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1. Campaign Theme/ Tag line and Hashtag:

• Choose a catchy and memorable campaign theme or tag line, such as
"Spread the Word, Not the Virus."
• Create a unique hashtag to accompany all campaign posts and encourage
audience engagement.
2. Social Media Platforms:
• Identify the social media platforms that are most popular and relevant to
the target audience (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok).
• Customize campaign content and messaging for each platform to
maximize effectiveness.
3. Content Creation:
• Develop a variety of content types, including:
• Infographics: Visual representations of key information about
communicable diseases, transmission routes, and preventive
• Short Videos: Engaging videos demonstrating proper handwashing
techniques, mask-wearing, and social distancing.
• Memes and GIFs: Humorous and relatable content to grab attention
and convey important messages.
• Testimonials: Personal stories from individuals affected by
communicable diseases or frontline healthcare workers.
• Ensure that all content is accurate, evidence-based, and culturally
4. Engagement Strategies:
• Encourage audience participation and interaction through polls, quizzes,
and challenges related to communicable disease prevention.
• Respond promptly to comments and messages, providing additional
information and resources as needed.
• Collaborate with influencers, local organizations, and healthcare
professionals to amplify the campaign's reach and credibility.
5. Call to Action:
• Include a clear call to action in each post, encouraging followers to take
specific preventive actions, such as getting vaccinated, practicing good
hand hygiene, and wearing masks in public.
• Provide links to reliable sources of information, such as the World Health
Organization (WHO) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), for further reading and guidance



1. Facebook/Instagram Post:
• Image: Colorful infographic illustrating the importance of vaccination in
preventing the spread of diseases.
• Caption: "Protect yourself and your community! Get vaccinated against
communicable diseases #SpreadTheWordNotTheVirus #VaccinesWork"
2. Twitter Post:
• Text: "Did you know? Proper handwashing can reduce the risk of illness by
up to 50%! 🧼👐 Don't forget to wash your hands regularly with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds. #HandHygiene #StaySafe"
3. TikTok Video:
• Video: Short clip featuring a catchy dance routine demonstrating the
proper way to wear a mask and maintain social distance.
• Caption: "Stay safe, stay stylish! Show off your mask-wearing moves and
help stop the spread of germs. 💃🕺 #MaskUp #SocialDistance"

Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (3 points) Fair (1 point) Poor (0 points)

The campaign theme is The campaign theme
compelling, relevant, The campaign theme is is somewhat relevant
and effectively clear and relevant to to the objective of the The campaign theme
communicates the the objective of the campaign but may be is unclear, irrelevant,
objective of the campaign. It effectively vague or lacking or poorly
campaign. It is creative communicates the clarity. It does not communicated. It
Campaign and memorable, main message but may effectively capture the fails to convey the
Theme and capturing the attention lack creativity or attention of the objective of the
Objective of the audience. originality. audience. campaign.
Content is mostly
Content is accurate, accurate and
evidence-based, and informative, but may Content contains
informative. It effectively contain minor significant Content is inaccurate,
communicates key inaccuracies or lack inaccuracies or lacks misleading, or
messages about depth. It effectively relevance to the irrelevant. It fails to
communicable diseases communicates key campaign objective. It communicate key
and preventive messages but may not may be difficult to messages effectively
measures. It is engaging be as engaging or understand or and may confuse or
Content and appeals to the appealing to the target uninteresting to the misinform the target
Quality target audience. audience. target audience. audience.
The campaign
demonstrates creativity
and innovation in its The campaign shows The campaign lacks
approach to content some creativity and creativity and The campaign is
creation and innovation in its innovation in its unoriginal and lacks
dissemination. It uses approach, but may rely approach. It may use creativity. It fails to
unique and engaging on conventional generic or uninspired capture the
Creativity strategies to capture the methods or lack content that fails to audience's attention
and audience's attention and originality in content stand out or engage or inspire
Innovation promote participation. creation. the audience. participation.
The campaign effectively
engages the target The campaign engages
audience through the target audience to The campaign The campaign fails to
interactive features, some extent, but may struggles to engage engage the target
user-generated content, lack consistency or the target audience. It audience. It lacks
and opportunities for depth in fostering may have limited interactive features
participation. It interaction. It provides interactive features or and does not
encourages dialogue limited opportunities fail to encourage encourage
Audience and fosters a sense of for participation and meaningful participation or
Engagement community involvement. dialogue. participation. dialogue.
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (3 points) Fair (1 point) Poor (0 points)
The campaign has a
significant impact on The campaign has a The campaign has a
raising awareness and moderate impact on limited impact on
promoting behavior raising awareness and raising awareness and The campaign has no
change related to promoting behavior promoting behavior impact on raising
communicable diseases. change. It reaches a change. It reaches a awareness or
It reaches a wide moderate audience small audience and promoting behavior
audience and generates and may generate fails to generate change. It fails to
measurable outcomes in some measurable measurable outcomes reach the target
terms of increased outcomes, but lacks in terms of increased audience or generate
Impact and knowledge, attitudes, or consistency or depth in knowledge, attitudes, any measurable
Effectiveness actions. its effectiveness. or actions. outcomes.

Total Points: 30

Scoring Guide:

• Excellent (26-30 points)

• Good (16-25 points)
• Fair (6-15 points)
• Poor (0-5 points)

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