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Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion can develop after several
days of exposure to high temperatures and
inadequate or unbalanced replacement of
fluids. It is the body’s response to an
excessive loss of the water and salt
contained in sweat. Those most prone to
heat exhaustion are elderly people, people
with high blood pressure or heart
problems, and people working or exercising Signs of Heat Stroke Include:
in a hot environment. With heat Y An extremely high body temperature
exhaustion, the skin may be cool and moist. (103o F or higher)
The pulse rate will be fast and weak, and * Red, hot, dry skin (no sweating) that may
breathing will be fast and shallow. Other also be mottled or bluish
Many workers spend some part of their symptoms may include: * Rapid, strong pulse Y Headache
working day in a hot environment. Workers √- Heavy sweating √- Paleness * Dizziness Y Nausea
in laundries, bakeries, and foundries, and √-Muscle cramps √- Tiredness * Mental confusion Y Delirium
those involved in road work or √- Weakness √- Dizziness * Loss of consciousness Y Convulsions
construction projects, to name just a few √- Headache √- Fainting *Coma
industries, often face hot conditions which √-Nausea or vomiting If you see any of these signs, you may be
pose special hazards to their safety and Treatment of heat exhaustion is usually dealing with a life-threatening medical
health. simple; the person should rest in a cool emergency. Have someone call while you
Three Forms of Heat Stress place and drink an electrolyte solution or begin cooling off the person:
The different forms of heat-related illness sports beverage to quickly restore * Get him or her to a shady area.
are points along a continuum of severity. If potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts *Cool the person rapidly using whatever
an individual shows signs of one form of lost in sweating. Seek medical attention methods you have. For example, immerse
heat stress, it implies he or she will develop immediately if symptoms worsen or if they him or her in a tub of cool water; place in a
a more severe form if no intervention or last longer than one hour. Also seek cool shower; spray with cool water from a
relief occurs. medical attention if garden hose; sponge with cool water; or, if
1. Heat Cramps (1) symptoms are severe (i.e., vomiting or the humidity is low, wrap in a cool, wet
Heat cramps are muscle pains or spasms, loss of consciousness) or (2) the victim has sheet and fan vigorously.
usually in the abdomen, arms, or legs that heart problems or high blood pressure. Monitor the body temperature, and
may occur in association with strenuous Severe cases may require longer treatment continue cooling efforts until the body
activity. If you have heart problems or are under medical supervision. If heat temperature drops to 101-102o F.
on a low-sodium diet, get medical exhaustion is left untreated, it may √--If emergency medical personnel are
attention for heat cramps. If medical progress to heat stroke. delayed, call the hospital emergency room
attention is not necessary, take these steps 3. Heat Stroke for further instructions.
Stop all activity, and sit quietly in a cool Heat stroke is the most serious form of √--Do not give the person fluids to drink.
place. heat-related illness. Sweating stops √--Get medical assistance as soon as
Drink clear juice or a sports beverage. altogether and the body can no longer rid possible.
Does not return to strenuous activity for a itself of excess heat. Victims of heat stroke
few hours after the cramps subside will die unless they are treated promptly.
because further exertion may lead to heat
exhaustion or heat stroke? This Safety Tip Sheet was created by IWIF’s Loss Control, SERMA, and Communications departments from
Seek medical attention for heat cramps if information published by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (, the
they do not subside in one hour. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (, and the Maryland
Occupational Safety and Health Training and Education division (
This Safety Tip Sheet is advisory only. It may not address all hazards or conditions in need of correction in
your workplace. Empower assumes no liability for identification of conditions or hazards. Safety and
health remain your responsibility.
Khalid Tahir ~ 0580008967
MARCO HSE Department

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