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Course Code Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Last date of Submi BCSL-043 Java Programming Lab BCA(IV)/L-043/Assignment/2023-24 50 : 31° October, 2023 (For Jul es mn) 30" April, 2024 (For January Session) nment has two questions. Answer all the questions. These questions carry 40 marks. Rest 10 marks are for viva voce. You are advised to give proper comments and do proper alignments while writing program. Please go through the guidelines regarding the assignments given in the programme gi Qn @ (b) 2 @ (b) Je for the format of presentation. Write java program to find sum of two matrices. Define appropriate class, constructor and methods in your program. Make necessary assumptions. ao Write a java program which take age ( in years) of two persons as input and display who is older among them. Make provisions for exception handling in the situation when age entered is either a negative value or more than 150. (0) Write a program in java program which read the given text file and display its contents on console. Make suitable provisions of exceptions handling in your program (oy Create an applet which take a number between 1-50 as input and display its table Use appropriate components, layout and formatting in your program. ao B Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) Course Code: BCSL-043 Course Title: Java Programming Lab Assignment Number: BCA (IV)/ L-043/Assignment/2023-24 DistaimetSpecal Hote: These area the sample of he Answerit sme ofthe Question pen in ihe Asiguments. These Sample anurans are pepe by Prive Teacher Aatar fore epee gldance othe denn et de of Ite cam aner the Questions sven he Assignments We donc 10 cca of hse sample avers as hse re buted On Re Inowledge and capably of rate Teacher ator Semele anoners maybe ton the Cale forte reference fo prepare he ‘oovers of he question gen in theese. As es souion and ensers are prepared by he private each othe cancer ‘feror or mist canna be dene Any Omission or Eror is ih regret owph eer cae as heen hen whe preparing tee ‘Sample Answer Soluions, Please cons our own TeacherTaor efor sox pepe pariaarAnawer an for nde an es) information, dos an slo. Stadetshudd mus a and fer the oficial dh material provided by th aniverity. ‘This assignment has two questions. Answer all the questions. These questions carry 40 marks. Rest 10 marks are for viva voce. You are advised to give proper ‘comments and do proper alignments while writing program. Please go through the guidelines regarding the assignments given in the programme guide for the format of presentation, QL. (a) Write java program to-find sumof t trices. Define appropriate class, constructor-andmethods in your program. Make necessary assumptions. Ans: KUNI PUBLICATION ALL US:- 8006184581 private int rows; private int columns; J/ Constructor to initialize the matrix with given rows and columns public Matrix(int rows, int columns) { this.rows = rows; this.columns = columns; this.matrix = new int{rows][columns]; Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) // Method to set the elements of the matrix public void setMatrix(int{]{] data) { if (data.length == rows && data[0].length == columns) { this.matrix = data; J else { System.out.printin("Invalid matrix dimensions!"); result. matrixfi][j] = thi fill) + Other matrixfijo OO 481 return result; else { System.out.println("Matrix dimensions do not match!"); return null; // Method to display the matrix public void display() { for (int[] row : matrix) ( Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) System.out printIn(Arrays.toString(row)); public class MatrixAddition { public static void main(String[] args) { int{][] datal = { {1,2}, (3,4) }; int{][] data2 = { {5,6}, (7,8) }: +PUBLICATION System. out.printin("Matrix 12" ALL US:- 8006184581 ‘System.out printin("Matrix 2:"); matrix2.display(); Matrix sumMatrix = matrix! add(matrix2); if (sumMatrix != null) { System.out.printin(”Sum of matrices:"); sumMatrix.display(); Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) } Assumptions made in the program: » The matrices are assumed to be 2-dimensional arrays of integers. . The dimensions of the matrices are fixed and known at the time of object creation. The matrices provided for addition have the same dimensions. The display method is used to show the contents of the matrices. If the dimensions of the matrices do not match during addition, an error message is displayed, and the result is set to null. (b) Write a java program which take age (in years) of two persons as input and display who is older among them. Make provisions for exception handling in the situation when age entered is either a negative value or more than 150. Ans: Here’s a Java program that takes the age of two persons as input and displays who is older among them. ItalSo in¢ludes provisions for exception handling to deal with negative values of ages above 150. import java.util Scanner: public class AgeComparison { Public static void main(String{] args) { try { ‘Scanner seannét = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter age of person 1: "); int agePerson] = scanner.nextInt(); checkValidA