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Genre-Based Approach

What is GBA?

It is a pedagogical framework used in language teaching and learning

that focuses on teaching language through the study and production of
genres, or text types, that are commonly used in particular contexts.

The approach draws from systemic functional linguistics and genre

theory to help students develop proficiency in language use for specific
purposes and contexts.
Key concepts of
• It refers to different types of texts that are
recognizable and conventionalized within specific
contexts, such as academic essays, business
reports, emails, newspaper articles, and so on.
• It has characteristic structures, language features,
and communicative purposes that are shaped by
the social and cultural contexts in which they are
• It emphasizes the importance of teaching
language within its functional and situational
Functional • It means that language is taught and learned
and in relation to the purposes for which it is
situational used and the contexts in which it is situated.
• Students are exposed to authentic examples
contexts of genres in use and learn how language
choices are influenced by social, cultural,
and communicative factors.
• It focuses on teaching language features
and structures within the context of
specific genres.
Language • It involves analyzing and identifying the
linguistic patterns, vocabulary, grammar,
features and and discourse features that are
characteristic of different genres.
structures • Students learn how to recognize and use
these language features appropriately in
their own writing and communication.
It involves analyzing and
deconstructing authentic texts to
identify their generic structure,
Genre language features, and
communicative purposes.
analysis and
modelling Teachers model the process of genre
analysis for students and provide
explicit instruction on how to identify
and understand the elements of
different genres.
Using GBA, writing instruction is
organized around the study and
Genre-based production of genres.
instructions Students learn to write different genres
by studying exemplar texts, analyzing
their structure and language features,
and practicing writing tasks that
replicate the conventions of the genre
Integrated skills development

Students engage in activities

It integrates the teaching of that involve reading and
reading, writing, speaking, analyzing authentic texts,
and listening skills within the writing their own texts in
context of genre-based response, and engaging in oral
activities and tasks. communication tasks related
to the genre.
Authentic assessment

Assessment in the GBA is Assessment tasks may

often based on authentic include writing assignments,
performance tasks that oral presentations, group
require students to projects, and portfolio
demonstrate their ability to assessments that evaluate
use language in real-world students' genre knowledge
contexts and genres. and language proficiency.

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