we also train
ourselves like white room children? The answer is yes. In order to do this, we have to find out what
critical methods were used to create kids like Ayanokoji. How do they create and train the masterminds?



So, this article is divided into 5 small chapters. Each containing how to train yourself like white room.

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Pain threshold is an ultimate state which leads people to suffer greatly. You often heard about pain
threshold mentioned by celebrities like Elon Musk and Kolby Brian. So, how does pain threshold help
you? You should know the more pain, the stronger you become, i.e. Take a 21 year old guy who plays
video games all day and send him to a bunch of thugs. You can imagine what will happen if they took a
fight. On the other hand, take a guy who always does gym and suffer from intense pain almost every day
and put him in that same situation. Now, the game might flip.

So, how do you increase your pain tolerance? Try to get out from your comfort zone. Do things that
make you uncomfortable, go outside and talk to random people, try new things, hit the gym for one
more hour, do things that hurts. If you’re getting lazy, try to fight with it, make things harder for
yourself. The problem with humans is they try to find the easy way out, they give up easily, and they
can’t even sit in a place for more than an hour. Remember, if you want to be successful, you have to
suffer great pain. There’s no easy way out.

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