Sach's Sentence Completion

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Sach’s Sentence Completion Form English Format (Page 1 of 2) Name: NILO M. TABERARA JR Date: 10/25/2028 The following are 60 partly completed sentences. Read each one and finish it by writing the first thing that comes to your mind. Work as quickly as you can. If you cannot complete an item, circle the number and return to it later. There are no right or wrong answers in this test; it will depend on your own feelings and opinions. Ifeel that my mother seldom Toopenupherproblem When the odds are against me, _!eioyitfor awhile, then once het a opportunity rab it to escape frm whet | | always wanted to _vl together with my fami If were in charge _!il change what the word right To me the future looks _like more on advanced technology was those who wark hard to achieve what they have now, The men over me . | know it is silly but I'm afraid of _Rats Heel that areal friend (aways hereforyouwhenyouneedahey @PrnNaneEena 9. When | was a child _my dream was tobe a Policemen 10. My idea of a perfect man/woman _is no matter what situation do you have she's stillonyour side. 11, When | see aman and a woman together __!hePe they'e happy with each other 12. Compared to most families, mine _W3s:til together no matter what happen 13. At work, | get along best with Y senior tat may share some tips and advice. 14. My mother Jsthegreat woman, 15. | would do anything to forget the time | _ embarrassed mysett 16. _ if my father would only _alve Lwil cherished every moment with him. 17. I believe that | have the ability _t0 share good vibes. 18. I couldbe perfectly happy if__lemamilionaire, 19, If people work for me _| will pay them for what they oid : 20. | look forward to _be a better me in future. 21. in-school, my teacher's Fed their knowledge 22. Most of my friends don’t know that | am afraid of _Heights. 23. I don'tlike people who are takingaboutgossips 24, Before the war, _!willprepare mysett . 25. Ithink most boysigirls _reenjoyingtheryouth, 26. My feeling about married life is _sbig espa 27. My family treats me like ®b0Ss when was a child 28. 29. 30, 3 32. 33. 35, 37, 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49, 51. 52. 53, 55. 57. 59. 60, English Format (Page 2 of) Those | worked with are_gosloiened My mother and | _ ore closed together My greatest mistake was _ Hen used the money that was not for me. | wish my father was stil withus rightmom My greatest weakness is "family, My secret ambition in life _195t0 be a music producer The people who work forme “we emeseppresisted Someday, |_Willteach af my areems When | see the boss coming __!9reet them Iwish |couldlose the fearof__beingreiected, The people Ilike best _arethose whore tue theircompanionwithme. If were young again !canchange what myfutureis, Ibelieve most women "optimistic, Wihad sex relations, Iwilbefeifu, Most families know 2b | like working with people wha __ 22re those who cooperative | think that most mothers _ 2" extraordinary wornan. When | was younger, | felt guilty about __being bull to my classmate feel that my father is _S2tficeeverythingforus When luck turns against me _vilshareitto everyone who's aoundme in giving orders to others, ean themin aight. What | want most in life — ‘wil continue being a goad citizen. fo be with mi love one. When | am older People whom | consider superiors those who arehave authority incompany, My fears sometimes force me to __'0 eat exotic food. When | am not around, my friends S539 orcallmeto update whatthelrsttuation, My most vivid childhood memory _was playing board games with my grandma. What | like least about women _when they canhandle their problem bythereawn, My sex relations _ was intimacy When | was a child, my family £?i0ved living together. People who work with me usually ste thosereiable somesometimes she's so nagged [like my mother but oe eee eine eee The worst thing lever did _wasbeingweak

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