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Tip 1: memorize the organelles within the cells and then it’s placements. BEFORE ANYTHING.

CELLS are either multicellular (like: humans, animals and plants) and, unicellular (like bacteria).

Take note: a virus is not made up of cell, therefore it is not living. It is dependent on its host for its
reproduction and survival. They can only replicate inside a living host and make use of its machineries.

Inside the cells we have special structures we call, organelles. These organelles carry out specific and
collaborative function. For example, MITOCHONDRIA-which is involved in ATP synthesis. When we say
SYNTHESIS there is a production of a substance or compound. Remember- synthesis= production.

Q1. What is the basic unit of all living organisms? CELL

Q2. Is the cell membrane considered an organelle? NO, because organelles are membrane bound
structures within a cell that have specific functions, and they are typically enclosed by their own

NOTE: cell membrane can also be called a plasma membrane, therefore they are the same.

Q3. Is the cytoplasm considered an organelle? NO< cytoplasm is a semi fluid content of a cell that is
both external and exterior to the nuclear membrane.

Q4. What is a nuclear membrane? It is a double membrane that encloses the cell nucleus.
M.G.D.C. reviewer

Functions of the cells.

1. Cell metabolism and energy use

2. Synthesis of molecules
3. Communication
4. Reproduction and Inheritance

QUIZ 1 ( answer within 10 minutes) passing 8/10

1. Outermost component of a cell.

2. This is function wherein, specialized cells (oocytes and Sperm cells) transmit genetic information
to the next generation.
3. The living material surrounding the nucleus.
4. The cytoplasm is enclosed by the?
5. Cells produce and receive chemical and electrical signals that allows them to communicate with
one another.
6. Substances that are outside the cell are called?
7. Substances inside the cell is called?
8. This gives added strength to the phospholipid membrane and stability by limiting how much the
phospholipid can move.
9. Propels sperm cells. It is a long microscopic hair like structure within the cell involved in
10. Facilitates movements of chromosomes during cell division.

TIP 2: focus on the phospholipid bilayer and make sure you understand the structures within it.

Cell membrane- determine what enters and leaves the cell.

Merong mga substances na nahahanap in GREATER CONCENTRATIONS in the EXTRACELLULAR FLUID

and these are-

1. Sodium (Na+)
2. Cl- (chlorine)
3. Calcium ions (Ca2+)

QUIZ 1 answers (10 minutes)

1. Cell membrane or plasma membrane
2. Reproduction and inheritance
3. Cytoplasm
4. Cell membrane or plasma membrane
5. Communication (this is a function of a cell)
6. Extracellular substances.
7. Intracellular or cytoplasmic substances.
8. Cholesterol
9. Flagella
M.G.D.C. reviewer

10. centrioles

What are the types of transports?

1. Diffusion
2. Active transport
3. Osmosis
4. Facilitated diffusion
5. Bulk transport ( endocytosis and exocytosis)
6. Secondary active transport
7. Sodium potassium pump

What is a concentration gradient?

It is the DIFFERENCE in the concentration of a solute in a solvent between two points divided by the
distance between two points.

Note; when we say the solute MOVES UP OR AGAINST a concentration gradient_ that will mean that the
SOLUTE (Yung mga natutunaw) is moving from an are of LOWER SOLUTE CONCENTRATION _____ to an
area of ______HIGHER SOLUTE CONCENTRATION. LOW TO HIGH. Therefore, this type of movement or
transport is need ang ENERGY and this will “not”occur by diffusion.

Why? Because SIMPLY diffusion does not use or utilize energy.

Diffusion_ is the movement of SOLUTE from an area of HIGHER concentration to an are of LOWER

Osmosis_ is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane from a region of higher
water concentration to an area of lower water concentration. Osmosis occurs when the cell membrane
is less permeable. OSMOSIS IS SPECIFICALLY FOR THE MOVEMENT OF WATER. This does not require
energy kasi from higher to lower cont. ang movement ng mga substances.

Okay, so what is the key word for osmosis? WATER movement.


1. The ability of a substance to allow another substance to pass through it,

What happens when the membrane is not permeable?

1. the foreign particles will enter the cells and they can harm the balance between the cell
content and the outside environment. Such molecules can be toxins which can either kill
the cell or harm it.
M.G.D.C. reviewer


1. Higher concentrations of cholesterol, because as it fills in the gaps between the phospholipid
tails it decreases its permeability even for small molecules that can normally pass through the
membrane easily.

Now, one may ask what is the difference between diffusion and osmosis?

1. Osmosis is specifically for the movement of water; wherein molecules move across a semi-
permeable membrane.
2. While diffusion, refers to the movement of MOLECULES.

What type of molecules are being moved in simple diffusion?

1. small noncharged molecules or lipid soluble molecules pass between the phospholipids
to enter or leave the cell, moving from areas of high concentration to areas of low
concentration (they move down their concentration gradient).

Take note: dre po diffusion it osmosis, they are two different things. It is just that they’re at the same
process principle for the movement of subtances, which is from high to low conct.

Quiz 2.

1. A liquid or gas
2. A solution is composed of two major parts, ____ AND ______
3. This passes through the cell membrane easily by dissolving in the lipid portion of the membrane.

Quiz 2 answers

1. Solvent
2. Solute and solvent
3. Lipid soluble molecules
M.G.D.C. reviewer


1. Mitochondria- for ATP synthesis

2. Rough endoplasmic reticulum AND Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

What is the difference between the two?

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