Spring 2024 - PSY512 - 1

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Semester Spring 2024

Gender Issues in Psychology (PSY512)


Qualitative Research Methods

Marks: 20 Due Date: 26th April 2024

Lesson No: 06

Assignment Objectives:
Upon the successful completion of this assignment; students will be able to:
• Gain proficiency in qualitative research methodologies for studying gender issues in
• Develop critical thinking skills and apply gender theory to design research inquiries
and data collection strategies effectively.
Dear Students;
This assignment designed to enhance your understanding of the qualitative research methods
in gender issues in psychology. In this task, you will engage with a series of scenarios, each
presenting a qualitative research method used in gender issues in psychology. Your objective
is to identify the appropriate research method that is most relevant to addressing the given
scenario. Additionally, you will provide a rationale for your choice, explaining how the
selected method is presenting the identified qualitative method.
Scenario Identified Rationale

Sana is conducting research on the

experiences of transgender individuals in
accessing mental health services. Recognizing
the sensitivity of this topic, she plans to use
qualitative research method as a primary data
collection tool. She will ensure the
willingness of participants and create a
supportive environment for them to share
their experiences openly. She would take into
account the time, place, and privacy of
Participants particularly when collecting data
from vulnerable populations within the
transgender community.

Ayesha, a researcher passionate about

exploring gender issues in psychology, is
intrigued by rare medical conditions that may
have gender-specific implications. She
decides to focus her research on conditions
such as brain damage due to accidents or
cases of children raised by animals, with a
particular interest in understanding how
gender may intersect with these unique
circumstances. She will selecting suitable
cases for this research, considering the rarity
of these conditions and their potential gender-
related aspects.

Asma plans to conduct qualitative research to

investigate gender differences in perceptions
of leadership roles among undergraduate
students. She would select participants for this
research, considering the importance of
diversity and representation within the
discussions. She would employ different
strategies to facilitate a constructive and
inclusive conversation among participants
from diverse gender backgrounds. She might
navigate potential power dynamics or biases
that could influence the research process
during the discussion of gender issues in

Amna is interested in exploring gender

dynamics within educational settings,
specifically focusing on the experiences of
female students in STEM fields. She decides
to conduct qualitative research by immersing
herself in a university environment. She
would approach becoming a participant
observer in this context, while maintaining
objectivity and avoiding emotional
involvement. She would use to ensure that her
presence does not influence the behavior or
beliefs of the students being studied.

Marking Scheme:



Marks will only be given if the student has given clear explanations of the motives that
he/she has mentioned. NO marks will be given if relevant and practical examples from
the counselor's daily life are not given.

Only in the case of Assignment, 24 hour extra/grace period after the due date is usually
available to overcome uploading difficulties that may be faced by the students on the last
date. This extra time should only be used to meet emergencies and the abovementioned
due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.
Important Instructions:

Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment


• Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date.
• No assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has been
uploaded by the instructor.

Formatting guidelines:

• Use the font style “Times New Roman”/ “Arial” and font size “12”.

• It is advised to compose your document in MS Word 2003.

• Use black and blue font colors only.

Solution guidelines:

• Every student will work individually.

• Answer according to the question.

• For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts but watch
the video lectures and use other reference books also.
Rules for Marking:

Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if:

• It has been submitted after the due date.

• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt.

• It is in any format other than doc (MS. Word).

• It is cheated or copied from other students, the internet, books, journals, etc.

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