ge(agePerson!); System.out.print("Enter age of person 2: "); int agePerson2 = scanner.nextInt(); checkValidA ge(agePerson2); if (agePersonl > agePerson2) { Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) System.out.printin("Person 1 is older.”"); } else if (agePerson1 < agePerson2) { System.out.println("Person 2 is older."); J else { System.out.printin("Both persons are of the same age. } catch (Exception e) ( System.out printIn("‘Invalid input. Age should be a positive value less than or ‘equal to 150."); } private static void checkValidAge(int age) throws Exception { if (age < O|jage > 150) { throw new Exception(); In this program, we use the Scanner class to take input from the user for the ages of the two persons. The check ValidAge method is used to validate if the age is within the valid range (between 0 and 150, inclusive). If the input is invalid, an Exception is thrown, and the program catches the exception to display an appropriate error message. Otherwise, it compares the ages of the two persons and prints the result accordingly. Q2. (a) Write a program in java program which read the given text file and display its contents on console. Make suitable provisions of exceptions handling in your program. Ans: Java program that reads the contents of a given text file and displays them on the console, The program handles exceptions using try-catch blocks to ensure proper error handling. Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph, 8006184581 (Call Us) import; import FileReader; import IOException; public class ReadTextFile { public static void main(String[] args) { // Provide the file path here String filePath = "path/to/your/textfile.txt"; try { (new FileReader(filePath)); UNLPUBLIGATION System. out.printin(line); ALL US:- 8006184581 1 Close the BufferedReader after reading reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { I/1f any exception occurs, display an error message System.out.printIn("Error reading the file: " + e.getMessage()); Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) Before running the program, make sure to replace “path/to/your/texttfile.txt" with the actual file path of the text file you want to read. The program uses a BufferedReader to read the file line by line, and it displays each line on the console. If an exception occurs while reading the file, it will catch the IOException and display an error message. Remember to compile and run this program in a Java environment to see the output on the console. (b) Create an applet which take a number between 1-50 as input and display table. Use appropriate components, layout and formatting in your program. Ans: Creating a complete applet requires a development environment and access to a web browser with support for Java applets. However, Java applets have been deprecated in most modern browsers due to security concerns. Therefore, I'll provide you with a Java Swing application code instead, Which youlean run on your local machine using a Java development environment like Eclipse, IntelliJ, or NetBeans. Below is a Java Swing application that takes a number between 1 and 50 as input and displays its table: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt. import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; public class NumberTableApp extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private JTextField inputField; private JTextArea resultArea; public NumberTableApp() { setTitle("Number Table App"); setSize(400, 300); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) ILabel label = new JLabel("Enter a number between | and 50:"); inputField = new JTextField(10); JButton showButton = new JButton("Show Table"); showButton.addActionListener(this); resultArea = new JTextArea(); resultArea setEditable(false); JPanel inputPanel = new JPanel(); inputPanel.add(label); inputPanel.add(inputFiel inputPanel add UNTPUBLICATION add(inputPanel, BorderLayo ALL US:- 8006184581 \dd(scrollPane, Bors @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e. getActionCommand().equals("Show Table")) { uy [ int number = Integer.parselnt(inputField.getText()); if (number >= 1 && number <= 50) { generateTable(number); J else { resultArea.setText("Please enter a valid number between | and 50."); Copyright with Kunj Publication only Not for resale Ph. 8006184581 (Call Us) } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { resultArea.setText("Please enter a valid number."); private void generateTable(int number) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder; for (int i= 1; i <= 10; i++) { int product = number * pape” x it PHBLICATION ALL US:- 8006184581 iblic static void main(Stri umberTableApp app = new NumberTableApp(); app.setVisible(true); Please note that running this code will require you to set up a Java development environment, and it will run as a standalone Java application rather than a web-based applet. You can copy the provided code into your favorite Java IDE, compile, and run the application. When you input a number between I and 50 and click the "Show Table” button, it will display the multiplication table for that number in the JTextArea.

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